Law & Order Recap 02/23/23: Season 22 Episode 15 “Fear and Loathing”

Tonight on NBC Law & Order returns with an all-new Thursday, February 23, 2023 episode and we have your Law & Order recap below. In tonight’s Law & Order season 22 episode 15 “Fear and Loathing”,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Cosgrove and Shaw must unravel a string of false crime reports to get to the truth surrounding a respected doctor’s murder. Shaw becomes the target of retaliation when he files a complaint against two patrol officers.

Tonight’s Law & Order season 22 episode 15 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Law & Order recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

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Tonight’s episode begins with Shaw walking down the street and two cops stop him, guns raised. Shaw says he is a detective and he is on the job, but the two cops won’t listen and tell him to get down on the ground. Cosgrove walks up just in time before this went too far. The cops were aggressive and the whole scene was about to get bad, they wouldn’t listen to Shaw. Cosgrove takes their badge numbers and breaks it up.

Cosgrove is on the scene of a murder with Shaw, a man is dead on the ground. Shaw says it wasn’t a robbery, he’s got a five thousand dollar watch on and her cell phone was left there. The victims name is Dr. Darian Marshall, he still has cash and credit cards in his wallet.

The cop who stopped Shaw in the street drops by and says that he doesn’t want him to file a complain because he is up for detective. Shaw tells him that he stopped him only because he was a black man and didn’t even let him show his badge. The cop then threatens Shaw and reminds him that this is a brotherhood, under the color blue.

The victim was a heart surgeon, they need to put together a timeline and see what time he left work.

At Mercy Hospital, Shaw and Cosgrove find out that he was one of the good ones. They look at a video where Marshall is having words with another doctor named Hopkins, who then shoves Marshall into a wall. Next stop is to speak to Hopkins, he says he didn’t know Marshall that well, he is not the one to ask questions to. Hopkins gets up and says he is going to call his attorney, Shaw tells him to let him know to meet him at the station.

Shaw and Cosgrove reveal that they know about the video and his shoving Marshall against the wall.

The team does some digging and finds out that Marshall was at a condo building two blocks from the crime scene. Cosgrove tells Shaw that if he wants to press charges against those two cops, he’s got his back to the end.

Marshall was at his ex-wives house, he didn’t stay long. Her boyfriend Greg went over and he was really jealous of Marshall, when he saw the plates in the sink he realized Marshall was there, was angry and stormed out.

They go see Greg and he says he never liked Marshall’s attitude. Greg says when he left his girlfriends’ house he went back to work at his security business, he has surveillance videos to prove it.

Greg was at his office, he gets crossed off the list. There were three robberies in the area of Marshall’s death. They head to the home of Brian Burke, one of the men who was robbed. They tell him that his robbery could be linked to a murder. Burke says he was approached from behind, then he was hit on the back of the head. The perp was black, young and wearing a ski jacket and a wool cap. He says it was traumatic and he doesn’t like reliving, he asks them to leave.

Both victims were hit from behind with a blunt object, in the same neighbourhood, could be linked.

The two cops, Wagner and Farley are on the attack. They say that Shaw didn’t follow protocol. Dixon warns him that going against cops is going to be hard and might ruin his career.

A little more digging into Burke and they find a surveillance video of his arriving home late at night, hands shaking. Shaw and Cosgrove bring him in, he confesses but says it was self-defence. He claims that Marshall asked for directions and pulled a gun on him.

Matthews from Internal Affairs got see Shaw and tells him that the officers filed a complaint against him. Matthews tells him nobody got hurt, nothing really happened, he should just drop it because it makes them, the police, look bad.

Price wants to charge Burke with murder, McCoy is not sure if it is a good more. Then, Burke’s later want to meet. Burke says he should have called 911 but he panicked. On the night of the incidence, he got an alert on his phone that there was a suspicious person in the area, there was a dangerous black man in the area and it was a picture of Dr. Marshall. A man named Daniel Deluca is the one who posted the story about the dangerous black man in the area, and Dr. Marshall’s photo. The next stop is going to speak to Deluca, he says he was doing community service. Shaw tells him that he cannot just post random stories, they arrest him for manslaughter.

In court, Burke takes a plea deal, seven years for manslaughter and he says he called Dr. Marshall because of the app, Deluca posted the photo of Dr. Marshall and said he had a gun, he felt he was protecting himself.

Deluca is put on the stand, Price accuses him of planting false reports of criminal activity to reduce the price of real estate, to help him prosper because he is a real estate agent. Price shows evidence where Deluca issued several fictitious posts where certain properties were located, then within a matter of weeks, he purchased the properties at those locations and made a killing. Deluca says he is a business man, he made a profit.

The jury is back in, Deluca is guilty of manslaughter and the first degree.

Shaw leaves the court house and finds out that internal affairs is closing the investigation and the complaint against him, he is suspended for a week without pay. He gives his badge to Dixon and she tells him the blue wall is still the blue wall.

The End

Kristine Francis:
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