90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 08/20/23: Season 6 Episode 12 “Field of Dreams”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 08/20/23: Season 6 Episode 12 "Field of Dreams"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, August 20, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 12 called, “Field of Dreams,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“Riley attempts to reconcile with Violet. Gino is ready for a baby. Cleo seeks guidance from the stars. Nicola struggles to come clean to his family. Statler tries to repair her fragile relationship with Dempsey. Sheila’s son is wary of David.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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Riley lets other people talk him into things. For example, he let his new friend talk him into forgiving Violet. Violet has a tendency to lie. She doesn’t prioritize him. He doesn’t trust her. The relationship was over and then Riley let this new person he met in Vietnam convince him he was in the wrong. This new friend said that Tiffany doesn’t get to question Violet because she wasn’t family. The Vietnamese don’t see her as family. It doesn’t matter that Riley sees Tiffany as a sister. Or that she was looking out for him or that she mentioned things he didn’t have the courage to say himself. All of that didn’t matter to two Vietnamese people.

Violet was one of those people. Riley came to believe he was in the wrong. He reached out to Violet. She agreed to meet him at a café and she later told him all about how he was in the wrong. She never once said that Tiffany’s questions came from concern. Or that she owed Riley with an explanation. She also wouldn’t answer Riley’s questions when he came right to ask her himself. Violet came up with another lame excuse about how she couldn’t properly explain herself due to the language barrier.

Watch Riley get an interpreter after this! He may claim he was willing to move on only Violet wasn’t helping herself by continuing to lie to him. The two got back together tonight. There’s just no telling if it will last into tomorrow with these two? The same could be said for Jasmine and Gino. They got over their rough patch and now they’ve found a new rough patch. It happened as they were discussing having a baby. Gino wants kids. He couldn’t wait to have them. Jasmine on the other hand has two sons already and she knows that adding a baby to a volatile relationship won’t save it.

When Gino mentioned he hopes she was pregnant now, Jasmine had to tell him that wasn’t a good idea. She said she loves her kids. She would never trade them for anything. She just knows that having a baby could make everything ten times worst if they’re already having problems. Which they do. They constantly fight. They’ve had to see a counselor about it. The fighting was affecting their sex life and just because they’re finally sleeping together again doesn’t mean their relationship is ready for a baby.

Jasmine wants to marry Gino. She wants to move to the United States to be with Gino. She just wasn’t dumb enough thinking baby would fix their relationship. She knows darn well that Gino could run off and leave her with a baby if things get tough. She also knows how cheap he is. Gino was no longer working. He was retired and he was constantly telling Jasmine that he couldn’t get her gifts because he was on a fixed budget and so how does he think they’ll afford a baby? Gino and Jasmine fight like kids. They don’t need to add a real kid to the mix.

Mind you, Gino has never met her children. He met her sister. Just not her children. He hasn’t asked to see them or even talk to them on the phone. He wasn’t like David. David was doing his best to get to know Sheila’s son, Jhonreil. He was deaf and Jhonreil was hearing. Only David hired an interpreter so that he could talk to Sheila’s family. He wanted to get to know the boy. He wanted to one day bring Jhonreil over with Sheila to the United States so that they could be a family. And he brought both the young boy as well as Sheila to the beach so that they could have fun.

David was doing more than any other potential stepparent on this season of the show. Not even Nicola has spoken with Meisha’s kids. Her daughters have misgivings about him because of his deep faith and they’re not going to follow their mother into her religious lifestyle. The kids are teenagers. They like wearing crop tops. They’re open to having premarital sex and they’ve let their mother know that don’t want to be judged for being themselves. Meisha had tried to bring that up with Nicola. He refused to discuss the matter with her because he said he didn’t want to fight.

Meisha might have left it there if this pattern of avoidance hadn’t crossed over into other things. Nicola never wants to fight with anyone. He visibly checks out of the conversation when Meisha gets mad at him. He hasn’t told his family anything about Meisha in the seven years they’ve been talking to each other. He claims it would be like detonating an atomic bomb if he told his family the truth about Meisha. Meisha is forced to be a dirty secret and her pride won’t allow that for long. She needed to know she was priority with Nicola.

Dempsey needed to know she was priority for Statler. Statler jumps into things too soon because she’s focused on being loved. Not caring about who will love her. Just that she is loved. Statler tried to move in with her last girlfriend after a mere week and she tried to do that again with Dempsey. Dempsey was warned by her father that she should take it slow with Statler. It was the best way of knowing that Statler was choosing her for her and not because she was desperate to be with someone. And so finding out that Statler was still talking to her ex had been another red flag.

Statler had apparently told her ex that she was coming to England. Dempsey had wanted to know why? If the relationship was truly over, then Statler should have said I’m with someone and ended the conversation when her ex asked for more. She shouldn’t have mentioned she’s coming to England. Or let her ex try to talk her into meeting up with her. Statler hadn’t gone through with meeting her ex and right now that was only saving grace out of a mountain of red flags. And so now Dempsey is wondering if she will ever be a priority for Statler.

Cleo and Christian weren’t doing so well, either. They had some kind of sexual relations and he gaslit her about it. He claimed it wasn’t sex. He asked her not to tell anyone because he said it wasn’t sex in his mind. Cleo tried to call him out on it. He played the victim card and Cleo would later apologize to him about it. She would also later contact her astrologist friend. She wanted to see if their relationship had any hope left. It was as the couple were talking to her friend that she broke down in tears. She was remembering how their relationship began and she cried because she didn’t have that same hope as before.

Cleo said that they were so happy when they first started messaging each other. She thought this person could be her forever person and now she has her guard up around him. The astrologist also couldn’t help. She said that they will either be great lovers or great enemies. Cleo asked if they will start off as great lovers before turning into great enemies except she didn’t get an answer from her friend thanks to Christian. Christian then spoke up. He said he didn’t like how the conversation was turning. He also didn’t have faith in astrology.

Christian was born on the same day as Donald Trump. He said that doesn’t mean he’ll be like Trump. Cleo had laughed at his joke when he first said it, but now she wasn’t laughing anymore. The same goes for Jasmine. Jasmine told Gino at the start of their relationship that she would want more kids. He then threw that back at her when she said she wasn’t ready for a baby. Gino said he would be there now that he’s retired “early”. He said that she wouldn’t be on her own. He wasn’t willing to listen to Jasmine’s reasons.

Gino doesn’t have kids. He has a very Disney version of childrearing in his head. He failed to see that they were struggling before a baby and that adding a baby would bring them to the brink. Gino got upset at Jasmine bossing him around in the kitchen as they prepared a meal together. What will he do when she says he’s holding the baby wrong? Or if she doesn’t want to rely on his family for help? Gino knew his family doesn’t trust Jasmine and that they would claim she used a baby to get a green card. How can she turn to those same people for help?

Gino was all gun-ho about a baby. Let’s see what would happen if he has to change more than one diaper! Or if his child has special needs. Or if Jasmine is too tired to have sex. Or if they’ll struggle conceiving a child because there’s always that possibility. Gino just wants a baby and he claims he’ll be there to help. It’s Jasmine that realizes that they aren’t ready for that. They might never be ready for that. She asked Gino if he would still be happy with her if they didn’t have a baby and he couldn’t answer her. And Dempsey not being ready to move in together wasn’t what Statler wanted to hear.

Statler doesn’t deal well with rejection. She was adopted as a baby. She has wondered her whole life why her birth mother didn’t want her and so she often channels that hurt into her relationships with women. She moves so quickly because she thinks if she attaches herself to someone that way they can’t reject her. She fails to see that she needed was a few years of therapy before she moved in with anyone. Especially not Dempsey. Dempsey wants to take things slow. There’s nothing wrong with that and they can have a relationship at the end of it. So, why does Statler think there’s no hope for them?

Meisha was later introduced to Nicola’s family. The family seems friendly. They put Meisha at ease. Now, comes the hard part of telling them Meisha is a divorced mother of two.

And Riley ran into more issues with Violet because she doesn’t regret she’s done to him. But he was getting tired of always having to be her bad guy.