Magnum P.I. Recap 11/01/23 Season 5 Episode 15 “The Retrieval”

Tonight on NBC their reboot of the classic series Magnum P.I. airs with an all-new Wednesday, November 1, 2023, episode and we have your Magnum P.I. recap below. In tonight’s Magnum P.I. season 5 episode 15 called, “The Retrieval,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Magnum and Higgins are hired to find a missing gamer whose online friends believe he might be in trouble. Jin Jeong enlists the help of TC in a treasure hunt after his ex-partner gets out of prison.

This reboot of the classic series looks very interesting so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Magnum P.I. recap!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more!

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A couple of gamers reached out to the private investigators tonight. They needed help. Their friend lives on the island. He was supposed to show up online for a huge event and he never showed.

It was so unlike him. His friends became worried for safety and so they agreed to hire private investigators to track him down to see if he was okay.

But these people didn’t know his real name or his address. They just knew by his gamer name. They happily provided that and the private investigators took it from there. They quickly identified the man as Art Kilo. And they went to his house where they found it ransacked.

They were able to piece together from what they found. Including the blood spray. Someone broke into Kilo’s home and abducted him. He tried to run.

His kidnapper knocked him out with a blunt weapon. It caused the blood spray. It also explained the events of the room and why there’s no body. Magnum and Higgins had to alert HPD about the crime. They also had to figure out who would want to harm Kilo. He has some online trolls that hated him only that’s usually people that don’t feel safe to say that stuff in real life.

Well, one of these trolls has really been at it with Kilo. He showed Kilo that he knew where he lives and then threated to kill him. Higgins hacked the troll. She found out he was a fifteen year old gamer.

Kilo had costed him his sponsorships by spreading rumors he was using cheat codes. The kid in turn hacked him to scare Kilo. He was never going to go through with murdering him. He just said that online to look tough. Although, the hack said that Kilo’s phone was last used at his workplace. That being Oahu Family Clinic.

Now, the PIs have spoken to the clinic over the phone. They claim they haven’t seen Kilo in three days. Magnum and Higgins went to the clinic to pretending to want to have a baby together and they looked around while they were there. They found out that someone stole a bunch of embryos from the clinic.

They then confronted the doctor in charge. They asked her why she was keeping the theft a secret. She told them that she suspected one of her own had stolen them for ransom. She was given a list of instructions. She just need to get enough money to pay off the ransom.

The doctor was working on it while the private investigators were busy tracking down the stolen embryos. They found out that Kilo had hidden a tracker device with the embryos and so they followed it onto the side of the road. The tracking device was broken up. Kilo was sadly dead.

He was killed by whoever was really behind the kidnapping. Now that Kilo’s case was solved. They went looking for the man with the embryos. They also helped Jin real quick. Jin and his former partner named Bo did one last job together before his partner got busted and went to prison for five years.

Bo had asked Jin to hold onto his share for him. He really needs that money. It was to pay off the protection he received behind bars. Only Jin buried it.

He then lost the map to wear he buried it. His stuff had gotten sold by his landlord for undue rent. So, Higgins gave him a name. They tracked this woman down and they sneakily got invited into her home where they collected the map. Jin, Bo, and TC were later digging the money up when Jin said they were digging in the wrong place. And so Jin has to remember how to use the map before it can be used.

As for the doctor, she got worrying calls from clients. She said people have been calling her because someone was threatening to destroy their embryos if they didn’t pay up.

Only one client didn’t call. Lana wasn’t a wealthy woman but she would later explain the bag of cash she had was from emptying her bank accounts. They had Lana tell them where the meet up was supposed to be. They were going to be there and she was going to be staying at her house. And that proved to be a mistake.

Lana wasn’t a victim. She was the mastermind. She and her husband divorced. She can’t legally use her embryos without her ex’s consent and she couldn’t make more because she survived breast cancer. But stealing them would mean she gets to use them. The money she was carrying was most likely to pay off the killer/thief.

He was one of Lana’s cases. His name is Parry. He’s been in and out of jail since he was a kid. His file came across Lana’s desk. She agreed to pay him if he got back her embryos. The other demands were just to increase his payment at the end.

Magnum and Higgins tracked down Lana. Higgins managed to subdue Lana. Mangum had to fight and climb to get to Parry and so Parry did something stupid. He left the embryos behind it. He took off the cap. He forced Magnum to make a choice. Either capturing Parry or save the embryos. He chose to save the embryos.

Only he and Higgins talked about kids one day. Higgins believes in discipline. Magnum was against them. They disagreed on so many stuff that there’s no telling what the kid would be like.

And Parry was later arrested by Gordy, but Jin realized that was a decoy map and so they found the real map thanks to Jin suddenly remembering where he put it. And now Bo can stay a free man.


Kristine Francis:
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