Big Brother Recap 09/10/23: Season 25 Episode 17 “Nominations”

Big Brother Recap 09/10/23: Season 25 Episode 17 "Nominations"Big Brother Recap 09/10/23: Season 25 Episode 17 "Nominations"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, September 10, 2023, season 25 episode 17 and we have your Big Brother recap below!

In tonight’s exciting Big Brother season 25 episode 17 called, “Nominations” as per the CBS synopsis, “The Head of Household Cameron Hardin will reveal who his nominations for eviction are. ”

So, visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother recap between 8:30 PM and 9:30 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Big Brother recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Power is forever shifting in the Big Brother 25 house! No one knows that better than the amazing show known as “Big Brother”. It’s sparked several spinoffs and several conspiracies. The fake alliance known as Legend 25 has crumbled into pieces. Cameron knows now that the alliance was never real.

He thought the plan was to get Jag out of the house and instead he found out that practically everyone voted out his good friend, Red. This along with other downright betrayal has shown Cameron he has to use his Head of House power to destroy the real power behind the Throne. And the one person who would side with him was Bowie.

Bowie had also been betrayed. She voted for Jag. She thought the plan was to evict Jag. She was so upset to hear that everyone voted for Red and so she was left in tears at the end of the night.

Bowie took Red’s eviction personally. She hated that she wasn’t included in the plan. She hated that she felt so alone while everyone else plotted against her. Bowie tried to confront them and Felicia told her to put on her big girl pants. She said it was all part of the game.

Felicia pointed out that Bowie could play a pivotal role in what happens next. She was the only one to vote with Cameron. She therefore has an in with Cameron. He will turn to her because he believes he trusts her and the real alliance wanted Bowie to manipulate Cameron into voting their way.

Bowie of course doesn’t trust them. Nor is she willing to follow their plan. She knows that they’re full of crap. She refuses to play their game for them and so they tried to manipulate Cameron on their own. Cirie sought out Cameron. She told him that Red planned on betraying him.

Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy all claimed that Red was trying to evict Cameron. They claimed that Red was so set on evicting his buddy that that’s what turned them off of Red.

They had to get him out because they wanted the best for Cameron. They pretended to be Cameron’s friend and he saw right through them. He knew that all betrayed Red. He knew they were lying about Red. He said in his confessional that the only person he could trust was Bowie. Bowie wouldn’t play games with him like everyone else would.

The girls had been right when they said Bowie would be the one person that Cameron trusts. They were just wrong in believing that Bowie would turn against the one person that hasn’t lied to her. Bowie wants to play the game, but she just wasn’t going to be a jerk about it. Bowie talked to Cameron afterwards. They both admitted they got played by their supposed alliance. They called bull on Legend 25. They said they were the only ones each other has. Cameron also told her he wouldn’t reveal too much to her because he had to play his cards close to his chest.

But the real alliance wasn’t really panning out. Felicia was making enemies wherever she went. She upset some people by trying to talk to Bowie privately. She upset other people by talking about final two. Felicia made the mistake of trying to turn Jared against Cirie. She was being all-around sloppy and Cirie was having enough of her. She was tired of having to clean up after Felicia. She felt Felicia wasn’t being a smart player. And funnily enough Felicia accidentally revealed to Red that they were going to eliminate him before they eliminated him.

Red had thought she was getting ahead of herself. He and Bowie laughed about it. Now, no one is laughing. Felicia accidentally reveals too much in her messiness. It showed her best friends that she couldn’t be trusted in the final three. It showed her enemies that she was an easy target. Cameron was already plotting away in the shadows. He wanted to use Blue as a pawn. Blue wasn’t happy with that. She turned on the waterworks and he told her that everything was cool. He was saying the same to Raj.

Cameron didn’t want to reveal to anyone who he was putting up for eviction. He has a plan. One that he kept to himself to the final moment. He said in his confessional that he was giving it his all at the nomination ceremony. Only Humila-week destroyed careful plans. The Humila-verse meant that there was a stinkometer in the bathroom. It would go up to ten and force everyone to wear gas masks. It also meant that Cameron had to hit everyone in the face with a pie if he wasn’t nominating them.

Cameron toyed with the pies before he went on to nominate Felicia and Izzy. He was tearing into that real alliance. He was hoping to turn them against each other and he angered the trio in doing so. He knew Cirie was running things. He also knew she doesn’t stand a chance without allies and that’s why he’s chipping away at said allies.

It was all a part of his plan before he ultimately makes a move on Cirie herself.


Kristine Francis:
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