90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Premiere Recap 06/04/23: Season 6 Episode 1 “Moonstruck”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Premiere Recap 06/04/23: Season 6 Episode 1 "Moonstruck"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, June 4, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 1 called, “Moonstruck,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Amanda has found love again after a tragic loss. Gino and Jasmine have big issues to fix before her visa is approved.

Riley suspects his girlfriend is lying. Tyray gets shocking information about his online lover. David has no doubt Sheila is the one.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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Tonight’s 90 Day Fiance episode begins with Amanda, she is 31 from Eunice, Louisiana. She has two children, she puts them to bed and first they kiss their daddy’s urn. They are currently in Ohio visiting her sister. Earlier in the year, she lost her husband to his battle with cancer. They were married eight years. They were best friends and she never expected a future without him. When he was diagnosed, they gave him three months with chemotherapy.

Three days later he was so weak, he went into the hospital, ten days after the diagnosis she could see the life leave his eyes. She waited three days to tell her kids, she told them he was in heaven. Having her kids helped her, she has to take care of them and be there for them. When Jason was sick, he told her that he wanted her to find love again and move on. She didn’t expect to, she kept occupied and busy, watched a lot of videos on social media.

One night her friend was doing a live TikTok challenge. She met a guy through that and before she knew it, they were talking every day. Razvan is 26 years old, he lives in Bucharest, Romania, and is a model. She told him early on that she was a widow, he got her through some tough times. They have been together for four months. She feels some guilt being with razvan so soon after her husband’s death, but she knows he can’t replace Jason. In a few days she is travelling to Romania to see Razvan.

Gino is 53 from Canton, Michigan, he is at a salon to pick up something for his fiancé, but he knows nothing about hair extensions. He finds out that a box cost $320 and is shocked. He is not one to buy materialistic things, but his fiancé, she is a different story. Jasmine pushes him to his limits sometimes, but there is nothing that he would not do for her. Her dynamite personality, is what got him hooked and he booked a trip to Panama.

They had super moments together but they also had rough times. One of his exes messaged her, said that he sent her naked pictures of er. It pushed Jasmine to the edge, but they still have a strong bond, it would take a lot to break it. He ended up proposing to Jarmine, but he to leave and go back home. He filed a K1 Visa to bring Jasmine to the United States. It has been twelve months, but it takes a long time to process. He has a trip planned to Panama in a few days and he thinks they both need it. There is a lot riding on this trip, they argue a lot about finances and their sexual issues.

Jasmine is 35 years old from Panama City, Panama and she is a perfectionist and wants to be perfect, and her vagina hasn’t been the same since she had kids. She is at her doctor’s office and she tells him that she wants to be a virgin again. The doctor says it is not a request that he gets often but it can be done. She tells him that her fiancé is not wanting to have sex with her, so she is hoping if she is tighter it will improve their sex life. She keeps talking about her sex life with the doctor and he says he has heard enough. This trip to Panama is their last chance, they need to reignite their spark.

Riley is 48 from Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, he has been trying to rebuild his jazz collection since his house fire years ago. He wasn’t very popular growing up, jazz was his outlet and made him feel less alone. When he plays jazz music he lights a cigar, that’s the life for him. He works in public safety, before that the military. He tries to be trusting and let people in, but he has gotten hurt before. He was cheat on before, and he met another woman who he thought was the one, and she vanished. He was in a dark place for a long time and very lonely. He downloaded a Vietnamese dating app, and that is how he met Violet, she is 43 years old.

They have been in a long distance relationship for two years. He has never met her in prison, but in a few days he is going there to meet her and he can’t wait. After everything that he has been threw, he thinks this can be a new beginning. He won’t say “I love you” to her because every time he says that the woman leaves him. He thinks there is something about Violet that she is not being forthcoming with and he hopes he is wrong. Regardless, he still wants to go through with this, he thinks she is worth the risk.

Amanda is with her sister Amber, she is going to get a spray tan, she doesn’t want to get off the plane looking like a ghost. Her sister doesn’t think she is dealing with her grief properly and is just using Razvan to cover it up. Amber tells her that she thinks it is going to fast and she is not sure if she is ready for it. Razvan and Amanda have broken up a few times because of his social media content. One time, he didn’t think she was on his live stream and it was really hot with another woman, so she broke up with him. Amber says she will be at a loss for words if her sister comes back engaged, this is too fast, she needs a little time to find herself.

Tyray is 33 from Modesto, California and he loves to play the ukulele. He gets along with everyone, he loves meeting new people. He has been big since he was eight years old, chocolate is his best friend. Insecurities about his weight have prevented him from having a relationship and he is embarrassed to say that he is still a virgin. HIs mother moved in with him a year ago, she had a brain tumour, it was operated on but then she had a stroke.

He helps her to do her exercises. He quit his job to take care of his mom. HIs father was murdered when he was four years old. They were homeless a few times, he feels like he owes his mother. HIs girlfriend is Carmella, she is 27 years old from Barbados, he met her on an online dating site, they have been talking for four years. Carmella doesn’t work, but she plans on doing hair and going to school. They only communicate on snapchat, they have never video chat. He plans on seeing her soon, but he has to fit it in the budget. He hopes to marry Carmella. He has kept Carmella a secret, he doesn’t want to be judged. All his sister have kids, his brothers are in relationships. Before he goes to Barbados, he will tell his family about Carmella.

Gino is getting ready to see Jasmine in a couple of days and its tough, he has a new job. He Facetime’s Jasmine and they get into a spat because of the delay in her K1 Visa, she is feud and she thinks he made a mistake with the application that he filled out himself. She tells him about an apartment that she wants him to pay for so she can be happy, and since he says he expects the application to be approved in 30 days, she will only need it for a month, so it won’t be for that long and she wants to be comfortable.

David is 42 from Omaha, Nebaraska and he was born fully deaf. He likes playing pinball, he can’t hear it but he can feel when he plays. He finds that he is still a kid at heart. He lives a simple life, stocking grocery store shelves and cleaning at the casino. His favorite thing to do is go for a walk on his day off. He grew up in a family where he was the only deaf person and it was hard. He wants to start a family and have a wife. Six years go he felt in love with a deaf woman, but they broke up because she cheated on him. He has girlfriend, her name is Sheila, she is 31 and from Cebu, Philippines.

He met her on Facebook, in a group for deaf people. She was born hearing, but at six she had problems with her ears, she has hearing aids and is learning ASL. She has a son who is 12 years old. He thinks she is perfect for him and will always love her. In a few days, he is going to see her. There is a bar that he goes to frequently, he is friends with the bartender and tells him that he is going to see Sheila. If it goes well, he will propose.

His friends and family are worried and don’t want him to send her money. He has sent her about $3000 since COVID because she lost her job, had a house fire then a typhoon hit. Mark, the bartender is worried that David is sending money half way across the world, he hopes it works out. David is trusting that Sheila loves him as a person.

Amanda always rolled her eyes when people met each other online, but it has happened to her and she feels so in love with her. She is super excited to go but she feels guilty that she is leaving her kids for three weeks. Razvan and her kids chat often but she hasn’t told the kids that it is serious until she is sure.

If they break up, it will be another man in her children’s lives that won’t be there. Razvan Facetimes Amanda and says he can’t wait to see her. He wants to show her nice places in Bucharest. They talk about him also being an actor, he does everything in entertainment . She is already jealous when all his followers are when, but her jealousy goes to another level when she sees him in his acting roles. He calls his acting artistic but it looks more like soft porn. There is still a lot she doesn’t know about Razvan, she just hopes he is the man she and her kids know.

Riley meets up with one of his closest friend, Shawn, and his wife, Tiffanie, they are not happy about his relationship with Violet. If she breaks his heart, they think this might be the nail in the coffin. Riley has not sent any money, other than $100 to her daughter for her birthday. Riley admits that Violet lied about her divorce, she was still married when they started talking, but she is divorced now. And, she wanted him off the dating apps, but she stayed on.

Jasmine and her sister moved into the new apartment, Gino agreed to pay for luxury apartment but she didn’t tell him how she found it, it was through her ex-boyfriend, Dane. She tells him that her fiancé Gino is coming in a few days, he will be there for three weeks. Dane asks if it will be awkward if he bumps into him.

She and Dane were together for a short time, but he didn’t giver her the fire that she needed, he was too delicate. They remained friends, but Gino knows nothing about it. She tells Dane that she sent Gino topless pictures of her, and he sent them to his ex-girlfriend to make her jealous. She was a teacher and she lost her job because of the photos circulating online. He tells her that any man would be luck to have her and she shouldn’t settle.

Amanda is finally at the day where she is leaving to meet Razvan. This will be the first time that she is away from her children since their father passed away. Her sister is taking her to the airport, they are meeting their aunt there who will be taking care of her children while she is gone. One the way to the airport, they have her husband’s urn with them between the children. Amber is nervous, it is a long trip. Teresa, their aunt is there to take he children.

During the production, the producers uncovered some information about Tyray’s girlfriend Carmella that he was unaware of. They take him outside to have a chat with him. The producer tells him that she has not been honest to him, the person he has been messaging the last few years is not the same person in the messages or the videos. They made contact, the person admitted they are not who they told him they were. The person is a man. Production gave Riley the choice to not show the footage from this episode and not to continue the process if he doesn’t want to. Since they aired, he obviously agreed to air it.