CSI: Vegas Recap 02/09/23: Season 2 Episode 13 “Boned”

CSI: Vegas Recap 02/09/23: Season 2 Episode 13 "Boned"CSI: Vegas Recap 02/09/23: Season 2 Episode 13 "Boned"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Vegas premieres with an all-new Thursday, February 9, 2023, season 2 episode 13 called, “Boned” and we have your weekly recap below. In tonight’s CSI: Vegas season 2 episode 13 as per the CBS synopsis, “The CSI team investigates the death of an archaeologist found near the breakthrough discovery of an ancient civilization.

Also, Max locates another cryptic note written in familiar silver ink after a mentally distressed woman kills her attacker.

Tonight’s season 2 episode 13 looks like it will be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Vegas recap at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s CSI: Vegas episode, the body of Harrison Cantwell was found by a river. He was found by a teenage girl. She was doing a field trip with her family and they were supposed to be looking for gold in the river, but the kid was a little too old for such an excursion.

She was on her phone the whole time. She wandered too far off. She had to be tracked down and then she spotted the body on her way back to the camp. It was one body with two skulls. The body had been holding onto a skull when he was stabbed by a rock shaped into a sphere. The skull he was holding onto was actually the same way as Harrison and so that made this one trippy.

Harrison was apparently an amateur archeologist when he was alive. He was part of a dig that had found an early settlement in the area and he had unearthed the female skull. He must have found the murder weapon at the same time because the killer then used it to murder him.

Josh was the first on the scene. After he realized how Harrison died, he called for backup. Harrison was part of the local museum. He must have been missing for over two months and no one noticed because he usually disappeared in the hunt for a new find.

Harrison was searching for a Clovis community. He wanted to find the oldest variation of humanity on earth and he found it. They tested the skull he was carrying. It was dated as being over twelve thousand years old. It was a genuine Clovis skull. It was the find of the century.

The CSI team suspected that someone must have gotten jealous about it. They probably thought they could kill Harrison and claim the find as their own. And what they didn’t plan on was when Harrison fell into the water after being stabbed through the eye, he still held onto that skull.

It got caught up in his death grip. Which must have frustrated his killer. To better find the killer, they needed to find the crime scene. Josh and Detective Serena Chavez estimated where the body originated from using water currents and math. They then got out the drone to fly to that estimated location.

There was just one problem with it. That place couldn’t have been the scene of a murder. Josh and the pretty was figuring out what that means for them as Maxine found a lead in the silver ink case. Someone told a man to kill Ms. Tate. The victim surprised the killer and shot him first.

She shot him three times. The authorities were writing this off as self-defense when Max noticed a scar on the Tate woman’s temple. She received treatment in a mirrored ballroom. Max tried to ask her some questions and unfortunately, it triggered her paranoid schizophrenia. Max instead had to talk about her own experiences. How she dealt with the man that tried to attack her. It was hearing that Max had been through something similar that the Tate woman finally let her guard down. But she wasn’t ready to go there or face the possibility of who wanted her dead.

The archeological case meanwhile had quite a few suspects. There was a woman that Harrison worked with and she was supposed to get credit as the lead archeologist after Harrison did all the grunt work. Harrison also had a wife. The wife couldn’t wait to get her hands on his death certificate because she wanted to save as much of their estate as possible. Harrison would take all the funds and throw them into the next dig. There was never an in-between with him. Except both women have alibis.

His killer was revealed to be the guy who ran the Natural History Museum in town. Harrison called the museum hoping to get his partner and to tell the partner about his amazing find. But he got the guy instead. The guy found out about the find and he wanted to be a part of it. Harrison was freezing him out and so they got into a fight at the dig. Something Josh did later find. Harrison was injured and the other guy was injured. He had tried to kill Harrison, but Harrison still had enough strength to make it to the river holding that skull.

And now that guy is going to prison. The find was still being credited to Harrison and he will be in all the history books.

But Max, Allie, and Penny had found a credible suspect in the silver ink murders. They believe the killer to be Dr. Diane Auerbach. She was a therapist. She was the Tate woman’s therapist. She also has a printer with the same flaw that was on all the cards trying to get the mentally ill people to kill for her.


Kristine Francis:
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