9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 03/07/23: Season 4 Episode 7 “Tommy Dearest”

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 7, 2023, season 4 episode 7, “Tommy Dearest” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below. In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 4 episode 7 as per the FOX synopsis, “Capt. Strand and the 126 help a husband whose wife “dies” when she is not upside down. Grace takes a call from a pizza delivery driver who is in for the shock of his life.

Tommy is worried Trevor’s young daughter is a bad seed as she attempts to break them up. Paul is hesitant to go on a date with Asha, who knows him prior to his transition.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1 episode, an unusual case came to the 126 firehouse. Hannah and her husband went to the firehouse with her strapped to a mechanism to keep her upside down. They said that’s the only way to keep her alive. She would die every time she stands up. The 126 decided to test that theory.

They laid her down. She died again and so they flipped her upside down. It was revealed later on that Hannah has a pacemaker. She must have dislodged it when she was having sex with her husband. She needed surgery to fix it and they strapped her to the ambulance upside down to get her to the hospital alive.

They got Hannah there in one piece. But Tommy’s night was far from over. Tommy had dinner with Pastor Trev and their daughters. They’ve been dating for a while. They thought it had a future and they figured it was time to tell their daughters about their relationship. They thought the kids would be happy for them.

Tommy’s twin daughters were just that. They told Trevor not to break their mom’s heart and Trevor promised he never would. And so Tommy’s kids were happy with that reassurance.

It was Trevor’s daughter that had a problem. She waited until she was alone with Tommy to basically threaten Tommy. She said Tommy has twenty-four hours to end the relationship or she will.

Melody was dead serious about this. She was not joking around in the slightest and Tommy soon saw that for herself. Tommy at first tried to walk away from the relationship with Trevor. Only she discussed the situation with her friends. Judd called Melody a “bad seed”. He thought it was okay that Tommy walked away and it was Grace that advocated for the relationship.

Grace told Tommy to be honest with Trevor. She said Trevor would deal with his daughter once Tommy told him what happened and so Tommy tried to be like Grace. She tried to stay on the positive side.

It was only much later on that she saw what Melody was truly capable of because Judd hadn’t been wrong in calling her a bad seed. Yet, before that all happened, Grace gave someone else advice that didn’t go to plan. Grace took a call from a pizza deliveryman. The guy said a woman ordered a pizza and, when she didn’t come to the door when he rang the bell, he looked through the window.

Lance saw the woman having a seizure. She was down on the ground. She was having fits. Lance saw all of that from the window and that’s when he called 911.

Grace told him that the woman inside was a known diabetic. She told him to break down the door and get inside to administer first aide to the woman. She said he wouldn’t get in trouble because she told him to do it. Grace thought she was helping. Lance even thought he was helping. Lance got inside. He found an insulin needle that he administered to Valerie and he saved her life.

Valerie later woke up. She found a strange man in her house and she used a stun gun on him. She kept shocking him while she called 911. The 911 call center connected Valerie to Grace. Grace told Valerie that Lance had just saved her life and now she needed to save his. Grace told Valerie to perform CPR on him. The ambulance was almost there and so Valerie kept his heart beating until they arrived. Valerie was a bit of a shut-in, but she went outside to say to follow Lance into the ambulance and the two of them ended up making a date.

Grace got really lucky with her advice. It could have ended in Lance’s death and so you would think she would stop there, but she later agreed to watch Melody so that Trevor and Tommy could go on a date. They barely made it through appetizers when Trevor got a call saying he has to return home. Melody had suddenly come down with a stomach bug.

She was playing all scared little girl in front of her father and being a complete jerk to Tommy. She told Tommy to again end the relationship. Except Tommy had had enough of her drama. Tommy said that Melody had serious stomach bug and the best way to treat it was through her own mixture.

The mixture had milk, pickle juice, and also hot sauce. It was revolting. Melody drank it all rather than admit she was faking being sick and so she got payback for that. Melody recorded Tommy admitting she had a relationship with her brother-in-law. She threatened to go play that tape in front of her dad if Tommy didn’t breakup with Trevor.

Tommy was finally having enough of this little girl and so she ended things with Trevor. She stopped by their house. She told Trevor all about how she slept with her brother-in-law and that even thought that relationship was over she still couldn’t be with Trevor.

Tommy didn’t like the person she was becoming to compete with Melody. Only Melody came in. Melody said she was sick. She admitted that she wasn’t faking this time and she was still feeling pain even after Tommy admitted she had broken up with Trevor. It turns out Melody’s period had come early. Tommy was able to walk her through the steps of taking care of it. And after Tommy had helped her, Melody apologized to Tommy for treating her so badly.

Tommy was the first woman her dad has dated since her mom. She didn’t want another woman to replace her mom and so that’s why she did all that. But Melody now sees Tommy is a good person. Tommy also realized that Melody was just a scared child and that she needed to give her time to heal. Both ladies spoke to Trevor together. They confessed to everything they did and Trevor wanted to make another go of it. And so they had a group family date with even Melody enjoying herself.

And Owen helped Paul realized that it was okay to take pleasures in a new relationship or with an old hobby. He gave up playing basketball when he transitioned, but a certain HR girl reminded him of his past and it wasn’t all bad.


Kristine Francis:
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