Law & Order Recap 05/04/23: Season 22 Episode 20 “Class Retreat”

Law & Order Recap 05/04/23: Season 22 Episode 20 "Class Retreat"

Tonight on NBC Law & Order returns with an all-new Thursday, May 4, 2023 episode and we have your Law & Order recap below. In tonight’s Law & Order season 22 episode 20 “Class Retreat,” as per the NBC synopsis, “When a respected businessman is found murdered, his surprising connection to Cosgrove’s daughter helps the police make a break in the case.

Price and Maroun disagree on how to proceed at trial when the defendant’s age brings up legal precedent they must follow.

Tonight’s Law & Order season 22 episode 20 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Law & Order recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

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Tonight’s Law & Order episode begins with Jerome Elliot, CEO and Founder of Shielvern Capital, they find innovative ways to sustain life. He is walking along side the water, he is talking on the phone about someone who is livid and says maybe they should bump up security for a few weeks, you never know pride is a dangerous thing.

All of a sudden, someone comes from begin and whacks him on the head and kills him. Some time afterwards Cosgrove and Shaw are on the scene, and he still has his watch on and his wallet in his pocket, so this doesn’t look like a robbery. A woman called 911 at 9:37 pm to report it, she saw someone running away.

Cosgrove and Shaw visit Jerome’s wife, Heather, she says she knows nobody who would want to harm her husband personally and he was walking, because he always does that at night, he loved taking in the city lights thats when he did his best thinking. HIs daughter walks in, Sophia, she got to Cromwell Academy and she claims to nothing either. Heather says Jerome started to complaining about work, which was new, and he said he was tired of being the bad guy.

Shaw doesn’t get it, the guy lives in an apartment that probably costs 40 million dollars what does he have to be stressed out about. Cosgrove says that Lily goes to the same school as his daughter, Cromwell Academy, great school.

Next stop is the apartment of Layton Miller, he sent some stupid texts to Jerome before he was killed. Layton says he was upset, he partnered up Jerome, they were going to make millions and two months later, fired him. The last time he saw Jerome was yesterday at 11am, but he didn’t kill him. Jerome made him rich still, he made 50 million dollars.

He tells them to ask his doorman, he was home when Jerome was killed. But A guy like Jerome he gets threatened a lot because of he business he is in, but he was having more problems at home – the day before he was killed he had a nasty fight with his daughter, he could hear her screaming through the phone.

Cosgrove and Shaw head back to Jerome’s house and speak to Sophia again. She admits that she got upset, her father said some mean things, they argued a lot. The last time she saw her father was yesterday morning before school. She starts crying and say she didn’t get to say goodbye or sorry. She bought tickets to Taylor Swift without asking and he called her a spoiled brat, she got really mad and said she hated him.

Cosgrove is home, he asks Lily about Sophia, she said she spent time with her doing the retreat, they broke into small groups and talked about their problems; sexual assault, drugs, etc. Lily says that Sophia said that her father was abusive and she feared he might kill her some day.

Back to Sophia, Cosgrove confronts her about the retreat, she says that was supposed to be private and she guesses that Lily told Cosgrove. She says she was venting, she loved her father, he just got mad at her for stupid things.

The night of the murder, Sophia and her mom got him at 8:20pm, Sophia is then seen on video sneaking out at 8:50pm and doesn’t return until after midnight. She stopped by an apartment at 9:12 in Tribeka, its a small building with few residences. Cosgrove looks at the list of names and recognizes Walsh, there is a kid in Lily’s class named Cooper Walsh.

They head out to find Cooper, and he sees them coming and makes a run for it, but doesn’t get far. At the station, Cooper says Sophia was at his apartment the night of the murder. Cooper says she has a boyfriend, not him, and she is trying to break up with him but feels guilty.

Dixon thinks this is a targeted attack. After a look at Jerome’s phone, they find out that his phone was being tracked. Shaw and Cosgrove head to the school and Cosgrove tries to find out more about the retreat, but finds out nothing. He speaks to Cooper again, his phone number is the one that was tracking Jerome’s phone, but someone else registered it in his name, that is actually not his phone, he had his cell phone with him and it was a different number.

Actually, a little more digging into the phone and it is was brought by Lawrence & Cynthia Cole Family Trust, they have one kid, Aaron Cole and he is actually Sophia’s boyfriend. Dixon says they need to talk to Aaron now and find out why he was tracking Jerome’s phone.

At the station, Aaron says Sophia was cheating on him, that is why he hacked Jerome’s phone, she was terrified and that is why he killed him. HIs father walks in at that moment, too late, his son confessed to murder.

McCoy wants Aaron tried as an adult, he is 6 weeks shy of his seventeen birthday and he beat a man to death, Price doesn’t agree. His lawyer argues that it should be held in a juvenile court but the judge says no.

Aaron’s lawyer wants his confession thrown out because it was given in a safe space, they win that argument.

Price says the blood sample was too small on Aaron’s hoodie, it doesn’t prove that it was Jerome’s blood.

Next stop is a dumpster, Cosgrove and Shaw go searching to see if they can find some evidence because Aaron was walking near there just after the murder. Inside they find a bloody tennis racket, the blood matches Jerome’s but no fingerprints.

Cosgrove goes home and tells Lily they have to talk, they found the text she send to Aaron about Sophia’s father, he wants to know why she didn’t tell him. It’s a big deal. Lily is worried this is her fault.

In court, Lily testifies about the text, she says Aaron said Sophia’s dad was a monster. Aaron’s lawyer tries to undermine Lily by saying that she disclosed at the retreat that she was suicidal. Price is furious, Lily is upset.

In court, Aaron’s lawyer tries to argue that he is guilty by reason of insanity.

Dr. Meyerson, from the school, is on the stand to answer questions about the retreat, Aaron’s lawyer says the retreat caused Aaron to kill Jerome, it is their fault. This was the eighth retreat, and never before did any student do anything violent.

Aaron is on the witness stand, he says he felt awful, he was scared for Sophia, that her father might hurt her again or kill her. The more he heard about Jerome, the angrier he got, his heart started racing. He kept thinking he was going to kill her and them he blacked out. He doesn’t even remember walking there, he just remembers standing over Jerome’s body with his tennis racket and he was dead, he is so sorry. Price asks about the GPS on the phone that he bought, he remembers doing that, he was stalking Sophia to see if she was cheating him. He also purchased the tennis racket. Price says he set out to kill Jerome and he succeeded. Aaron tells Sophia that he loves her and thought her father was going to kill her, he was doing the right thing.

Aaron’s lawyer speaks to Price, she says he is just a 16 year old boy and doesn’t deserve to rot in prison. Price goes to speak to McCoy, he still wants Aaron tried as an adult, Price still doesn’t agree.

Back in court, Aaron is found guilty and Is taken away in tears.

Cosgrove is home, he checks on Lily who is laying down on he bed, he puts a cover on her and kisses her on the forehead and says “I love you kid.”