East New York Finale Recap 05/14/23: Season 1 Episode 21 “Ruskin Roulette”

Tonight on CBS our favorite show East New York airs on an all-new Sunday, May 14, 2023, episode and we have your East New York recap below. On tonight’s East New York Season 1, Episode 21 finale called, “Ruskin Roulette” as per the CBS synopsis, “Haywood’s leadership is called into question after a tragic shooting close to home, and her relationship with Suarez is put to the test.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our East New York recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our East New York recaps, spoilers, news, and more, right here!

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In tonight’s East New York episode, several people were killed during a shooting at Officer Brandy Quinlan’s building. The primary suspect was Tyson Fox. Brandy knew prior to the shooting that the recent parolee was illegally living at the public housing and she hadn’t reported it.

She instead told her neighbor Thora that her nephew has three days to move. Brandy was just trying to be a good neighbor. She thought she was giving Tyson the chance of finding a new place to live, but unfortunately her career could be over if Tyson was revealed to be their shooter.

Brandy didn’t have the leave to make deals with crooks. She was a beat cop. She was a junior beat cop at that and so she didn’t have leave to give Tyson a couple of days to move out. She should technically have reported him the second she learned he was staying there. She should have said something when she saw Tyson talking to one of the victims.

She should have said something or anything before the shooting occurred because no one was waiting for the facts to come in. They all wanted to blame Tyson for this.

Deputy Inspector Haywood was even being pushed to pull Brandy out of the hosing projects. Chief Donaldson was pushing for a lot of things. He wanted Haywood to pursue quality of life crimes. He wanted to repeal everything she put into action. When her plans were working, he tried to take credit for it.

Things were different now that she faces setback. The Chief wanted to protect himself. He also wanted to be seen doing something because he was competing with Assistant Chief Suarez for the Commissioner job.

There was also Don Jacowitz to deal with. He was the union president. He also didn’t care what cops do. It was his job to get them off. He’s been investigating Haywood ever since she tried to bench an extremely volatile cop for roughing up the people he arrests just for the fun it. That was apparently wrong in Jacowitz’s eyes.

He was now working with the Deputy Mayor to bench Haywood. They either wanted to demote her back to captain or her promote her up to a desk job where she’ll have no way of pushing through any of her policies.

All these men thought that Haywood could easily be defeated if they tried hard enough. They failed to see that Haywood came up through the ranks on pure hard work and she wasn’t going down without a fight. They had all thought Tyson was the shooter. Haywood however had her people continue to investigate. They found out that the gun used in the projects was a community gun. People could put money in a tin and use the gun whenever they want. Tyson wasn’t their shooter because he was too busy looking for a new place to live.

Their shooter was actually Duane Trope. Trope used to be Orlando Highgate’s second in command. He thought Orlando was taking too much of a cut. Orlando was running guns and drugs through all the affordable housing communities. He moved his operations out of Ruskin Gardens when Brandy moved in. They hadn’t wanted to draw attention and so Haywood’s plan was working. Brandy kept that community safe for as long as possible while she was there. If Orlando hadn’t been so greedy that his own people would want to kill him, then no one would be trying to move Haywood.

Duane shot himself in the arm to pretend to be one of the victims. His own men turned against him. NYPD was sent to Duane’s apartment to arrest him and he tried to shoot his way out. It was dumb. It also ended in his death. He was shot by Officer Andre Bentley. It was considered a clean shooting.

They solved their case. They also helped clean up Ruskin Gardens. Plus, Haywood’s numbers came in. Crime was overall down in her district. Donaldson’s boss (a four star Chief) had actually sided with her on her initiatives. He asked Haywood to oversee the other districts. And she could make a difference to all of Brooklyn.

Suarez seemed to be behind this new chief’s backing only one can never tell with him. Suarez also helped Detective Morales get an interview with the DOJ. It was supposed to be about the failure of Brooklyn SVU when in actuality she was asked about her partner, Detective Killian. Killian was involved with a man who was a little too close to the Russians. His name was Azeroff. The FBI were investigating him. They were also going to investigate Killian for working for him. Killian needed cash fast and his money woes could end up costing him more than he bargained for.

Morales warned him about the DOJ investigation. He was mad at her at first because she hadn’t told him right away and so he forgave her by time they all went out for drinks. Even Suarez came along. Suarez was out of the running for Commissioner. Sharpe said he would push for Donaldson if he’s elected Mayor. He claimed that loyalty was everything in this game and Suarez disappointed him by not pushing Haywood out of her job. And so Suarez lost the Deputy Mayor, but he saved his friendship with Haywood.


Kristine Francis:
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