90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/09/23: Season 6 Episode 6 “Dangerous Liaisons”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/09/23: Season 6 Episode 6 "Dangerous Liaisons"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, July 9, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 6 called, “Dangerous Liaisons,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“Gino questions Jasmine’s fidelity. Riley catches Violet texting another man. Statler can’t wait to meet her girlfriend, Dempsey. Cleo worries Christian is having second thoughts. Do David and Sheila go all the way?.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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In tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap, Gino tabled all talks of a prenup. He said he loves Jasmine. He claims to trust her and he knew that a prenup was a big deal to her. She was threatening to end their relationship if he ever brought up a prenup again. Gino understands that now. He apologized to Jasmine. He told her that he trusts her and unfortunately that alone wasn’t enough to fix their relationship. Gino still has a lot of issues with Jasmine. He doesn’t really talk to her. Their relationship was built on sex. It’s now faltering because sex was no longer on the table.

Gino couldn’t rise to the occasion. He said his problems with Jasmine were what’s been stopping him from sleeping with her. Yet, he never talks to Jasmine about that. He doesn’t mention why he suddenly stopped being in the mood. He doesn’t tell her that it was hard to work on that part of their relationship when everything else is falling apart. He just leaves everything he wants to say unsaid to the point he gets upset with her for not reading his mind. He did that with the peeler. He did that with sex.

Gino lets Jasmine believe that the problem is her. In their last fight, he claimed that he didn’t want sex because she was the worst sexual person he’s ever met. Jasmine may have forgiven him for saying it only she hasn’t forgotten. She still thinks the problem is her. She sought out a doctor to tighten her downstairs. She constantly looked for ways to entice Gino to bed and she was talking to her ex-boyfriend about the problem when he said the problem wasn’t her. Her ex reassured her that Gino could be the one going through things. And that he shouldn’t be treating her so horribly.

Sometimes it takes a good friend to point out the obvious. Riley was also lucky to have a friend like that. He contacted some friends back home because his plan with his girlfriend Violet didn’t work out. He flew to Vietnam to meet a woman he believed he loved. They met online. They’ve been messaging each other ever since and everything was great when it was online. The real thing however left a lot to be desired. Violet was beautiful. There was no doubt about that. She just barely spent any time with Riley.

Violet was always busy. She wouldn’t tell him what she was busy doing. She also got messages from guys of a shirtless picture and Riley saw it on one of the few times he got to see her. He asked who the photo was from. She claimed that a friend sent it. Riley then took things too far by demanding to see the phone. If things have gotten to the point where you need to see a woman’s cell phone, then odds are you didn’t trust her to begin with. And that was the case with Riley because he never forgot what she did with his dad.

Violet wrote to his father that he doesn’t know what loves means. She did it when they were having a fight and so Riley knew even as he was flying to Vietnam that he couldn’t trust her. Only he convinced himself that he loved her enough to ignore the problematic signs. The signs being her lying about other things and him almost hiring a private investigator to follow her. His friends now had warned him that maybe he shouldn’t fly out to meet a woman he doesn’t trust. They thought it was a bad idea. And he ignored them because he swore Violet was the one.

How can she be the one if you can’t trust her? Violet doesn’t introduce him to her family. She hasn’t shown him where she lives? She showed him off to a friend and then joked with her friend how ugly he is! Riley of course got offended. Americans don’t see the humor in trashing your loved ones. It just doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. Particularly if someone flew halfway around the world for you. Riley ignored this and other worrying signs and so it took seeing that shirtless photo for him to realize that maybe he made a mistake with pursuing things with Violet.

Someone yet to learn the lesson of rushing in was Statler. Statler was a new American that was introduced tonight. She was from Irving, Texas. She holds down a job only she wasn’t really good at it. She suffers from ADHD. It’s made holding down a job as well as maintaining relationships difficult. She was very fortunate to have her current job that allows her to work from home. Statler also met her current love thanks to technology. Statler has this thing for accents. She switched her profile to England and that’s how she met Dempsey.

Dempsey was English. She was also a woman. Statler is gay. She’s dealt with a lot of rejection in life and that could be why she’s rushing into things with Dempsey. Statler was adopted. She then was the weird kid with a fascination for bugs. She struggled with school because of her ADHD. She could be rushing into things with Dempsey as a way to escape her problems. She and Dempsey have messaged each other, they’ve videochatted with each other, and they’ve talked on the phone. She is real. And Statler has completely fallen in love with Dempsey’s accent.

Statler couldn’t wait to meet Dempsey because she thought Dempsey could help her escape. The two haven’t met in person and still Statler was ready to move to England to be with her. It was just Dempsey who didn’t know about this plan. Statler told the cameras before she told her own girlfriend. She was in such a rush to go move to England that she didn’t consider what she was leaving behind. Like a job that was accustomed to her special needs. Like her family and friends. Statler spoke about how horrible it was growing up to be different compared to her golden child brothers only she never once said she hated them or hasn’t spoken to them.

Statler still has loved ones. Take Sy. Sy was like Statler’s best friend. They’ve known each other for three years. Sy has seen most of Statler’s relationships and she took Statler to a Chocolate Sex Shop to gossip. Sy seems hopeful of Statler’s relationship with Dempsey because they weren’t in a rush to have phone sex. If you know Statler, you known that she’s self-described as kinky AF. Only Sy’s hope disappeared after Statler said she couldn’t wait to move to England. All that did was remind Sy of Statler’s ex.

Statler was talking to another English woman a year ago. She flew out to meet this other woman. They hit it off and Statler was all about leaving her life behind to go live with this woman. She then returned to the States to pack up her stuff when she got a message from this woman. Her now ex had said back then that they were rushing into things. She didn’t think they should move in together. She thought they should remain friends for a while and Statler couldn’t take that. She told her ex that rejection was her trigger. And this woman forgot all about it.

Hey, every relationship has its own challenges! Take David and Sheila. David was deaf. He communicates through ASL and his Filipino girlfriend was still learning the language. She also didn’t know a lot of English. She had a hard time saying it much less writing it. Hence communication has been an uphill battle. They’ve been communicating with the help of their cell phones. They would write out messages to each other for the other to read. It’s what works for now because again Sheila is still learning to communicate with him only things have been so far good.

David landed in the Philippines. Sheila was there to meet him. They got dinner together. They also spent the night together. There were some issues because it’s been a long time for Sheila. She was so uncomfortable that she figures she’ll get used to it as time goes on. She also wanted to spend the day with him before introducing him to her family. They were still getting used to each other. David also came across one of her boundaries when he told her that a friend of his was interested in a Filipino woman and he showed Sheila the photo he has of this woman on his phone.

Sheila as it turns out struggles with jealousy. She’s been working on it. She also trusts David a lot and so she didn’t get mad at him or anything like that. She tried to work through her issues on her own. Which puts her leagues ahead of some of these guys tonight. Sheila doesn’t get mad. She simply asking for clarification. She later asked David about his ex and David knew what she was doing. He instantly shut down that line of questioning. He reassured her that he just wants to be in the here and now with her. He loves her. She loves him. That has to be enough.

Gino was down in Panama doing pelvic exercises with Jasmine because she was trying to find a way to excite him into sleeping with her. Jasmine eventually asked him about his fantasies to see if that would help. Then, and only then, did he say that the constant arguing was stopping him from sleeping with her. He needed her to work on her temper. They had to go days without fighting before he feels comfortable enough to sleep with her. And even then he wasn’t doing enough to assure Jasmine that he does still love her. With or without sex.

Jasmine later took Gino out for a night of dancing. Gino wasn’t much of dancer. Jasmine’s friends have said he looks great from behind. He just didn’t know what to do with it. Jasmine’s friends also grilled Gino. They asked him if he cheated at any point in time of their long-distance relationship. He told them he hasn’t. It then got him thinking if Jasmine cheated. He questioned her friends. He found out she’s still talking to her ex-boyfriend. And he got upset at the hypocrisy because he knew Jasmine would blow a gasket if he were talking to his exes.

Riley stormed off following his confrontation with Violet. Violet went after him. She told him that she wasn’t lying and he reminded her that she’s lied to him several times before. And she’s always gotten caught in the lie. Not that Violet sees it that way. Violet always has an excuse for those previous lies. She claims he misunderstands or that she doesn’t owe him anything because they weren’t married. Violet finally mentioned introducing him to her family tonight as a way of keeping him on the hook. And Riley the fool fell for it.

Violet later took Riley to her family’s house. She introduced him to her family. He gave her sisters gifts. He didn’t have gifts for her mother and so her mother got offended. Things then got worse once Violet was telling them about the fight they had earlier that day. Her family told him that he has to lessen his temper. He also has to trust Violet. He shouldn’t be calling her a liar in spite of finding her in several lies. The word liar was apparently heavy in their culture. And it showed a certain amount of disrespect that her sisters didn’t like – so Riley agreed to work on it.

And Christian landed in the UK. He met his girlfriend Cleo at the gate and he was instantly kissing her. He let all of his worries about should he kiss her or not go right out the window. He ignored his family and their misgivings about her being trans. He kissed his trans girlfriend and he called her beautiful. Which Cleo took as a good sign. Or she did until she brought him back to her place. Christian didn’t want to be introduced as daddy to the cats. He didn’t want to be intimate with Cleo. He just went straight to sleep and so that’s a bit of a mixed signal for Cleo.