90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 08/06/23: Season 6 Episode 10 “Sex, Lies, and Videotape”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 08/06/23: Season 6 Episode 10 "Sex, Lies, and Videotape"90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 08/06/23: Season 6 Episode 10 "Sex, Lies, and Videotape"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, August 6, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 10 called, “Sex, Lies, and Videotape,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“Things get kinky with Gino and Jasmine. Amanda thinks Razvan could be using her. Statler reveals her intentions to Dempsey’s dad. Tyray gets ready to meet the “real” Carmella. Meisha and Nicola try to work things out. Cleo’s trust in Christian is shaken.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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In tonight’s 90 day Fiance: Before the 90 days episode, Gino was sometimes stubborn over the silliest things. He got upset they didn’t have a shredder. He also demanded to eat nachos that were mostly made up of bean dip because he hadn’t wanted to listen to Jasmine or hear her say why that wasn’t a good idea.

It was the night before he took a romantic trip with Jasmine and so it ruined the mood when he got diarrhea. He was struggling with that as they were driving. They traveled for a bit before making it to their cabin. They were going to stay at a cabin together. Just the two of them. It’s been hard to be romantic with Jasmine’s sister staying with them and this trip was to help them reconnect.

Well, Jasmine decided to spice things up on this trip. She brought along sexy lingerie. She even included a whip and a gag. Gino has never been happier than when he gagged Jasmine. Jasmine noticed it. She saw that he liked whipping her. He likes saying that he’s in charge and the whip made him feel like he was.

Jasmine thought she finally figured out what their sex life needed. She failed to see that Gino was still obsessed with control. And that they might still have problems if she takes the whip away from him.

Over in Romania, Razvan was opening up to Amanda. He told her that it’s been a childhood dream to one day move to the United States. He had never mentioned this dream before and so Amanda was a little thrown by it.

Amanda said that was a red flag. She has a lot at stake with being a widowed mother of two kids. She didn’t want to bring Razvan into their lives until she was sure he wanted to be there for the right reasons. Amanda was looking for a husband as well as a father for her two kids. Razvan initially expressed that he couldn’t wait to join her family.

Then he mentioned how he wants a child of his own. He tells other people that he was willing to be a friend to Amanda’s children, but he wasn’t ready to be a father to anyone else other than his own child.

Razvan has also tried to rush Amanda. He was talking about visiting her in the States. He was saying how he couldn’t wait to move there and she had to tell him to slow his roll. Amanda doesn’t want more children. She doesn’t want to rush into getting married or having him visit her when they were still getting to know each other.

Speaking of red flags, there was Statler. Statler was in way too much of a rush. She went to England to meet Dempsey. They’ve been in communication for months and Statler was ready to call it love. Statler was also prepared to give up her whole life to move in with Dempsey after only truly knowing her for a couple of days.

Only there was a problem with this delusion. Statler wasn’t exactly prepared for a life with Dempsey. It’s one thing to love an English accent. It’s another to live in Dempsey mobile home that didn’t have hot water or a working toilet.

Dempsey was fine with her mobile home. She grew up as a Carnie. She was constantly on the road. Statler grew up in one house with two parents and two brothers.

She constantly felt like the odd way out. It probably didn’t help that she was adopted or that she has ADD. She was desperately seeking a place where she belongs and that’s why she was in such a rush to commit to Dempsey. Statler hated living in that mobile home. She hated that she couldn’t take a hot shower. She hated that she had to walk out in the rain to take a dump.

Statler was all for saying that she hated the mobile home. She just couldn’t give up on the idea of Dempsey. Dempsey was a nice woman. She never hid the fact that she’s a nomad or that she loves to travel.

She was the opposite of Statler in practically every way only she cared for Statler and Statler was eager to throw away everything and everyone else to be with her. That was until she met Dempsey’s father. Dempsey saw Statler for the walking red flag that she was. And he didn’t want his daughter getting hurt.

Tyray was another talking red flag. He got catfished by a man named Christian who pretended to be a woman named Carmella. Christian used photos of a real woman to con Tyray and now Tyray wants closure. He couldn’t get that from Christian. Christian ghosted him. He therefore wanted to meet the real woman in the photos. He has had everyone telling him that this woman wasn’t the person conning him and still he sought her out because he had to meet her. He had to make sure that Carmella wasn’t real.

Tyray pretends like he’s over the drama. Though he packed sexy underwear. We all saw the red silk underwear in the luggage and so he still thinks he can walk out of this problem with a girlfriend. Sadly, this trip to meet the real woman in the photos won’t go well. The real woman is a Cam girl. She makes videos and has a website selling her services. She probably just wanted to be on the show to get more foot traffic for her OnlyFans. She wasn’t going to suddenly fall in love with Tyray or know anything about the messages or the love letters he sent to Christian.

If this woman learns she can gain Tyray as a customer, then she’ll bleed him dry just as much as Christian did. It won’t end in a relationship. Tyray would call it love and she will call it business. Just like the situation with Christian. Christian stopped texting the moment he realized he couldn’t get more money from Tyray.

Tyray was still trying to text this man because he refused to believe Carmella wasn’t real. And now he was hoping for the best with the real woman because he was another one that desperately wants to be loved.

While over in Israel, Meisha and Nicola keep going round and round over the same things. He keeps saying how he wants the relationship to work and then he doesn’t actually put in any of the work. He just wants their relationship to work on their shared love of God. Meisha on the other hand wants to be practical. She’s already been married. She’ll never call her first marriage a mistake because it gave her two beautiful daughters. The only thing she’d called a mistake was in the breakdown of the relationship. And she needs other things from a husband than a shared love.

Meisha needs to be loved as herself. She should also be respected. Nicola doesn’t seem to respect her. He’s constantly embarrassed by her and the things she does. She would ask him to communicate with her if there’s a problem. Except he never communicates. He just dictates. Or tries to change the subject. He said she couldn’t meet his family because he didn’t want them to know she’s divorced or that she has kids. His family believe she’s a virgin like him. He doesn’t like that she has an occasional drink. He doesn’t like that she has one cigarette a year.

Nicola just wants her to stop doing things. To stop being herself. Meisha would change her clothes in the car if she sees a wedding going on at the church they’re visiting and she finds herself wearing white. Nicola was embarrassed by that as well. He just doesn’t get Meisha. Nor was he willing to work on getting to know her. He simply wants her to conform or follow his lead and that’s not a marriage Meisha wants. She loves God. She loves that he loves God. She gave up a lucrative career to go work for the Catholic Church only she didn’t join a nunnery for a reason.

Dempsey and Statler later met with Dempsey’s dad. Dempsey made introductions. She also spoke with her father privately and her father brought up some concerns. Her father didn’t like that Statler tried to move in with her last English girlfriend after just a week. The man told his daughter that was a red flag. He said that Statler was in too much of a rush. He advised Dempsey to find out if Statler really does love her or if she just wanted to be loved by someone. And to do that, Dempsey has to take things slow.

Which was a problem for Statler. It was literally all or nothing for her. Statler doesn’t do well with anything that feels like rejection. It didn’t even matter that at her core she truly wanted to change things about Dempsey. Statler doesn’t want to live on a farm in a small mobile home. Statler wants to move in together after a week and will most likely try to convince Dempsey to move. She wants to pose moving in together as a question when really it was an ultimatum. Let’s move in together or else it’s rejection.

It’s what happened with her last English girlfriend. Statler was ready to move in with her and they broke up when this other woman found out that Statler was in too much of a rush. And while it was coming from a very hurt place in Statler, it doesn’t excuse her for her behavior. Statler needs to learn to love herself first. Then maybe she’ll see that other people can love her just for her. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

A few cities over and it was Cleo and Christian that were suddenly a hot topic. The two did have sex eventually. It just came after a lot of pure crap from Christian. He likes to flirt with women. He likes to be the focus of every party. He just never wants to focus on only Cleo. It was frankly astonishing they even had sex because Christian went from being overly flirtatious to suddenly claiming he doesn’t make the first move. Nevermind that he kissed her first. Or that he sought her out. Christian came up with all sorts of excuses not to sleep with her.

After they slept together, he then felt the need to hide it. Christian didn’t want anyone to know that he slept with a transwoman. He didn’t want Cleo to tell her friends. He was just a jerk about it. Cleo realized the real reason why he doesn’t want anyone to know and she’s hurt right now. She wants to make excuses for him only she had been in tears when she found out he’s ashamed of her. Cleo has seen other warning signs. Only it wasn’t until he asked to keep this secret that she finally saw how he couldn’t deal with dating with a transwoman. Much less having his family find out about it.

Amanda meanwhile went to a pool party with Razvan. Razvan told everyone at the party that she couldn’t wear a swimsuit because she was on her period. She had been embarrassed by that and so she gave him a look. Which his friends noticed. Razvan’s friend Diana pulled Amanda away to have a private conversation with her and she then told Amanda that she thinks the relationship is toxic. She doesn’t think they’re in love. She said they can’t be in love after a week and she could see that Amanda and Razvan only think they should be in a relationship not that they want to be in a relationship.

But Tyray set a date to meet with the real Carmella.

And Jasmine got her own back for the whole whipping thing. She gave Gino a “golden shower”. It means she literally peed on him and it must have turned him on because the two had the best sex ever that night. Jasmine had hoped that after that she could convince himself to distance himself from his family, but Gino refused to believe his family doesn’t trust her and he told her that he wasn’t going to distance himself from them.


Kristine Francis:
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