Big Brother Premiere Recap 08/02/23: Season 25 Episode 1 “Season 25 Opening”

Big Brother Premiere Recap 08/02/23: Season 25 Episode 1 "Season 25 Opening"Big Brother Premiere Recap 08/02/23: Season 25 Episode 1 "Season 25 Opening"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, August 2, 2023, season 25 episode 1 premiere and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 25 episode 1 called, “Season 25 Opening” as per the CBS synopsis, “Frankie Grande, Britney Haynes and Danielle Reyes break into the house and unleash the season’s twist.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8:00 PM and 9:30 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with Julie Chen Moonves promising a season like know other for the 25th season, a historic 100-day season. Tonight 16 strangers enter the house to try and make BB history. Each week they will vote to evict one of their own until there is one winner who takes home the grand prize of $750,000. Just because there are 16 houseguests moving in, it doesn’t mean there won’t be more.

The first eight houseguests are; Blue Kim just wants to fit in and after 32 tattoos, she believes she is going to shine. She is single and doesn’t mind a showmance.

Red Utley is a country boy and family is the most important thing to him. He calls himself a chill billy, instead of a hillbilly.

Jared Fields loves to coach basketball to give back to his community. His mother played four times on Survivor and never won; he doesn’t plan on telling anyone about her.

Mecole Hayes was 16 when she graduated from high school, her biggest accomplishment is adopting Federal policies. She just got married a month ago, they have never spent this much time apart.

Matt Klotz is deaf and a gold medalist for swimming. He thinks being deaf is a huge advantage because he knows how to lip read. He is single.

Izzy Gleicher plays a flute and is from New York, she lives with her partner Paige, they have been together for four years.

Jag Bains says growing up and wearing a turban had its challenges. It is important for him to represent the Sikh community.

Reilly Smedley is a bartender and is super outgoing. She lost her dad when she was young, he had cancer. She realizes that life is so short and that is why she is on the show. She is single, not looking for anyone, but open.

All eight houseguests are on stage with Julie as she welcomes them to Big Brother. Julie tells them there is a twist, but they won’t hear it until everyone hears it.

Fitness is very important to Luke Valentine. People think he is a dumb jock, but he is a nerd. He considers himself a starving artist and he is open to a showmance.

Felicia Cannon is a real estate agent, she started at 60 years old. She says age is just a number, and she is a super fan.

Hisam Goueli is a doctor who specializes in older adults. But at night, he is a cabaret and burlesque performer. He is a gay, Muslim man who loves life. He doesn’t plan on telling anyone he is a doctor.

Cory is a student, he is a public speaking wiz, a 17-time national champion. He is a blackbelt and well suited to the BB competitions who believes lying is just a part of the game.

Bowie Jane from LA but originally from Australia. She is a lawyer by day and DJ by night who plays tennis competitively.

America Lopez is a receptionist; Spanish is her first language. They didn’t have a lot growing up, she graduated from Browns University with a degree in biology.

Cameron Hardin is a space cowboy from Georgia. He is a hippy and loves to ride horses. His hairs named is Bertha, he says it makes him look like a goofy idiot. He is separated and has a seven year old daughter. He has no problem stabbing someone in the back, or lying.

Kirsten Elwin has her own swim suit business, and does a lot of cancer research. She is super athletic and super adaptable. She wants a BB woman’s alliance.

The next eight are welcomed by Julie, and she is ready to reveal the big twist. She says there was a break-in a few days ago, and the BB universe they think they know, has completely changed. The BB motto is expect the unexpected and this is season that is more than true.

Julie shows a video tape of Frankie Grande, Britney Haynes and Danielle Reyes sneaking into the BB house. Frankie brings in a time laser and they are going to activate it to re-write their BB history. They countdown, and the laser moves all over the house. Britney says something is wrong, Frankie asks what have they done, Danielle says this is not good. The three make a run for it and leave the house, and leave the time laser there.

Their plan backfired and the Big Brother multiverse has cracked open. It means that they have changed the house and changed the game, creating the most unpredictable season of Big Brother ever. What we do know, four universes have taken over. The BB Comic Verse, The Humili Verse, The Scary Verse and the Scramble Verse. At any point this season these multi verses can twist up the game.

The newbies are going to be entering the house four at a time. They can look around, but then go in the backyard where there will be four competitions, each of the Big Brother multiverses. Each person from each group must choose a spot at one of the four competitions.

The first four are Felicia, Red, America and Matt. They have to choose a spot on the pink mat at each competition. The next group is Cory, Blue, Jared and Izzy, they have to choose a spot on the green mats. Next up is Kirsten, Luke, Bowie and Jag, they have to choose a spot on the yellow mats. Hisam, Mecole, Cameron and Reilly are last, they have to choose a spot on the blue mats.

It is time to begin the first competition of the summer, but the scramble-verse has changed the game. Tonight, they are not competing to be HOH, instead it is a nomination competition. The loser of each of each of the four competitions will be nominated for eviction and could be the first to leave the Big Brother house. For the first time ever, the nominations will be revealed before the HOH is crowned. Needless to say, there is a lot at stake.

America, Jared, Bowie Jane and Mecole, this is called puzzling headlines where they have to unscramble a huge puzzle and put into a box it came in, perfectly. They key is don’t be last. America is the first to finish, then Bowie Jane, and Nicole. Jared is the first houseguest nominated for eviction.

Matt, Blue, Kirsten and Hisam are going to kick butt in humili-verse. The goal is to pull a lever and kick themselves in the butt. He person to reach 100 first will win. Matt is the first to guarantee himself safety. Hisam is the second to finish, blue is third. Kirsten is nominated for eviction.

This competition is from the BB comic-verse, Alicia, Izzy, Jag and Cameron will face super villain Dr. Goo. They have to wire a goo bomb to save humanity. Jag is first, then Izzy and Cameron. Felicia is nominated for eviction.

The last competition is from the scary-verse, Red, Cory, Luke and Reilly, this one is called Hold On Freight. While monsters are trying to grab them and drag them away, they just have to hold on. Whomever is dragged away first will be the fourth nominee and they will disappear into the nether region. Nobody knows how long they will be gone, except for the scary-verse. This is one fierce group, they are holding on tight. Cory lost his grip and disappeared into the nether region.

Jared, Kirsten, Felicia and Cory are nominated for eviction. Julie tells the houseguests that the twists are not over yet, but now, it is time to go inside and make themselves at home.

On Sunday, the first HOH will be crowned and we will find out what happened to Cory. And, first the first time ever a Survivor legend will be playing Big Brother, Cirie Fields will be the 17th houseguest battling for the grand prize. She is the mother of Jared Fields who is up for eviction.


Dorothy Gale:
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