90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/16/23: Season 6 Episode 7 “Fatal Attraction”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/16/23: Season 6 Episode 7 "Fatal Attraction"90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/16/23: Season 6 Episode 7 "Fatal Attraction"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, July 16, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 7 called, “Fatal Attraction,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“Gino confronts Jasmine about her secret relationship. Meisha and Nicola learn surprising things about each other on a night out. Tyray hires a private investigator. Riley puts Violet in the hot seat. Christian and Cleo have different ideas of fun.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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In tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 days episode, Statler flew to Manchester. It’s in England where she was supposed to meet her true love. She was hoping to be met by her girlfriend when she landed and unfortunately that didn’t happen. Dempsey missed her flight to Manchester. She claimed it was an accident only her missing her flight had worried Statler.

Statler prioritized this relationship. She firmly believes she’s in love with Dempsey. It didn’t matter they haven’t met in person before. She thinks it’s love. She was even ready to say goodbye to her previous life to move to England if their first meeting went well and so to have Dempsey miss her flight shows she wasn’t taking this relationship as seriously as Statler was.

Down in Panama, Jasmine has started to feel her fiancé drift away from her. She brought him to Panama Canal hoping to change that. She thought he would like it because he was an engineer and she also thought it was romantic to show Panamanian/American relationships have always worked. Only Gino wasn’t paying attention to her. Or what she had to say. He recently found out something about Jasmine that has created this distance between them. He learned that Jasmine was still talking to her ex-boyfriend.

The ex’s name is Dane. Dane and Jasmine dated for a year. They broke up right before she met Gino. The breakup just didn’t stop them from being friends. Jasmine and Dane still talk all the time. She gets advice from him on what to do with Gino. He’s a big part of her life. A part that she’s hidden from her fiancé. Gino didn’t know that she was still talking to her ex. He knew how insanely jealous Jasmine is of him and his past relationships because she’s survived being married a cheater. And so he came to doubt her motives on why she was keeping Dane a secret.

Gino grew tired of passive aggression. He came right out with his accusations. He asked her if she was cheating on him with Dane. She denied it and then he asked why hide it? Jasmine has this unfortunate tendency to smile and/or laugh when she’s nervous. She did both with him just then. He felt she was laughing at him. She tried to explain it was nerves. He then demanded to know what she could be nervous about? It was a conversation that was getting worse by the minute and there was no hope of it going anywhere. If Jasmine wanted her relationship to work, she has to explain her hypocrisy when it comes to exes.

Over in Israel, things were off to a bumpy start between Nicola and Meisha. Meisha flew all that way to meet him in order to see if there was a future for them. But what she’s seen so far has been negative. Sure, they both care about God only Nicola appears to be embarrassed by her. He doesn’t want to introduce her to his family or his friends. He didn’t tell anyone that she was a divorcee or that she has two kids. He’s ashamed of her past and he feels that her love for God has given her a second virginity. He just didn’t want to explain that last part to his family.

Nicola said his family expects him to marry an actual virgin. Not a born again one. He didn’t want to have to explain Meisha to them and he too was another one with the nervous laughter. The laughter made Meisha feel like her concerns were dismissed. She tried to bring it up to him again and again he pretty ignored her very valid points. He also became upset when she stopped speaking of a marriage between them as a done deal. He thought they would get married at the end of their courtship. He now realizes that Meisha wasn’t going to marry someone who’s ashamed of her.

Then there was deluded Tyray. Tyray was stateside and still foolishly in love with a catfish. He met “Carmella” online. He fell for her. He then went on this show believing he would get engaged to this person only to be told by the show’s producers that Carmella wasn’t real. Carmella was in fact a man. This man has been using Tyray for money because he said things are hard where he is. He used photos from a porn star/escort to fool Tyray into believing he was a woman. And in spite of every bit of evidence in the world telling him Carmella wasn’t real, Tyray refused to believe it.

Tyray found out the woman in the photos was an escort. His sister found her escort’s page. Which led to him believing that Carmella was in an abusive relationship with someone that was forcing her into doing those things. He even said this guy, the producers talked to, could be Carmella’s abusive boyfriend trying to get rid of him. Tyray then hired a private investigator to find “Carmella”. The private investigator shows him that the real woman was not Carmella. She was a prostitute/cam girl. She also has a paypal account that was different to the one that Tyray has been sending money to for years

Was this enough to finally wake him up? Who knows! Tyray is deluded because he wants to stay deluded. He was now trying to contact the real woman behind the Carmella photos There was thankfully more hope for Statler. She was in love. She just wasn’t deluded about it. She literally got a stomach bug on her first night in England and she decided to push back her first meeting with Dempsey while she recovers. She was nauseous. She had diarrhea. She didn’t want Dempsey to see her like that. She went to a doctor in England. Great healthcare by the way! He diagnosed her as having a parasite and he gave her some medication that was very quick acting.

Statler was feeling so better afterwards that she decided to risk meeting up with Dempsey. She was waiting for her while Christian had a very awkward morning with Cleo in London. Cleo was the first trans woman he’s ever dated. They did kiss when he landed in London. They just didn’t do anything more than that. Christian was a bit all over the place. He was affectionate one moment while being reticent the next. Cleo did mention she was getting mixed signals. The most affection she got from him was when he spooned her when they were asleep.

Christian then tried to make things better by taking Cleo out. He thought the issue was her. He thought she was being shy and so he figured a night out on the town would get her to open up however it did the exact opposite. Christian was someone who could be the life of a party. He failed to understand that they were just getting to know each other. Cleo wanted his undivided attention for a while and for them to connect and become affectionate with each other. And instead he was too busy having a good time to pay her any attention.

Christian failed to understand one key thing about Cleo. He failed to understand she’s autistic. She can become overwhelmed by lights and noises. Both of which were found at the bar they went to. Cleo should have put her foot down right there. She should have asked to leave and instead she didn’t want to take away from his experience. She pushed herself into staying in the moment. They started talking. Christian admitted that he makes friends wherever he goes. He wasn’t served alcohol on his flight because he got too “chatty” with two younger women on the flight.

Cleo asked him if he was flirting. He explained that he was simply a friendly guy. He then became friendly with the table of women next to them and he started a conversation with them. He was telling them all about himself when Cleo asked if they could leave. Cleo said in her confessional that he never let her feel special. She never got his full attention. She always has to share him with people even as they were getting to know each other. He would try to include her when he befriends a table of women and Cleo would have to remind him that she couldn’t take on a table full of strangers. She asked to leave because she was becoming overwhelmed.

In Vietnam of all places, Riley was finally learning to speak up for himself. He flew there to meet Violet. He thought he was in love with her at the start of the trip and the trip itself has shown him that maybe he was wrong about Violet. She wasn’t necessarily a bad person. They were simply and fundamentally too different. Riley was a tall dark skin black man. He flew to Vietnam where he knew he wound stand out. He ignored that at first because he thought meeting Violet would be worth the trip and all she proved was that she couldn’t be trusted.

Violet laughed with her friends that he was ugly. He told her that wasn’t funny. She in turn claimed he didn’t have a sense of humor and so it was little aggressions like that, that made him realize she might not be the one. Riley had to explain to her the outsider mentality as well as colorism. Which he shouldn’t have needed to because they have the same issues in Vietnam. They have the same issues all over the freakin’ world. They’ve all dealt with colorism. Even the Vietnamese community. She should have known that by joking her boyfriend was ugly that it would make him feel insecure and she didn’t care about his reactions because she doesn’t believe he’ll walk away from her.

Oh, how wrong she is! Riley gave her pearls and she said they were pretty common in Vietnam. She called him ugly and he said he doesn’t the context of that because it could be a racial thing or she could be saying he was in fact handsome. He doesn’t know because he only got a few comments out of what she said to her friend. Then there was the lying. Violet was still on the dating apps. She hasn’t deleted it. She could be talking to other guys and Riley doesn’t know if he can trust her. And Gino doesn’t know if he can trust Jasmine.

Gino wanted to know everything about Dane. Jasmine claimed that Dane was just a friend. She said that they can stay friends because she never blurs the line between friendship and anything else only she does admit she thinks about what sex would be like with Dane whenever she gets rejected by Gino. Meisha meanwhile found that Nicola would get groovy on the dance floor with her. He just doesn’t like it that she has one cigarette a year or that she asks him if he would judge her teen daughters for what they may do at college. He doesn’t want to fight with her. He failed to see how those questions could determine if they still have a future together.

And Tyray contacted the cam girl/escort. He wants her to tell him that they haven’t been talking for two years or else he’s not going to believe she’s doing the videos or the photos out of her own volition. All the while Statler finally met Dempsey and it had been perfect.


Kristine Francis:
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