Big Brother Recap 08/17/23: Season 25 Episode 7 “Live Eviction and HoH”

Big Brother Recap 08/17/23: Season 25 Episode 7 "Live Eviction and HoH"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, August 17, 2023, season 25 episode 7 and we have your Big Brother recap below! In tonight’s Big Brother season 25 episode 7 called, “Live Eviction and HoH” as per the CBS synopsis, “Following a live vote, a houseguest is evicted and interviewed; remaining houseguests compete for power in the next head of household.”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins with day 16 in the Big Brother house and although the house is split, Hisam is in control and ruling the game, and never wavered from his target, evicting Reilly.

The reviews are in and Hisam’s veto speech has not gone off as planned. Reilly says it was cold of Hisam to target her in front of the whole house, she has never given up a she will not let him do this to her. Cameron is on the block, but he is just going to keep his head down and let the house let Reilly go home.

Cirie and Izzy talk, Issy thinks the speech was a little extra. He wants to get Reilly out, but is speech is forging too much sympathy for Reilly. Izzy tells Cirie that speech was a lot. Unfortunately Cirie promised Reilly that she would have her vote, but that would require her to cross Hisam and the Professor’s alliance, and she is not sure if that is good for her game.

Matt an Cirie are in the pantry room, he wants to keep Reilly because she is good for his game. Matt says it is not over until it is over.

Izzy is in a room speaking to Blue and Cory. Blue is closer to Reilly, she wants to save her. Cory understands the plan is take Reilly out, but Hisam made an ass out of himself and Cory is not sure if he wants to do Hisam’s dirty work.

Elsewhere, Felcia tells Cirie she didn’t like what Hisam did, there was no human kindness. Cirie says they just need to do the right move that will get them further in the game.

Cameron tells Jared he has a theory, he believes Felicia is Denzel Washington’s brother. It’s happened before, Frankie Grande was the brother of Ariana Grande. Cameron tells Jared he will never unsee it now that he told him.

Jag is speaking to Cirie, he tells her that they have the numbers for Reilly to stay. Cirie doesn’t know if Hisam’s speech worked the way he wanted it to. Cirie thinks if Reilly stays she will be sitting pretty, because they will be on Cirie’s side.

The Professors alliance all meet and toast to their alliance. Hisam says the rest of the house is going to try to pull them in to save Reilly. It is more important than other that they stay strong and not create any new alliances. Hisam is the only voice and everyone else is getting annoyed. There are cracks in the Professors alliance. Hisam brings up Jared’s name, saying he is a target and Cirie is not happy.

Cirie, Felicia and Izzy talk about backdooring Hisam next week.

Hisam talks to America, how he would like to work with her, a strong player. She tells Cory and he runs to Cirie and Izzy. Now, the house is turning, they might just send home Cameron and send a message to Hisam.

Cirie and Izzy go around the house and tell the houseguests that Hisam is trying to run their game. They speak to Mimi and she is not sure if she wants to die on this Reilly hill, she is not sure this is the best move for her game. But then, if they send Reilly home, Hisam will be more relaxed, think he is in charge and be easier to backdoor.

Time for the live vote, Red is up first and he chooses to vote to evict Reilly. Bowie Jane is next, she votes for Reilly, Jag for Reilly, Cory for Reilly, Matt for Reilly, Blue for Reilly, Cirie for Reilly, Felicia for Reilly, America for Reilly, Mimi for Reilly, Izzy for Reilly and Jared for Reilly. All of the votes are in. With a vote of 12 to 0, Reilly is evicted from the Big Brother house.

Julie is with Reilly who was just evicted, Julie asks her why nobody came through for her. She says she thinks there is a lot of fear in the house. Julie tells her that she was clearly Hisam’s target, why? She says being in the HOH room put a target on her back early in the game. Julie tells her there is a secret relationship in the house, she goes on to say that Cirie is Jared’s mom. Reilly says they are good liars, awesome.