FBI: Most Wanted Recap 05/16/23: Season 4 Episode 21 “Clean House”

Tonight on CBS FBI Most Wanted airs with an all-new Tuesday, May 16, 2023 season 4 episode 21, “Clean House”,” and we have your FBI Most Wanted recap below. In tonight’s FBI Most Wanted season 4 episode 21 as per the CBS synopsis, “The Fugitive Task Force searches for a missing migrant teen they believe was lured into unlawful work by a dangerous man. Also, Remy learns of a previously undisclosed witness in his brother’s murder case.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s FBI: Most Wanted episode, Remy contacted Larry Michael Davis’s lawyer. Larry was the man in prison for murdering his brother. Remy had thought this man was guilty of that murder, but he found out that an eyewitness had been ignored in the original trial.

The prosecutors were so intent on putting a black man behind bars that they ignored the fact that their murder victim was seen arguing with a white man prior to his death. Remy therefore contacted Larry’s lawyer because he wanted this witness’s name. He wanted to speak to her himself. He wanted to question her. He wanted to see if his brother’s killer was still out there.

Only the lawyer was tied down by attorney-client privilege. She couldn’t discuss Larry’s case with an outsider. He either had to get Larry’s permission to view his files or he has to go back to the original detective that worked the case.

Both of which have a lot of red tape involved. Remy tried to get Larry to let him view the files. He even tried to be polite about it and Larry wasn’t willing to hear him out. Larry has spent over twenty years in prison for a crime he claims he never committed. He had to hear Remy as Remy shot down each and every one of his appeals.

Larry wasn’t going to give Remy anything. Not after they’ve spent years of Remy calling him a monster. Larry was out and Remy couldn’t trust the prosecution to give him the eyewitness’s name.

If Larry was telling the truth, they’ve been burying evidence. Remy couldn’t trust them. He also couldn’t spend too much time fighting them. He got called about an abduction. There was a missing teen girl. She and her friend were immigrants seeking asylum in the United States. They came up together and they were put on a bus to New York by the Governor in Texas.

Unfortunately, someone was preying on these kids that wanted a better life for themselves. There was a guy who calls himself Carlos. Carlos claimed he could give these two girls jobs and sponsorship to become American citizens. He gets them in the van.

He drives them out to the middle of nowhere and then he asked these girls to help him bury a body. They didn’t want to only he pulled out a gun. He was making them bury the body when one girl got brave. She tried to fight back. Carlos killed Regina and Xiomara tried to run away.

Xiomara got all the way to the door of a house where she tried asking for help. She fell back on Spanish as it was her native language. The homeowner couldn’t understand her. Then Carlos found her. Carlos pulled out his gun again and the homeowner shut the door on Xiomara because she didn’t want to die. Carlos kidnaps Xiomara right in front of this woman. She called 911 after it happened. The FBI became involved because they do so in abduction cases. And they found Regina’s body not far from the abduction scene.

They got a description of the missing teen. They also got a description of her captor. The FBI then did some digging to find out who Regina came up with and they identified Xiomara that way. They tried to find her only they were sadly too late to rescue her. Xiomara was abducted because a wealthy white guy likes sleeping with teenagers. Carlos delivers these girls to them. He claims that they were just going to clean when all along the rich guy gets to rape these girls. He tells them he can help them get citizenship if they sleep with him.

If they don’t sleep with him, he gets angry. He rapes them anyway. He also has them killed and dumped. Xiomara was one of the girls that refused to sleep with the pedophile. She just wanted to clean. This guy told her that she could clean and then he had her killed after he raped her. Carlos was the clean up guy. He was doing all of this to himself gets a sponsor for citizenship. Carlos was the wrangler. He works with the staffing company to put illegals in the worst jobs imaginable for the littlest of pay. He was the one that kept them in line as well as stopped them before they could report the company.

The FBI caught up to Carlos because he was still looking for more victims. They found him and arrested him. Carlos’s van was also found nearby. He had Xiomara’s body hidden in a compartment inside. Carlos wouldn’t talk to the police. He just kept asking for a lawyer and so they checked the GPS on his van. They found out he was last seen with Xiomara outside of the Dority Hotel in the Upper East Side. They then found a woman who was willing to talk there. She said that the man that did that to Xiomara was Easton Harcourt.

Harcourt was a property developer. He ran the company known as “Harcourt and Sons”. He was used to paying off victims or having them killed. When they got an arrest warrant for him, he tried to bribe his way out of it. He even tried to run away and they still arrested him. They got DNA on two underage murder victims. He was going away for a long time.

And thankfully Larry changed his mind about giving Remy access to the files. Remy couldn’t find this woman on his own, but he asked Hana for her help in tracking her down and her name is Cassie Forner. She was homeless at the time of the death. Only she’s sober now and runs a charity.


Kristine Francis:
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