90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/30/23: Season 6 Episode 9 “The Big Chill”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 07/30/23: Season 6 Episode 9 "The Big Chill"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, July 30, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 9 called, “The Big Chill,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“David and Sheila face an unexpected tragedy. Gino and Jasmine try to get back on track. Cleo worries her autism will affect her relationship. Riley and Violet refuse to speak. Dempsey learns something shocking about Statler.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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In tonight’s 90 Day Fiance episode, David’s trip went on to become something more after Sheila suffered a tragedy. Sheila’s mother passed away. The poor lady died the day after finally meeting David and so David was no longer just a potential husband. He now has to step up in quite a large way.

He has to be there for Sheila as she’s grieving. He has to help plan the funeral. He has to be emotionally supportive for not just Sheila, but her family as well. They were all going through a significant loss. David barely got to know the woman and now it’s too late to try.

There was also a special custom in the Philippines. The deceased’s loved ones have to stay the first twenty-four hours with the body. It could cause bad luck if they don’t do so and so Sheila took the first shift. She had David with her at all times. Only she had needed some time to herself afterwards.

She needed to grieve to herself. She needed to be away from the cameras. The camera were very respectful. They just followed the couple everywhere and Sheila didn’t need that as she was facing life without her mom.

Tonight wasn’t all sadness though. There was also a lot of drama. Especially in Panama. Gino and Jasmine were still fighting. They recently tried couples counseling and that doesn’t seem to have worked in the slightest. They were now fighting over engagement rings.

It all started because Jasmine’s sister was turning twenty. Her sister Liz was currently staying with them and Jasmine thought it was a good idea to get her sister a piece of jewelry. They went to a store. They found a pretty necklace with a bejeweled letter “L”.

The problems occurred because Jasmine then asked to see engagement rings. Jasmine lost her last ring. Gino suspects differently and he has said as much. He also told her that he wasn’t getting her a new ring until she came to the States on the K-1 visa.

Which he reminded her about tonight. He told her that it was a long process. She said that it could go faster if he hires an immigration attorney and Gino refuses to do so. Gino has been through the K-1 visa process once before. His ex-wife was Brazilian and he brought her to the States by himself.

Gino was also trying to save money. This was the main contention for Jasmine. She felt he was prioritizing money over their future together and he told her that if she wants the lawyer so bad then why don’t she pay for one? Jasmine then accused Gino of not wanting to marry her. He said he didn’t want to marry her when she was like this. Gino stormed off and Jasmine was left crying in the jewelry store. This was one couple that shouldn’t get married. They don’t know how to healthily fight with each other or even disagree with each other.

Things were also tense in England with Statler and Dempsey. Dempsey brought Statler to her mobile home in England. It was on the small side. A bit too small for the both of them. Statler has nowhere to herself. She felt uncomfortable. She made the mistake of telling Dempsey she felt uncomfortable and Dempsey felt she should have found a new word to describe her emotions. Dempsey was left wondering if she’s the one that was making Statler feel out of place. It also didn’t help that Dempsey was a very spiritual person. She was on the hippie side by burning sage to ward off negative emotions.

Statler felt a bit insulted that Dempsey used the sage while she was there. She wondered if she was the bad energy. Statler also complained about the bathroom situation. There was no usable bathroom in the mobile home. Or caravan as Dempsey likes to call it. Dempsey hasn’t put in the plumbing and so Statler has to travel if she wants to go number two. And she was just coming off of a stomach bug. Statler could go in the fields if she didn’t want to use the main bathroom that was a bit of a walk, but she was afraid of being seen doing that.

Dempsey’s mobile home was on a farm. A farm that was undergoing construction. There was a lot of noise and it was right next to the caravan. Statler couldn’t really rest there. Statler once dreamed of moving in with Dempsey and being on the farm was a lot worse than she thought it would be. The house was too small. There was too much noise outside. The plumbing wasn’t in. The dream girl also was judging her for having multiple sexual partners. Statler is someone that has gone to sex parties. And Dempsey wasn’t all that experienced.

Dempsey was a carnie. She’s only ever lived in mobile homes because her family was constantly traveling and being a part of the carnivals. She was from a nomad stock. She was used to constant traveling while Statler seeks a place where she belongs. She wants to settle somewhere. She doesn’t want to stay on the move. The two women got along great back when their relationship was online. Their first night together wasn’t all that bad either. It was just the rest of it that seems to be a struggle and unfortunately the rest of it is what makes a relationship. And so they might be too different.

Riley was himself feeling like he was too different from Violet to ever make a marriage work. He flew to Vietnam to meet the woman he believed was the love of his life. Only Violet never had time for him. She also had a weird sense of humor that could be insulting to others. Violet let her family grill Riley and he confessed to them that he needed to work on himself and then Violet cracks under the pressure when it’s her turn. Riley put her on a call to a family friend that’s like a sister to him. And Violet didn’t like answering questions from this supposed sister.

Violet was asked why she was still on the dating app. She came up with an excuse about how she lost the password to her profile only she didn’t like it when the sister asked why didn’t she just tell Riley that? Riley asked her several times if she was still on app in the past. She always said “no” and then he checks. And he sees she’s still on there. You would think she would tell him about the missing password if that’s really what happened. Violet could be lying and even Riley came to see she couldn’t be trusted.

Violet on the other hand got offended that Riley let his friend question her. She told him how he should have defended her. She accused him of not being a real man for defending her and it got so bad that they both stormed away from each other. Violet later sent him a text message in which she again said he was horrible for letting his adoptive sister question her. And Riley read the message, then he blocked her. Riley said he was done being lied to and that seems to be it for their relationship.

Or it might have been if Riley hadn’t gotten advice from his tour guide. Riley decided to tour Vietnam. He still wanted to enjoy his vacation and he got a tour guide who was Vietnamese. Riley and this guy got to talking. He told him about the situation with Violet. The guy said that Riley went about getting answers the wrong way. He said Riley shouldn’t have blocked Violet. It was one thing for Violet to block him only he was wrong for him to block her. And so Riley decided to at the very most to unblock Violet.

It was probably going to be a waste of time!

Back in England, Christian was truly wasting Cleo’s time. He wasn’t interested. He came up with all sorts of reasons for why he didn’t want to get intimate. He was too tired. Or he noticed she was out of it. He failed to see that a simple hug or kiss could help her feel less insecure. He also thought their first date would be more exciting if he suddenly starts talking up a group of women. They were all strangers to him only that didn’t stop him. He acted like Cleo wasn’t there. He’s then surprised when she got upset.

Christian just doesn’t take the time to get to know Cleo in person. Maybe it was his family. Maybe they convinced him that it would never work with a transwoman. Who knows? Christian completely ignored her signals in which she states she craves intimacy. Just the two of them being together. Christian was too busy being the party guy to take in what Cleo needs and that right there showed there’s no hope for them. They might not even be friends after all of this. He said something really dumb to her.

Christian, who was usually so forward, had said he waits for the girl to make the first move. He said he didn’t want to get rejected for a kiss and so Cleo reminded him that they’ve already kissed. He kissed her at the airport. Then nothing afterwards. Nada. Christian never used that connection to ask for more or shows that he wants more. He was checked out of the relationship and sadly Cleo was getting so many mixed signals that she thought the problem was her. And it wasn’t, it was him, it was all him.

Things were simply not looking good in England. Statler and Dempsey had discussed her trip to Thailand. Statler was worried that Dempsey might have cheated. Which she didn’t. Dempsey said she didn’t sleep with anyone while on vacation. She then asked Statler if she was being faithful and Statler said yes. Only Statler has cheated on an ex before. Dempsey has never cheated on anyone and so she frankly hated the accusation that she must be cheating if she wasn’t in constant communication with Statler.

Statler needs to work on her self-esteem.

And down in Panama, Gino ended up celebrating Liz’s birthday with the ladies. They all had fun. They were smiling and laughing. Gino felt the day went so well that he gave Jasmine a promise ring at the end of the day. It was on the small side, but it was pretty and it showed that he was serious about bringing her to the States.