Magnum P.I. Premiere Recap 02/19/23 Season 5 Episode 1 “The Passenger”

Tonight on NBC their reboot of the classic series Magnum P.I. airs with an all-new Sunday, February 19, 2023, episode and we have your Magnum P.I. recap below. In tonight’s Magnum P.I. season 5 episode 1 premiere “The Passenger,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Magnum and Higgins weigh the risks of pursuing a relationship. Rick juggles being a new father and running La Mariana. Katsumoto tries to figure out his next move.

This reboot of the classic series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Magnum P.I. recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

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In tonight’s Magnum P.I. episode, Thomas Magnum was making his living as a private investigator when he made a crucial mistake. He fell in love with his partner. Her name was Juliette Higgins. She was former MI6. She was a legendary badass and it was love at first sight with for Magnum.

Something he didn’t want to acknowledge in the beginning. He hadn’t wanted to go there because he hadn’t wanted to risk their friendship. She hadn’t wanted that either. They did their best to protect their business until they reached a point where it was impossible to deny their feelings for each other. And so they finally gave into those feelings.

It took them four seasons, but they got there and now comes hard the part. They now have to try and make the relationship work on top of making the partnership work. Which was going to be hard because that partnership already suffered several bumps in the road. It came about naturally because Juliette and Magnum were just so different. They disagreed about everything. They even disagreed about telling their friends they were together now. Magnum had wanted to tell the world after their first night together.

Juliette meanwhile thought they should be cautious. They don’t know how the relationship will progress and they shouldn’t risk telling people until they were sure about the direction they were heading in.

Plus, they have to work together. They technically already live together because they both lived on their good friend Robin’s property albeit in separate wings and so working together was complicated enough without adding feelings. Magnum ultimately agreed with Juliette not to tell anyone about them. He instead started lying to his friends. And that right there was against his very nature.

When Kumu wanted to know where Juliette was because she hadn’t slept in her bed, Magnum pretended she was in the cellar. He said that she had started a new exercise regime called “wine and rise”. Kumu probably suspected something was going on when he came up with that outrageous lie. But she still went away long enough for Juliette to come out of hiding. Magnum hadn’t liked lying to his friend and he tried to convince Juliette that they should tell the truth. And she wasn’t having it because she felt for sure that her way was better.

Juliette convinced him of her idea again. Only it was a little shaky from there. The one thing that seemed to help them was working together again. They caught another case. They were approached by Sara Macy. Sara’s husband had recently died. Greg was in a car accident. He died instantly. Sara was doing her best to pick up the pieces when she got ticket in the mail because her husband had run a red light not long before he died. And in the photo of her husband running the red light, Sara saw that he hadn’t been alone in the car that night.

Greg was with a woman on the night he died. Sara had no idea who this woman was. She didn’t recognize her from the photo and her husband hadn’t told her that he was dropping anyone off. So, Sara suspected the worse. She suspected her husband was having an affair. She thought the woman was his affair partner and that Greg would have tried to hide it if it hadn’t been caught on that traffic camera. Sara wanted answers. She turned to Magnum and Juliette for their helping in locating those answers and they went looking into Greg.

It wasn’t long before they found out Greg had been secretly messaging a woman who went by “J”. J warned Greg that they couldn’t talk for long because she mentioned her husband will be home soon. Now, at this point, Magnum and Juliette were beginning to believe that Greg might have been murdered by his affair partner’s husband when they got caught rummaging through Greg’s office. They were spotted by Detective Childs. Detective Childs was new. He had taken Gordo’s old job after Gordo got fired for breaking someone out of prison. And this new guy was tough.

Childs had no interest in seeking the truth or trying to help a couple of private investigators. He told the two PIs to stay out of his way and he warned them against using a fake badge. They chose to ignore him. Magnum also used Childs’s badge number to access the traffic camera that night. They found evidence of Greg being run off the road by another car. They found a press on nail in the car as well. The nail was really decorated. As in professionally done and so Magnum contacted his ex-girlfriend Kimee who was a manicurist. It had looked like her work.

Juliette got a little jealous of Magnum talking to his ex, but he kept Kimee on speaker the whole time. Magnum found out from her who the nail belonged to. It belonged to Melinda Parker. She was married to Nathan Parker and Parker was a big name on the island. He was rich. He has some serious security team. He also happened to be a wife-beater. Melinda was never having an affair with Greg. Greg had been her doctor and, after he treated over several months, he noticed that her husband was abusing her. And he tried to help.

Greg was trying to get her out of there. Magnum and Juliette found photos of her bruises on Greg’s computer. They even went to Melinda’s house to ask her how she was. She hasn’t used her cell phone since the accident. They were afraid her husband had killed her and thankfully they were wrong. They saw Melinda alive. They also noticed she was being abused and they were finally able to piece together the truth. They then tried going to Detective Childs. Childs didn’t have legal ground to do anything without Melinda’s complaint. And so he baited Magnum and Juliette into doing something.

He knew they would go to rescue Melinda. Which is exactly what happened. They went to go get her away from Parker and Childs showed up with a full squad right when they needed him the most. Childs wasn’t so bad in the end. Even if he was tough. Magnum and Juliette came to appreciate him. And they were later able to introduce Melinda to Sara.

Melinda told Sara how Greg saved her life and Sara got know that her husband was a good man.

But Magnum’s old CO was missing. Captain Greene hasn’t cashed any of his recent pension checks and it turns out he was being held against his will by people who wanted the names of his black ops team.


Kristine Francis:
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