90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 09/17/23: Season 6 Episode 16 “One Crazy Summer”

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 09/17/23: Season 6 Episode 16 "One Crazy Summer"90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days Recap 09/17/23: Season 6 Episode 16 "One Crazy Summer"

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days airs with an all-new Sunday, September 17, 2023 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap below for you. On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days season 6 episode 16 called, “One Crazy Summer,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“A major disagreement threatens Statler and Dempsey’s relationship; Riley gets shocking news; Nicola proposes; Razvan is not sure his relationship with Amanda can be fixed; Cleo worries about Christian’s commitment; Jasmine’s visa interview goes awry.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps, and more, here!

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In tonight’s #90DayFiance:Beforethe90Days episode, Statler doesn’t want kids. Or at least she doesn’t want them now or in the near future. Statler herself has a lot of issues stemming from being adopted. She wasn’t quite healed. Nor does she want to put that same burden on a new child and so she knows she’s not there.

She might never be there. Statler and Dempsey hadn’t discussed children before meeting in person. It was revealed tonight that Dempsey’s dream was to one day be a mother. She didn’t care if she had to adopt or get artificial insemination. She knows that she wants kids to be a part of her future. She just doesn’t know if that future was going to include Statler.

Statler telling her that she didn’t want kids had been a shock. The two women seemed to be on the same page in almost everything else. It was just this one thing that they disagreed on and it might spell the end of their relationship if they don’t work through it.

Only Statler wasn’t in the right mindframe to think of kids. She said as much. She also added that she doesn’t want to lose Dempsey and so she left the door open on kids for now. She said her decision on not wanting kids was ever evolving. And all that did was give Dempsey some false hope.

Dempsey wants kids because she has a great relationship with her own family. She grew up with her parents as well as grandparents all playing an active role in her life.

She wants to have a baby because she knows that she can give that child all the love in the world. Therefore, Dempsey wasn’t quite happy with Statler when she said she didn’t want kids. She started packing. She said the relationship was over. She was ready to walk out of Statler’s life when Statler suddenly said her decision can always change.

But did Statler truly mean it? Or did she only say that to keep Dempsey? There’s been a lot of miscommunications this season. It got especially bad for Riley and Violet. Those two were constantly fighting. They also broke up for a bit. Violet told him the relationship was over after he flew back to the States.

She told him to block her number. She said she was done and then a couple of weeks later she came crawling back. She said she was pregnant. She said Riley was the father. It turns out the two hadn’t quite had the old-fashioned romance that Violet claimed to want.

It ultimately didn’t matter if there was a baby or not. Their relationship was really toxic. They definitely shouldn’t get back together. He should probably also get a DNA test because Violet was constantly busy during his short stay in Vietnam. It seems pretty fishy that she would get pregnant when she had a foot forever out the door.

Thankfully, there were no other pregnancy announcements for now. Razvan didn’t have to worry about that with Amanda. Amanda love-bombed him, manipulated him, pushed him away, and then expected commitment.

Amanda was left stunned when Razvan told her that he wasn’t ready to commit to her. He told her he needed time to think about things before they take their relationship to the next stage. And this wasn’t what Amanda wanted to hear. It was okay for Amanda to have cold feet. She just didn’t like it when he had it.

She went back to love-bombing him. She made him a kit with a blanket to remind him what her hugs her like. She gave framed photos of her with her kids so that he could put around his apartment.

All Amanda did was confuse Razvan because he never knew what to expect from her. It also goes without saying that everyone was relieved when Jasmine didn’t announce a pregnancy tonight. In all honesty, she doesn’t know if she wants more kids. She doesn’t even know if she truly wants Gino or not.

She claims he’s the love of her life and then she pushes him away. It was downright a shock when they got back together. Jasmine cried. She begged. She did everything possible to win back Gino after she claimed to have cheated on him and he took her back. The man has no pride whatsoever.

Gino let everything slide. He kinda had to because he was no saint either. His own behavior has been abrasive if not outright rude. The same goes for her.

They both have tempers. They equaled each other in toxicity. The viewers thought they brought out the worst in each other and they were the only people that didn’t see it. Gino started the paperwork to get Jasmine to the States. She went and did an interview at the embassy for the K-1 visa. And it might not have gone in her favor because she ended up calling Gino in tears afterwards.

Things were also up in the air for Christian and Cleo. Cleo kept trying to see the good in Christian. She overlooked some very troubling signs and it wasn’t until Christian was leaving that she admitted to herself that they might not have a future together. Sometimes relationships don’t work out.

It’s not a mark against her. Its not against Christian. They were just on two different wavelengths. They started out strong when their relationship was online and it took meeting in person before they both realized that they were probably better off as friends.

Christian left London with no plans or anything set in stone. Statler was also leaving England. She was returning to Texas. She wanted to pin down her next visit with Dempsey before she left and that’s when she got a happy surprise. Dempsey had seemingly changed her mind about them going too fast. She now realizes that she genuinely loves Statler. She wants to move in with Statler. Statler wants the same thing. They discussed if they were going to stay living in Dempsey’s caravan. Or move to some place bigger.

Statler lied when she said it didn’t matter where they lived. She was caught up in the moment and she said wherever Dempsey was is her happy place. She failed to mention that she hates that caravan. She thought it was too small. She needed plumbing. She needed hot water.

She didn’t say any of those things to Dempsey because she was too afraid to rock the boat. But she’s going to regret going with the flow. Meisha tried to go with the flow. She said yes after Nicola proposed to her. They got a ring together. Then it came down to planning their lives together.

Meisha wanted to live together while she was working on her annulment from her first marriage. She wanted to file for the K-1 visa now and figure things out later. Nicola however was refusing to live with her without that annulment. He thought it would be sinning.

He also wanted to stick to no premarital sex which he thought would be harder to do if they were living together. She thought they would be fine because they’ve been staying in the same hotel room with no problem. And so now they’re at an impasse on what they should do next.

David and Sheila were perhaps the best couple in a while. The two love each other. They couldn’t wait to be together again. David wanted to bring her and her son over to the States. They were voted “most likely to survive their season together” by the American public. David even cried when he flew back home.

He didn’t want to say goodbye. He didn’t want to be hurting or inflicting hurt on Sheila. He was the kindest man in this whole franchise and so fingers crossed everything works out for him and Sheila.

As for Riley, he did something so stupid that he gets what he deserves. He slept with Violet once before he left and now he could be a dad. He wasn’t stupid enough to jump back into a relationship with her. He instead asked her to see a doctor that he knew spoke English and was willing to include him.

Violet turned that down. She said she had her own doctor. She didn’t care if Riley was willing to pay for a different doctor. She wanted to stick with her own person. She also was wondering why Riley hadn’t proposed to her yet.

Violet wants to get married now. She wants to have a family together now. Notice how she didn’t want those things back when she thought she still had options. She just wants them now that she says she’s pregnant. She wants to come to the States.

Riley can see how much she wants to come to the States and he wasn’t going to agree to anything before he got his DNA test done on the baby. Razvan fared a little better because he believes he does have a future with Amanda. It wasn’t perfect. It left him doubting himself, but he loves her in spite of everything.

Razvan also dreams of one day living in the United States. Jasmine has that same dream. Only there was a problem with processing her application for the K-1 visa and she doesn’t know what that problem is. It wasn’t properly explained to her. All she knows was that she didn’t get a rejection. She got told her she needed a correction.

She began panicking after that and that’s why she was in tears when she called Gino. She was so upset that she didn’t want to see the Panama flags he put up in his place in the States.

And that was it before the Tell-All!

The Tell-All was where the answers to all the questions laid and it wasn’t until next week.


Kristine Francis:
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