9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 05/09/23: Season 4 Episode 16 “A House Divided”

9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 05/09/23: Season 4 Episode 16 "A House Divided"9-1-1: Lone Star Recap 05/09/23: Season 4 Episode 16 "A House Divided"

Tonight on FOX their #1 drama 9-1-1 Lone Star airs with an all-new Monday, May 9, 2023, season 4 episode 16, “A House Divided” and we have your 9-1-1 Lone Star recap below. In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star season 4 episode 16 as per the FOX synopsis, “When Tommy and Judd disagree on protocol during a rescue at paper mill, a full-on feud develops between the 126 EMS and Fire. Owen awaits news that could change his and T.K.’s lives forever.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our 9-1-1 Lone Star recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 9-1-1 Lone Star we learn Huntington’s disease is not like cancer. There is no treatment for it. It was a horrible disease and it often ends with death if something else didn’t come up first. Robert knows what he’s facing. He just hasn’t told the rest of his family that he has it.

He kept making excuses not to say anything because he didn’t want to blow up their world and he didn’t want to tarnish their happy memories. He only told Owen because his brother needed to get tested to see if he’ll have it one day. Owen was up there age. He might get it around the same time that his brother as well as their father did. Not that Owen was looking at with such little hope as Robert did.

Owen was remaining optimistic. He got tested to see if he carries the gene. And while he waiting on the results, he told his son about it. TK didn’t it all that well. He freaked out. He thought he had to postpone his wedding because there might be a death sentence over his head only Owen tried to talk him out of that idea. He knew that his son loves Carlos. Carlos loves TK. Carlos will stand by TK if he does inherit the gene for the disease. There was also a chance he doesn’t have it. He won’t have it if Owen doesn’t have it.

Owen wanted to wait for the results. He also had to drive his brother back to California because they knew it was too dangerous for him to get behind the wheel again. TK was upset when he heard that he might carry the gene. He lashed out at his dead grandfather. He also told Owen that he could have waited to find out the results before telling him and Owen wasn’t that dad. He learned his lesson by hiding his cancer. He knew now he had to be honest with TK. Owen was taking time off to drive his brother. He had named Judd as interim captain.

Judd was his second in command. He was also the most senior firefighter. He was the natural choice to be interim captain and he had the support of everyone in that position. Only that support shifted after a call. They were attending a fire at a warehouse. There was someone trapped inside and so Tommy went in to go treat that person. Judd knew she was going in. He said backup was coming to assist her, but the fire got out of hand. Judd had to give the order to retreat. And this was in spite of people still being inside.

He told Tommy that she had to retreat. She ignored him and so he went in after her. He found her with a man that had gotten his arm trapped in a machine. They needed to cut off the appendage in order to save that man’s life. Judd cut it off. They rushed out with him to an ambulance. The man later died at the hospital and Tommy was taking it hard. She never likes it when they lose someone. Judd on the other hand was wondering why she didn’t follow orders. He was incident commander on the scene.

He ordered an evacuation. Tommy ignored his order. It didn’t matter that they technically held the same rank at the time. It was up to Judd to call it and that’s what he did. He then has to fill out paperwork to describe that Tommy ignored a direct order. He tried talking to her about it and he also mentioned that she hadn’t thought about her daughters if something were to happen to her. And then he mentioned her dead husband. She thought that was a step too far. She stormed off. The next thing she knew was that HR had come down to talk to her.

Judd filed paperwork detailing that Tommy ignored the incident commander’s orders. He had to do it after there was an incident on the scene. HR sent Paul’s friend to question Tommy. Asha asked Tommy about what happened. Tommy tried to play stubborn by saying the patient needed her. She owned up to ignoring orders. She was in trouble for what she did and so she blamed that on Judd. Tommy and Judd started fighting. They tried to cancel their double date with each other and their loved ones stopped them from doing so.

Trevor and Grace talked them into going only for all four to get into an argument at dinner. Trevor tried to side with Tommy. Grace sided with her husband. They ended up getting asked to leave the restaurant before they had dinner. The fight also spilled over into their house. Their teams were taking sides. Tommy’s team thought Judd went too far for contacting the “gestapo”. Judd’s team thought Tommy was putting several lives at risk for ignoring a blatant order. The in-fighting had gotten so bad that Tommy genuinely considered trading shifts until Owen got back because she didn’t think the two sides could work together.

Then Wyatt got hurt. Wyatt did great at the Fire Academy. There were a couple of captains that wanted him for their house and so Wyatt’s life was looking up when he got into an accident. Tommy was the paramedic team that treated him. She also stayed with him as he was being treated by the doctors. She knew that Wyatt broke several vertebrae. He needed surgery and he has the best spinal surgeon in Austin working on him. Tommy was able to calm Judd down when he showed up at the hospital.

Tommy was there to support him. It reminded them that they have known each other for a long time and there’s a reason they’re best friends.

And Owen heard back from the doctor. He doesn’t have the gene. He and TK were in the clear. Only Robert asked him to help him die after TK’s wedding and he didn’t know how to reply.


Kristine Francis:
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