90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/23/23: Season 6 Episode 8 “Misunderstood”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/23/23: Season 6 Episode 8 "Misunderstood"90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/23/23: Season 6 Episode 8 "Misunderstood"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, July 23, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 8 called, “Misunderstood,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“Gino and Jasmine seek professional help. Amanda is shocked that Razvan wants kids. Statler and Dempsey spend the night together. Sheila feels threatened by David’s interpreter. Violet walks out on Riley. Meisha worries she’s been wrong about Nicola.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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In tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days episode, Statler was a self-described awkward person. She has no shame in admitting it. Nor does she wishes to change that in any way. She was different and she doesn’t mind being different. She was happy the way she is.

She came on the show this season because she believes she may have finally met someone who shared that awkwardness. Someone who wouldn’t judge her for hers. She met Dempsey. They met online. They just met in person for the first time tonight. Dempsey was as beautiful in person as she was online. She also remembered Statler’s love for insects and she brought with her several insects from Thailand that she knew Statler would love.

Dempsey was sweet as well as beautiful. Shea also wasn’t wrong about the insects. Statler did love them. She loved that Dempsey got her like no one else did. She loved that Dempsey seemed like a good and caring person. The only issue was sex. Statler was a very sexual person. She hadn’t even kissed Dempsey yet and she wanted to jump right to sex. She asked Dempsey about it on their first night together. Dempsey told her that wasn’t happening. They needed to get to know each other in person before she was willing to take that next step.

First, they have to have their first kiss. Dempsey didn’t want to rush into anything. She wanted to take things slow and Statler was already on fast-forward. Statler was hoping to move to England to be with Dempsey if this one trip works out. She’s told everyone back home that Dempsey was the love of her life. She talked about what an amazing life they would have together. She was ready to leave everything behind for Dempsey. She was fully prepared to devote herself to someone she just met while Dempsey was being more realistic about the situation.

Down in Panama, things have gotten so bad that Jasmine took Gino to couple’s counseling, Jasmine was another person who can best be described as sexual and she felt their relationship was suffering in that quarter because Gino couldn’t bring himself to sleep with her. Gino was attracted to Jasmine. He just couldn’t bring himself to sleep with her. He felt their many problems were getting in the way. He was upset with her controlling behavior. He was mad at her hypocrisy for talking to her ex-boyfriend all the while she’s telling him she’ll dump him if he ever talks to his own ex. He felt unheard. And he didn’t know to communicate that.

Therapy really should have been the best place for it. Only the sex thing dominated the conversation. He knows that Jasmine struggles with abandonment problems. She was abandoned by her father at three years old. She felt abandoned by her ex-husband when he decided to cheat on her. She struggles with feelings of rejection and having Gino unable to physically touch her has made her believe the problem was her. Just her. That she wasn’t pretty enough or smart enough. She felt like Gino has become less attracted to her the more he’s gotten to know her.

This plays around with her insecurities. Which he should have known wasn’t helping. He knew going in that Jasmine had issues. He failed to properly communicate and that’s how they ended up in counseling. They were talking to someone about the breakdown in their relationship and they weren’t even married. It was like Gino decided to stop trying. He didn’t warn Jasmine about how he was feeling. He just decided to withhold affection and Jasmine was constantly trying to turn to sex to heal the rift.

It’s gotten really ugly between them. There seems to be a lack of hope in the relationship and they weren’t the only ones with that dilemma. The same could be said for Riley and Violet. The two have so many issues. The most important one being their lack of trust. Riley doesn’t trust Violet. Violet doesn’t entirely trust Riley either. If she did, maybe she wouldn’t have demanded he get off the dating app where they met. She told him to leave the app to save their relationship. She failed to mention that she stayed on the app and it wasn’t until Riley’s sister called her out that suddenly she didn’t feel like talking to Riley anymore.

It was different when it was him in the hot seat. When he was dealing with her family. Back then, Violet let her family grill Riley to their hearts’ were content. She never once intervened for him nor did he ask her to. Violet became very upset when it was now her turn. She got defensive. Riley came to feel like she was lying because Violet said she didn’t delete the app after losing the password. She didn’t like explaining herself. She told Riley that he shouldn’t let anyone treat her like that. Riley then hung up with Tiffany to talk to her and it took Tiffany’s urging for Violet to somewhat explain herself.

Violet never told Riley that she lost her password. She just claims he doesn’t know how to love or that he has too many trust issues. She failed to see what she did wrong to cause those trust issues. Violet got so mad at being confronted that she told Riley that she wouldn’t talk to him anymore. He then told her “bye”. They seemingly broke up because she didn’t like being asked about her own actions. And Riley said he doesn’t mind losing her because he felt her defensiveness was a major red flag.

Over in Israel, Meisha was dealing with her own red flags. She finally met someone close to Nicola. Nicola introduced her to his best friend and his friend’s wife. They seemed to bond over their love of cats. They started talking. And Nicola again mentioned that he doesn’t see the need for her to meet his actual family. Nicola doesn’t want his family to meet Meisha before the wedding because he doesn’t want them to see she’s an older woman or that she fashionable or for them to learn that she was divorced with two kids.

Nicola was sadly embarrassed by Meisha. They’ve been talking online for seven years. They’ve been great friends and she was hoping they would become something more, but she couldn’t marry someone who was embarrassed by her or her children. She knew that wasn’t a great way to start a marriage. She also knew that Nicola would never agree to a divorce if things didn’t work out. He was far more religious than her. And while she hoped God would bring them together, it seems like God was the one that was getting in the way.

Nicola didn’t want to tell his family that Meisha wasn’t a virgin. It was against their beliefs. He was embarrassed by Meisha’s past. He just wanted to move to America and marry Meisha and for it to be a done deal before his family could kick up any fuss. Except she’s not marrying him without meeting his family. She issued an ultimatum. He didn’t necessarily like it. He loved that Meisha loves God as much as he does only he took exception to everything else about her. He didn’t like that she had one cigarette a year. He didn’t like that she drank cocktails. He didn’t like that she traveled with several bags.

Nicola just doesn’t seem to like her as a person. There was no overcoming that. The only good thing about tonight’s episode was David. David was an American dating a Filipino woman named Sheila. He traveled to the Philippines to meet Sheila in person for the first time.

They managed to hit it off from day one. They also overcame Sheila’s jealousy. Sheila was a very jealous person. She was even jealous of the interpreter they needed. David was deaf and Sheila didn’t know that much ASL. He got an interpreter so that he could better communicate with both Sheila as well as her family. And Sheila became jealous of how easily David and this interpreter communicated with each other.

Sheila knows that her jealousy is a problem. She’s working on it. She’s also learning ASL. She wants to make things easier between David because she genuinely cares for him. She doesn’t want him to think that she’s with him for money or anything else other than love. Sheila brought David and the interpreter home with her. She introduced them to her family. She showed off her family home. She lives in extreme poverty. And when he saw that for himself, David didn’t judge her or immediately ran off to a hotel.

David stayed there. It broke his heart to see how bad things were for Sheila. He wanted to help in any way he could. He also wanted to win over his future in-laws. He brought along gifts for Sheila’s son. The little boy seemed to like it only he was nervous around David. And that led to a tense environment were David didn’t know what to do to make it better.

Statler and Dempsey later did consummate their relationship, but she knows now that she couldn’t move in with Dempsey. Dempsey’s place was small. There wasn’t a lot of maneuverability. Her toilet didn’t work. And Statler was seeing that she might have rushed things with the other woman.

And Gino and Jasmine were learning they didn’t know how to healthily disagree with each other. It was either yelling or sex to deal with the yelling. There was no in-between with them. Meanwhile Amanda was seeing there might not be a future for her and Razvan.


Kristine Francis:
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