Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, February 22, 2023, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below. In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 8 episode 14 called, “On Days Like Today… Silver Linings Become Lifelines,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Crockett relies on O.R. 2.0 to save a construction worker’s severed hand.
Charles and Goodwin clash as negotiations drag on between the administration and the custodial workers’ union. Hannah fights to keep a mother and her newborn baby together.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!
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Tonight’s episode begins with Dr. Hannah Asher being at the gym working out when she got a call. The call was from her friend, Liza. Hannah had agreed to act as a sponsor for her fellow addict because she knew how hard it was to go cold turkey on your own and so she wanted to help. Especially as Liza was pregnant. Liza was trying to stay clean to protect her baby. She hadn’t been all that careful during the first trimester because she hadn’t known she was pregnant at the time and she was staying clean now as a way to try and fix whatever damage she may have caused. And so when Liza called, Hannah didn’t beat around the bush in telling her to come straight to the ED.
Hannah wasn’t even at work. She went in on her day off to be there for Liza. Liza said she hadn’t felt her baby moving as much today. She was scared about it and everything was alright. She was actually in labor. Her water had broken and everything. Also, a little known fact that most people didn’t know about was that babies have less room to move after the water breaks. Its why Liza’s baby wasn’t being her usual flamenco dancer self and so it’s a good thing Hannah told her to come in because Liza wouldn’t have known her water had broken or that she was in labor.
Liza didn’t feel any contractions in the beginning. She wasn’t in pain at all, but she still asked Hannah to stay with her when she delivers because Liza never got around to finding an OBGYN for herself. She just took to coming into the ED and letting Hannah treat her. She didn’t want to trust anyone else with her history of being a drug addict. Her greatest fear was someone taking her baby away. Hannah understood that. Its also why she broke the rules for Liza. It was technically against procedure for Hannah to leave the ED.
She was supposed to hand over Liza’s case to the doctor upstairs. She also couldn’t be running upstairs to labor and delivery because she was needed downstairs. She never knew when a pregnant woman would come in needing help. She shouldn’t be tying herself up in one woman’s case. Only this was Liza. Liza her friend. Liza her sobriety buddy. Hannah knew how hard it was on Liza to get clean much less ask for help and she didn’t want to abandoned her just because of policy. And so she got permission to stay with her.
Hannah talked to Dr. Archer about this. Archer agreed to let her follow Liza’s case and go upstairs with Liza when she needed to. He did this with the condition that Hannah would be downstairs when needed. Hannah was stretching herself a little thin with what she was doing. She just wouldn’t have changed anything because she saw how much Liza needed her. Liza’s contraction did start to kick off. She was in pain. Her abdomen was too rock hard and she needed medications to help with that. And it also didn’t help that her baby showed signs of being in distress.
Liza had to constantly be on the move to take the stress off her baby. The whole thing stressed her out to the point that she hadn’t even wanted to hold her baby when the baby was delivered. The little girl was born healthy and thriving and everyone was happy. Or they were at first. Hannah handed her to Liza mere moments after she was delivered. Liza was all smiles when she saw her baby and then it was like someone flipped a switch. She asked them to take the baby. She claimed she was too tired after hours of labor. And everyone was being understanding of that.
Hannah even wanted to check up on her before she went back to the ED. But then she met Liza’s supposed boyfriend. He was waiting in Liza’s room alone. Liza wasn’t in the bed. He said she was in the bathroom and he tried to stop Hannah from knocking on the door. He even got physical with her to the point Archer had to come and step in. The boyfriend fled once he saw Archer. But the whole thing left Hannah worried. She opened the door on Liza and she found Liza passed out on the floor with drug paraphernalia in the bathroom.
Liza had apparently shot herself up with drugs. She just had a baby and she goes and does this? Hannah thought it was the stress of labor that pushed her to break sobriety. She made excuses for why Liza would do this. She even yelled at Archer because someone contacted Child Protection Services. Hannah thought it was Archer because he was the only one who had been in the room with her when she found Liza and he said it wasn’t him. And if it wasn’t him, then who else called CPS on Liza?
Hannah later learned it was actually Liza who called CPS. Liza didn’t think she was ready to become a mom. She said she could feel her daughter needing her when she first held her and that she couldn’t take it. Something in her broke. Liza stayed clean for her daughter during her pregnancy. She didn’t think she could keep doing it. As Hannah was doing her best to counsel her, the rest of the hospital was dealing with some upheaval. The cleaning crew were considering going on strike because they felt overworked and underpaid.
They were supposed to be negotiating with Sharon for getting their demands met. Except they found out that the hospital was bringing in a scabs to cross the picket line and that these new cleaners were even getting to stay in a hotel on the hospital’s dime. The union thought that was unfair. They were going to the newspapers about it and they were going to complain about the hospital. They even approached Daniel with his help in going public. Only he couldn’t help them because it was against his contract. And all of this was going on right as the hospital was supposed to be making the news again for a daring surgery.
A construction worker accidentally cut off his hand. Crockett attached the hand to the patient’s leg to keep the blood flowing through the hand and he used the OR 2.0 for help and once again Crockett noticed glitches with 2.0. He was still able to pull off a successful surgery, but he decided his next surgery would be in a regular OR. He wanted a chance to move away from technology.
And Hannah agreed with Liza that the baby should be handed over to foster care while Liza works on getting and staying clean. But it wasn’t all good news. Dr. Will Halstead had to break some bad news to a patient waiting for a new kidney. It turns out he has cancer. He won’t get the new kidney only his life was saved thanks to Will.
The End