Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Friday, January 27 Recap – Chanel & Allie Separate – EJ & Nicole’s Date – Gabi Convinces Rolf

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Friday, January 27 Recap – Chanel & Allie Separate – EJ & Nicole’s Date – Gabi Convinces Rolf

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers recap for Friday, January 27, reveals that Gabi Hernandez (Camila Banus) got Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) on the phone and asked if they could talk. Li let Gabi in his hotel suite soon after and was surprised when she insisted she wanted to get back together.

Gabi acted like she had a horrible run-in with Stefan DiMera (Brandon Barash), who called her vicious names and made her realize Li was right – that he’d never love her the way Li did.

After Gabi said she wanted to give their marriage a real shot, she put her ring on and suggested they should consummate it.

Li struggled to wrap his head around Gabi’s news, but he ultimately kissed her before showering since he was sweaty from a workout.

Next on Friday’s Days episode, Gabi dropped the charade and wiped her mouth in disgust as soon as Li was out of the room.

That gave Gabi a chance to rummage around looking for any clue that would lead her to Dr. Wilhelm Rolf (Richard Wharton).

Once Gabi found Li’s burner phone and called a number that had already been called a bunch of times, she got Dr. Rolf on the other line.

Gabi argued that Dr. Rolf could get back in the DiMeras’ good graces and stay out of prison.

After Gabi convinced Rolf to head back to Salem ASAP and do Stefan’s deprogramming, she started to sneak out.

Li emerged from the shower and saw that Gabi was about to leave, so he asked where she was going.

In Nicole Walker’s (Arianne Zucker) bedroom, she begged EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) to make love to her as she frantically tried to undress him.

Nicole pushed EJ back on the bed, but he could tell she was “drunk as a skunk” and turned her down.

After Nicole threw up in the bathroom, she felt better and apologized for making a fool of herself.

Nicole couldn’t understand how she got drunk off a drink and a half, but she admitted not everything was about the alcohol.

Once Nicole assured EJ that she was done pining for Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan), she said she wanted to move on with EJ if he was willing.

EJ wondered if that meant a relationship or a roll in the hay – though he was game for either.

Nicole suggested they could see how things went, so EJ got her to agree to a proper date once she was feeling better.

Later, EJ saw that fallen asleep, so he covered her up with a blanket.

Meanwhile, Tripp Johnson (Lucas Adams) beat Wendy Shin (Victoria Grace) on the videogame they were playing and thanked her for keeping him company.

Since Wendy had been checking her phone, she admitted she thought she might hear from Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman).

Roman Brady (Josh Taylor) stopped by with some chowder, so Tripp said he’d make sure Steve Johnson (Stephen Nichols) ate some.

Wendy expressed her condolences to Roman regarding Kate Roberts Brady (Lauren Koslow) and Kayla Johnson (Mary Beth Evans) as well.

After Roman noticed Tripp’s shiner, Tripp offered a vague excuse and covered for Johnny. Wendy found that sweet and praised Tripp once they were alone.

If Tripp ever needed support, Wendy insisted she’d be there for him and gave him a hug.

At the pub, Sloan Petersen (Jessica Serfaty) ranted about Paulina Price (Jackée Harry) and complained about her pancakes getting cold.

Eric offered to get Sloan some of his family’s famous chowder for an early lunch instead.

However, Sloan wasn’t a fan once Eric brought her out a bowl.

Eric and Sloan joked about that before Roman overheard that she hated their signature chowder, so he was irked.

Sloan hoped Roman wouldn’t hold it against her since she hated all chowders, not just the Brady Pub’s version.

Roman pointed out his real issue with Sloan was her going after Abe Carver’s (James Reynolds) wife, but Sloan defended her pursuit of justice and Eric backed her up.

While Sloan was on a phone call, Eric defended Sloan to his father and admitted he really liked her.

As for Nicole, Eric assured Roman that their romance was over.

At home on Friday’s Days episode, Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) flipped out over Chanel Dupree (Raven Bowens) being in Johnny’s arms.

Johnny and Chanel scrambled to explain why it was innocent, but Allie acted like they probably would’ve cheated on the sofa if she hadn’t walked in.

Johnny thought Allie was as bad as Sami Brady (Alison Sweeney) right now, so she fired back about Johnny being like EJ – going after taken women and not caring about the relationships he ruins.

Chanel played referee and pushed Johnny to leave, but Allie made another comment about him hooking up with her girlfriend right as Wendy appeared in the doorway.

Wendy seemed crushed, but she said Johnny didn’t owe her an explanation and took off.

Once Johnny caught up with Wendy in the park, he explained that Allie was lashing out and trying to hurt him.

Johnny admitted that he almost kissed Chanel, but that was as far as it went.

Although Johnny really liked Wendy and wanted to take her on a real date, she feared his life was too complicated right now.

Johnny decided that they could take some time and eventually go on that date once they figured things out.

Wendy liked the sound of that and embraced Johnny, but she still seemed a bit pensive over his shoulder.

Back with Chanel on Friday’s DOOL episode, she got updates on Allie’s visit to see Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) and thought her girlfriend was being a total hypocrite.

Chanel didn’t get why Allie refused to trust her and pointed out she wasn’t the one who’d cheated before.

Allie didn’t think that was fair since she cheated on Tripp with Chanel, but they agreed to stop the fight before they said other things they might regret.

Chanel decided they could use some time apart, so Allie agreed with that.

Once Chanel packed a suitcase, she headed to Paulina’s apartment and encouraged Allie to take a few days off at the bakery.

After Chanel stepped out the door, she looked upset – and so did Allie once she was alone in their apartment.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Allie and Chanel have more relationship drama coming up, so stay tuned to DOOL.

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