Big Brother Recap 08/16/23: Season 25 Episode 6 “PoV and Ceremony”

Big Brother Recap 08/16/23: Season 25 Episode 6 "PoV and Ceremony"Big Brother Recap 08/16/23: Season 25 Episode 6 "PoV and Ceremony"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, August 16, 2023, season 25 episode 6 and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 25 episode 6 called, “PoV and Ceremony” as per the CBS synopsis, “The houseguests compete to win the power of veto; during the veto meeting, the winner of the competition can keep nominations the same or save someone from eviction for the week.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins with the aftermath of Hisam’s nominations. Cameron is not surprised to be nominated, he knows that he is not the target. Reilly is not surprised that she is on the block, she told Hisam last week that she was going after him.

Reilly speaks to Hisam and says that she wants to have a clean slate with him. He tells her that week two and she was the only person to mention his name. Reilly resorts to tears. He tells her she is not out, she can play the veto competition. Jag walks back in the house from the Nether Region and Reilly is thrilled to see him, she believes he has her back and will do what he can to save her.

Hisam and Matt are talking, Hisam tells him that if he plays and wins the veto he can’t take Reilly down ecause everyone will think they are in a showmance. Little does Matt know, he is Hisam’s backup nominee if Reilly does get off the back. Matt doesn’t get threatened, Reilly is his closest ally, he will take off Reilly if he can get a chance to win veto and he and Reilly will come after him next week.

Jag has to choose one houseguest who is going to the Nether Region, the soul he chooses will miss picking players and then cannot compete in the veto competition this week. He cannot send the nominees or the HOH. Jag asks for a volunteer and Bowie Jane offers, so he sends her.

Time to pick the players for the veto competition. Hisam chooses Matt, Cameron chooses America and Reilly chooses Houseguest Choice and she takes Blue.

Time for the veto competition, Cameron goes outside and thinks he has been transported back to his childhood in 1990, it’s the hottest music store in the scramble-verse. To win the veto, he has to hit the button to start his time, then race to each turntable where they will be given part of a clue by spinning the record.

They must spin the turntable forwards and backwards at just the right speed to get a clue. Once they have all three clues they will need to put them in the correct order to figure out the bizzare scramble-verse task they will need to accomplish. The houseguest who completes the three scramble-verse tasks the fastest will win the power of veto.

Time to find out who won the veto, this one is huge for Reilly, she thinks the odds are in her favor. During the competition, it seemed like Reilly and Hisam were the fastest. In third place with a time of 2:36 is Blue, in second place with a time of 2:10 is Cameron. The winner of the power of veto with a time of 1:45 is Hisam.

Look who has all the power this week, Hisam is going to send Reilly home. Cameron is hoping that Hisam will keep his word and he will be safe. Matt is upset, he wanted to save Reilly and now he can’t. Reilly can’t believe the one person who she didn’t want to win the veto, won it.

Bowie Jane is back from the Nether Region. Reilly sits down with Hisam and he tells her that he doesn’t want any more blood on his hands. And at the veto meeting, he will likely tell people that she is his target.

Time for the veto ceremony, Hisam has decided not to use the power of veto. He tells Reilly that he loves her, but she is his target. During her HOH reign, she mentioned his name and split the house prematurely. And, he hopes the houseguests will help him to vote out Reilly and re-establish relationships. Nothing in Hisam’s speech was untrue.

Reilly says there is no way in hell she is leaving on Hisam’s HOH. Cirie says Hisam’s speech took her back, if he is not careful, he might get himself thrown out of the Professor’s alliance.


Dorothy Gale:
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