Magnum P.I. Fall Recap 10/18/23 Season 5 Episode 13 “Appetite For Danger”

Tonight on NBC their reboot of the classic series Magnum P.I. airs with an all-new Sunday, October 18, 2023, episode and we have your Magnum P.I. recap below. In tonight’s Magnum P.I. season 5 episode 13 called, “Hit and Run,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Magnum and Higgins enlist Katsumoto to go undercover when a chef at a high-end restaurant goes missing.

Kumu works with Cade at the Cultural Center, confronting one of America’s darker chapters – the internment of Japanese Americans in the wake of Pearl Harbor.

This reboot of the classic series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Magnum P.I. recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s Magnum P.I. recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s #MagnumPI episode, what led to an entire room being left unconscious? Well, it all started with a case. Magnum and Higgins were having dinner at a fancy restaurant when the owner came to their table. The poor guy had a problem. His Executive Chef was missing.

Kanoa Clark disappeared several days ago and his boss was worried something happened to him. He was concerned because Kanoa didn’t have family. His staff were family. They were the closest people he had in his life only none of them have heard from Kanoa since his disappearance. It was one thing if he simply was sick of the job. It was a whole other matter if he wouldn’t even speak to his closest friends because none had heard from him.

The private investigators agreed to take the case. Only they were going to need help. They wanted eyes inside of the kitchen at the restaurant. They couldn’t go themselves because they were seen with the owner at restaurant one night. They might get recognized if they return.

They then turned to their good friend, Detective Gordon Katsumoto. Or Gordy as they like to call him. They asked Gordy to infiltrate the restaurant for him. He was a cop and he too was concerned about a missing person. Gordy also has experience in the kitchen.

Gordy dusted off an old jacket. He got work in the kitchen. Now, he was their eyes on the inside. Gordy quickly learned that Jason Peterson has taken over from Kanoa. Kanoa was a tough taskmaster when he was there. He was particularly tough on Jason. It was now Jason’s time to shine as temporary Executive Chef.

He had to step up and he had to be seen doing a better job than Kanoa while he was there. His own boss felt the food had fallen since he had taken over. And so when his boss “hired” Gordy to work in the kitchen, Jason thought that was a sign he was about to be fired.

Jason was quite stern with Gordy. He gave him the most menial tasks. He yelled at him all the time. He firmly believes that as chef that he should have chosen his own staff and that was only after he had seen them work a line.

He didn’t know Gordy. He therefore didn’t trust Gordy, but Gordy changed that when he surprised Jason. Jason was behind the restaurant when two thugs began to threaten him. They were apparently looking for Kanoa. They thought Jason might know where he is and he swore he didn’t.

Jason was about to get beaten up when Gordy saved him. Gordy scared off the two thugs. He also impressed Jason. Jason told him that the thugs were looking for Kanoa and that it left him scared. He was one of the few people that thought Kanoa was just taking a breather. It wasn’t until the thugs showed up that Jason suspected something else might have happened to Kanoa. Jason said he always respected Kanoa. He was only tough on Gordy because he wanted to maintain Kanoa’s high standards for everyone at the restaurant.

Jason was operating with the belief that Kanoa would come back right up until he was threatened. The whole thing left him worried and Gordy was able to get fingerprints off the knife the thugs used to threaten Jason. The thugs weren’t really thugs at all. Sure, they went to prison only they were looking for Kanoa because he was a friend of theirs. Kanoa used to teach cooking at the prison. He also helped some of the guys get jobs when they were released. Kanoa was one of the good ones. And none of his friends have ever heard he has a drug problem.

Magnum and Higgins were asking around. They heard that nasty rumor. Then they tried to check it out. They couldn’t find any evidence indicating Kanoa was a drug addict. The only thing that’s changed in Kanoa’s life was that he was dating someone new. He was dating Olivia Leong. They couldn’t go public with their relationship because Olivia was going through a bitter divorce from Oscar Leong. She has a cheating clause in her prenup. It doesn’t matter that she’s already filed for divorce. Her husband was still having her followed in the hopes of not having to pay her alimony.

Magnum and Higgins tracked down Olivia’s address. They got there too late to rescue her. Olivia was abducted from her house by two men that never bothered to cover their faces or to shy away from the Ring doorbell. The little camera gave the police evidence of an abduction. Olivia’s ex was later interrogated at the police station by Gordy. Only Oscar claims he has nothing do with either her disappearance or Kanoa’s. He also lawyered up and that prevented further questioning. And so the rest was up to the PIs.

Magnum and Higgins tracked down the car that was used to abduct Olivia. They found that and the kidnappers at a Gala. The kidnappers were suddenly dressed as caterers. They also had Kanoa there as the chef though he was being guarded by these supposed caterers. The PIs took photos of the guys. They sent them to Gordy. Gordy quickly identified them as robbers. They were a part of a crew that set up fake catering companies with local chefs in order to case and eventually rob the place where they’d be working.

Kanoa must have figured them out. They then grabbed Olivia for leverage and were forcing Kanoa to go along with their plan when the private investigators found them. Magnum and Higgins quickly changed clothes. They got into the gala. They were hidden when a gas leaked into the room that knocked almost everyone out. Magnum quickly grabbed a mask. He overpowered some of the crew. He was going up against two of them when Higgins showed up to help save the day. They took out five guys. And they saved Kanoa.

Gordy also got to the sixth guy that was guarding Olivia and so she too was rescued. Kanoa and Olivia were reunited. Kanoa also went back to work before long. Gordy, Magnum, and Higgins did a good thing. And it was just these three that did a good deed. Cade helped a Japanese-American man find his sister. The two were separated at the internment camps in WWII. George sadly didn’t get reunited with May. May died in 2012. But May left behind a big family. She even named her son George in honor of her brother and so now he gets to tell them about their grandparents.

And TC was able to walk to the end of the life with his little league cheering him on.


Kristine Francis:
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