Blue Bloods Recap 05/12/23: Season 13 Episode 20 “Irish Exits”

Tonight on CBS their hit drama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, May 12, 2023, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below. On tonight’s Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 20 “Irish Exits”,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Frank worries about his longtime friend Lenny Ross (Treat Williams) when he suspects the former officer is hiding his true reason for returning to the city.

Also, Danny and Baez investigate when Baez and her daughter are targeted by a criminal Baez once put away; Eddie gives her partner, Badillo, relationship advice when his ex-girlfriend is physically attacked; and Anthony is sucked into the inner workings of an underground crime ring when his chaotic cousin, Joey, begs him for a favor,.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Blue Bloods recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Blue Bloods recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Blue Bloods episode begins with Erin and Anthony coming out of the courtroom and his cousin Joey walks up to them and says he is Anthony’s guardian angel, he took a bullet for him over a week ago. Now, Joey needs a favour, a place to crash and he tells him that he owes him. Anything gives in, but says only for a week.

Janko and Badillo go into a bar, responding to an assualt and speak to a woman named Isabella, she knows Badillo, and says she is not doing this with him there. Badillo leaves. Isabella says this guy came in, he was super drunk, starting hitting on her, and when she turned him down, he hit her lip.

Somebody sent flowers to the precinct with a note that says sorry for your loss, the chief is taking it as a threat ad want Baez and Danny to look into it. Baez says she knows who it is, 12 years ago she put Sam Evans away for a brutal murder. At the trial he just stared at her the whole time. He got out today.

Frank is at lunch with his friend Lenny Ross, Frank asks him why he came to the city. Lenny tries to act like it is just a visit, no particular reason. Lenny gets a message and cuts their lunch short.

Frank had his detail tail Lenny because he was worried, and finds him in a cafe with his daughter Tess, who has been crying. Lenny says she is going through a rough patch, she says him too, he to some bad stuff from working on 9/11, but Lenny says it is just his asthma. Frank says he is a concerned friend, and Lenny tells him to go.

Danny and Baez meet with Sam Evans, she tells him that she knows he sent the flowers. He says it wasn’t him, he is not the same person he was back then, he is a new man with a new purpose. He just got out, the last thing he wants to do is go back to prison. Danny tells him that hey will be watching him. Before he leaves, Evans turns around and gives a long stare at Baez.

Janko tells Badillo that facial recognition has a possible on a guy named Eric Reese, has had some disorderly conducts. They head over to where they can find him, a restaurant he works at. Badillo asks him if he knows Isabella, she said they got into an argument. He claims that she got all emotional, he did nothing. Badillo notices that he has some scratches on his hand.

Anthony and his cousin are walking down the street when shots are fired. They duck, and are not shot. Anthony is furious, Joey admits that the Lucero crime family is after him and Anthony is furious and says he willl kill him before they do. He says he was working as a dealer at the casino and they think he skimmed a little bit, well 10 grand. Anthony is shouting, Joey says he didn’t want to get him involved, he swears he will make this up to him. Leroy Lucero himself is after him, trying to make a name for himself. Erin says they have been trying to get Leroy for some time, and they have nothing that could stick. Anthony gives an evil smile and says that they now have a minnow to use as bait.

Frank is sitting with Garrett and Sid, Lenny’s daughter Tess has been using her father’s courtesy card about twice a week, mostly weekends, mostly nights and she is not really courteous. She uses the power of Detective Lenny Ross’s good friend and former partner, Frank Reagan. Frank tells them to have her surrender the card, discreetly. In other news, Garrett has reached out to the top doc at the world trade centre health program, Lenny Ross is under his care. Sid says maybe they want to hit pause on pulling his kid’s courtesy card.

Baez stand by her belief that it was Sam Evans. Baez gets a call form home home, she is in the car with Danny and tells him to rush to her place. They get there and the babysitter returned to the house and found the door open, she didn’t go in. Danny goes in, he finds a Lilly on the baby’s bed, the same type of flower that was sent to the precinct.

Baez is upset, he was in her house, all she wanted was a better life for her and now this monster is after them. Danny promises that nothing is going to happen to them, there will be police present front and back, and he will stay there with her.

They next day, Frank spoke to Sam Evan’s parole officer, he removed his ankle bracelet just before the break-in. He is supposedly staying with his mom, so he is heading there, he tells her to stay with Elena.

Evan’s mother answers the door, she says her son is not there and she can’t help, the last she saw him was yesterday morning. When he got out, she wanted to turn him away, but he had no place to go.

Erin tells Anthony that he has to find another way to get Lucero, Joey is a huge liability. Anthony is upset, he says his family is not perfect, and he is not going to turn his back on him.

Frank is over to speak to Henry, he doesn’t like how things went down with his friend, he is really sick and he didn’t get a real chance to have a talk with him.

Isabella is called to the precinct, she tells Janko that she and Badillo talked, it is the first conversation they ever had. She feels a lot better, she feels less used, she thought she was the love of his life.

Danny calls Baez and says Evan liked trophies and the guy who he murdered had a house that he left to his family, a months back they sold it and it was bought by an anonymous buyer. He thinks maybe Evan bought it, he gives Baez the address but doesn’t expect her to leave Elena with the babysitter and head out there. Danny rushes out in a panic.

Danny arrives a the home and slowly looks around. He hears a noise and heads to the basement where he finds Baez, she has her gun pointed at Evan’s head, he is on his knees. Beside him, on his computer is a photo of her daughter and she is freaked out. He laughs and says they don’t have much on him, he will be out before they know it. Danny talks her down.

Anthony is with his cousin, he is going undercover to set up Leroy Lucero. Anthony tells hm to stick to the plan. It goes wrong when Joey is short some money, Anthony walks in and says his cousin will work off the rest and if anything happens to him, ESU will be tearing the place apart.

Baez tells Danny that she almost shot Evans, she doesn’t know what came over for her. He spoke to the DA office, they are going to push for maximum sentencing. She says she doesn’t know what she would have done if he wasn’t there. Then she invites him for dinner, since he brought her take out.

At the family dinner, Jamie just got back from a bachelor party trip and he says he ate, fished and went to bed every night by 9. He hadn’t seen the guys in a lot of years and it was nice to catch up. Henry says the most you make of your time together is all that matters.

Frank meets Lenny coming out of the hospital, he says he tried to respect his request to be left alone, but he didn’t have it in him. Frank gives him his courtesy card for his Lenny’s daughter, since he took Lenny’s away from her. Frank asks him if he wants to do something, he says sure.


Dorothy Gale:
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