CSI: Vegas Recap 02/02/23: Season 2 Episode 12 “When the Dust Settles”

CSI: Vegas Recap 02/02/23: Season 2 Episode 12 "When the Dust Settles"CSI: Vegas Recap 02/02/23: Season 2 Episode 12 "When the Dust Settles"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Thursday, February 2, 2023, season 2 episode 12 called, “When the Dust Settles” and we have your weekly recap below. In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 2 episode 12 as per the CBS synopsis, “Catherine’s day off with her granddaughter gets interrupted when a woman wakes up from a four-year coma and remembers details from the night her sister died in their hair salon.

Tonight’s season 2 episode 11 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode, two women are at a salon late. One is doing the other’s hair. They hear a noise. Someone is trying to break in. They both begin to cough.

Four Years Later

The hairstylist is in a hospital bed. A woman reads to her. Suddenly she wakes up. Meanwhile, Catherine brings her granddaughter to work. She asks Josh and Allie to watch her. She just got word on an old case from Maxine. Two sisters at a hair salon. One died and the other slipped into a coma after exposure to chemicals.

Maxine looks over the deceased sister’s body after she has been exhumed. Her hair is still growing. Catherine and Serena head to speak to the living sister. She tells them someone was trying to break into the salon. And she thinks it was her sister’s husband. He is a monster.

Catherine and Maxine take Catherine’s granddad on a field trip to the hair salon where the sisters experienced their incident. They find footprints and a ton of supplies. They send it to the lab. Beau and Josh look over the evidence. They find formaldehyde in some of the shampoos.

Maxine and Serena visit the deceased sister’s husband. He is playing pickleball. He’s defensive about his terrible relationship with his dead wife and the accusations made by his living sister-in-law that he may be the killer. Later, Serena and Josh interview all of the old salon workers. Chris and Allie track the killer’s footsteps in the salon. They find fungus in the air vent.

Stabler had pushed too hard to get Eamon to do his business at the bar. Eamon said it wasn’t Stabler’s place to tell him anything and he was calling him “boy”. It was a whole mess, but it got Stabler closer to Eamon and he was manipulating him from the inside. Stabler could handle the manipulation. He was doing his job at the end of the day. It was Jet that was causing some worry. Jet seemed to get really close to Seamus. She even figured out that he put out a hit on the brother of one of the guys that called him “donkey”.

Catherine and Allie see that the ventilation system was cut. Catherine heads to the hospital and talks to Mimi, the sister who came out of the coma. Mimi insists she saw a monster and it was her brother in law.

Catherine visits Maxine in her office after. They talk about how its not good that Catherine took her granddaughter to a crime scene and poke fun at Maxine for keeping old electronic cords. They find the cord they need and power up Mimi’s old phone.

They find a photo of the sisters with a monster looking figure in the background. Catherine gets a text from her daughter who is angry that Catherine brought her granddaughter to the crime scene.

Maxine and Serena pull Mimi’s brother in law in for questioning. He denies any wrong doing. They keep working at the crime scene. Josh discovers the shampoos being sold are knock offs.

He runs it by Beau who says that this makes sense since the labels and the ingredients inside of them do not align. Meanwhile, Catherine and Allie discover the monster picture is actually someone in the background wearing a gas mask behind a shaded divider.

After gathering their evidence from charcoal droplets found on the floor, they test everything and ID Heather as the killer. The woman who was reading to Mimi who also worked at the salon years ago was selling knock off shampoo and tried to cover it all up. She breaks down when they confront her.

Catherine invites her daughter and granddaughter to Hawaii. No crime scenes, just fun. They agree to go.


Sarah Luoma:
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