Magnum P.I. Recap 04/23/23 Season 5 Episode 10 “Charlie Foxtrot”

Magnum P.I. Recap 04/23/23 Season 5 Episode 10 "Charlie Foxtrot"

Tonight on NBC their reboot of the classic series Magnum P.I. airs with an all-new Sunday, April 23, 2023, episode and we have your Magnum P.I. recap below. In tonight’s Magnum P.I. season 5 episode 10 called, “Charlie Foxtrot,” as per the CBS synopsis, “An armed hit team lays siege on Robin’s Nest. TC is badly injured while Rick fights for his life.”

This reboot of the classic series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Magnum P.I. recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

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In tonight’s Magnum P.I. episode, there were men hunting Magnum and his friends. Magnum captured one of them. He put the man in a blacksite and he thought his identity would be safe for a while after doing that, but somehow the bad guys were still able to identify them all.

They went after everyone involved in a mission overseas. TC was shot. Rick was hunted. They even killed Detective Childs for getting in the way. Magnum was a lot harder for the bad guys to reach. He was staying at the very secure Robyn’s Nest property. Only they still found a way to him. They came to the compound. They cut the lights and they tried to kill Magnum.

Magnum was saved by a lucky call from Rick. Rick had heard about TC’s shooting first. He called Magnum to warn him about the danger and he said he would go to the hospital to be with TC only he never showed. Rick had gotten taken. The bad guys didn’t just try to kill him right away like they tried to do with TC.

They instead wanted to toy with Rick a bit. They gave Rick plenty of opportunity to outmaneuver them. He was able to cause a car accident. He then went on the run. The bad guys were following and their delay in killing him gave his friends the chance to find him.

Magnum and Juliette went looking for Rick. They tried to track down where the bad guys were staying. They called the number on the dead guys’ cell phones and, while they didn’t get a location, they got a voice analysist. The voice belonged to Nadine Amherst. Who was supposed to be dead.

She was the CIA Analysist that helped Magnum and his friends track down the notorious terrorist. The one they were now being killed for and so Nadine turned out to be the mastermind. She faked her own death. She made it look like she too had been murdered for being involved in the mission.

Only Nadine was hunting down every man that followed her orders. It didn’t make a lick of sense until they looked deeper. Juliette went digging through every bit of Nadine’s life. She found out that Nadine didn’t just give them intel on how to stop Ahmad Hadid. She was once Hadid’s handler.

She developed a bond with Hadid and they might have been romantically involved. Then politics changed. Hadid was no longer considered an asset. Magnum and his friends were sent in to kill Hadid. They put him down and that must have triggered his little girlfriend.

The only question that seemed to stump Magnum was why now? It’s been seven years since they killed Hadid. Nadine could have sought revenge at any time in all those years and yet she waited. Juliette kept digging. She found out that Nadine had a son. Michael. Michael died of MERS less than a year ago. Right around time Nadine went on a killing spree. Nadine must have put her son first after Hadid died. She probably didn’t want him to lose her like he did his father and then she had nothing to lose after her son died. It would explain why she waited so long to pursue revenge.

Nadine has stormed up her anger for seven years. She killed everyone attached to Hadid’s murder. She even killed her own boss and so Nadine really went off the deep end. Now, Magnum was running after Rick. Rick managed to evade his captors for quite a while before he was ultimately caught. He left behind his cell phone though because he made a video. The video was for Suzy and his daughter. He didn’t think he was going to make it so he made a video for them. He told them how much he loves them and he apologized for not being a part of their lives anymore.

Magnum found the video. He had no clue where Rick was. TC woke up in the hospital only there’s a chance he might never walk away again and so Nadine might still get her revenge. She then had Rick brought to her. She wanted to toy with Rick because he was the one that killed Hadid. She said the file on how Hadid died was light. She wanted to know what really happened and so Rick told her. He told her how Hadid tried to use a woman as a human shield when Rick killed him. And Nadine didn’t like hearing that story.

She thought Rick was lying to her. She planned on torturing everyone him until she got the answer she wanted and that’s when Magnum’s plan kicked into action. Magnum pretended to break out one of her men from prison. Magnum then followed the guy straight to Nadine. Magnum showed up with Juliette as well as HPD. They took down everyone in Nadine’s cell. They also rescued Rick. Rick would later delete the video he left for his family. And he and Magnum finally visited TC.

Cade wasn’t doing okay because he loves TC and he was still worried about losing him, but he was going to stay with Kumu while TC was in the hospital.