Doubling Down With the Derricos Recap 06/06/23: Season 4 Episode 2 “We Didn’t Start The Fire”

Doubling Down With the Derricos Recap 06/06/23: Season 4 Episode 2 "We Didn't Start The Fire"Doubling Down With the Derricos Recap 06/06/23: Season 4 Episode 2 "We Didn't Start The Fire"

Tonight on Doubling Down With the Derricos airs with an all-new Tuesday, June 6, 2023, episode and we have your Doubling Down With the Derricos recap below. On tonight’s Doubling Down With the Derricos season, 4 episode 2 called “We Didn’t Start The Fire,” as per the TLC synopsis, “An unexpected crisis turns the Derricos’ household upside down. The twins learn the value of hard work when they start their own business. Deon gets a phone call that could change his and GG’s lives forever..”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Doubling Down With the Derricos recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, videos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s DDWTD episode, Deon taking away screen time proved to be a problem. He thought he was fostering opportunities to bring out his children’s creativity. He wanted them to play together and spend time together however the kids were louder than ever. Some of it was their way of sabotaging their dad’s plan. The rest of it was just kids being kids. They were so loud that it flared up Deon’s OCD. He actually stormed out of the house to get away from his family. He couldn’t deal with them and it created issues in his marriage. Karen had been angry at him for storming off.

Karen had told him earlier that same day that she needed to go out. She said she had to do some business for her children’s clothing line and he ignored that because he was too busy focusing on himself. He only regretted taking the screens away because now he couldn’t work from home. It was just all about him. His inconvenience. His OCD. He didn’t once consider Karen’s feelings or needs. Karen couldn’t bring that up to him when he came back to the house because they don’t argue in front of the kids. She had to wait to talk to him when they were alone.

Karen later expressed to him how upset was. She said they needed a bigger house. They couldn’t meet all of their needs in their current home seeing as it was too small for them. They have fourteen kids. They needed a bigger school room. They needed space for all of their stuff. She also told him that he couldn’t just storm off like that. She needs help at the house and she couldn’t launch a company or raise fourteen kids by herself. And Deon heard her. They talked through their problems and things were on the mend when they got a surprise.

There was someone that kept calling Deon. He sent that person to voicemail at first because he didn’t recognize the number. He also hadn’t wanted anything to interrupt his conversation with Karen and it seems that person might be family. There was a young man who believed he might be Chris’s son. Chris was Deon’s late brother. Chris died a few years ago. His family has been struggling with his death ever since and so this news could mean everything to them. It could mean there was still a part of Chris here in the world.

Chris hadn’t had children or none that he knew about. This young man that was calling said that he talked to his mom and she said Chris might be his father. The priority lying on the word “might”. There was a chance. The young man didn’t know for sure and neither did his mother. Only Deon was so hoping it was true. Deon called the young man back. They talked a little bit. Deon believed the kid sounded like a good young man. He wanted to get to know him. He also knew he had to tell his mother about this.

Before Deon could make that call to GG, there was a fire at the house. The kids were playing when they saw the house filling up with smoke and they warned everyone upstairs. The smoke detectors kicked off after that. There was eventually so much smoke that Deon and Karen weren’t sure who was still in the house and they started running to each and every room to make sure the place was cleared. It was a bit chaotic finding all fourteen kids. They thankfully found all of them and had them line up outside in birth order to do a headcount.

The culprit seems to be the lasagna. Karen forgot about the lasagna in the oven. It burnt up and that’s what created all the smoke. The fire department later gave them the all-clear. They were allowed to return home. They had to figure out a new dinner plan, but this event showed them that they didn’t have a plan for everything. They now have to work on their emergency protocols. It also reminded Deon to tell his mother everything. He called over to the house. He told her about the voicemail and how he called back Amani.

GG just couldn’t go there, not mentally. She needed proof that this young man was her grandson. She was still struggling with her son’s death and this young man could be the person to help her heal only she didn’t want to get her hopes up if Amani wasn’t Chris’s. GG and Deon agreed to videochat with the young man only they did something before they did that. They visited a firehouse as a family. They all found out what to do in case of a fire. GG also got flirty with a firefighter. And the kids learned a valuable lesson.

The lessons kept coming for two of them. Two of the kids wanted scooters. They asked their parents for their money and Deon told them that he wanted them to work for the money. They then came up with a business plan. They were going to run a lemonade stand. Their dad told them that he would match whatever they make in a day. GG decided to be a little naughty. She helped the kids along by giving them a hundred dollars. And with their dad matching the price, they can now afford their scooters.

They also tested out what they learned by purposely triggering the smoke alarm. They wanted to see if the kids remembered what to do and it seems they were now taking their safety more seriously.

And when they videochatted the young man, they all agreed to get a DNA test.


Kristine Francis:
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