NCIS Hawai’i Recap 05/08/23: Season 2 Episode 20 “Nightwatch Two”

NCIS Hawai’i Recap 05/08/23: Season 2 Episode 20 "Nightwatch Two"

Tonight on CBS NCIS Hawaiʻi returns with an all-new Monday, March 20, 2023, season 2 episode 20 called, “Nightwatch Two,” and we have your weekly NCIS Hawaiʻi recap below. In tonight’s NCIS Hawaiʻi season 2 episode 20, as per the CBS synopsis, “When Lucy receives a strange call on night watch from a man admitting to murder, the NCIS team sets out to find him.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s NCIS: Hawaii episode, Lucy was weird about dates as well as anniversaries. She never celebrates things on their actual date. She opens Christmas presents on the 23rd. She celebrated her anniversary with her girlfriend on the night she knew she would be working late and had nothing to do with any of their major landmarks.

She claimed she removed the stakes that way, but her girlfriend thought it was cute. Kate was visiting her at the office when the call came in. There was a guy who called and said he thinks he killed someone. He was sounding erratic. He wouldn’t give details. He was all over the place in asking for help.

The guy gave Lucy a location. She passed that on to Kai and Jesse. The guys were going to a fight and they detoured to check the location only there was nothing there. It was an empty lot. Only this guy called back. He said his name was Joe. Joe claimed again that he might have killed someone. It’s like he was stuck on repeat. Lucy tried to get clearer answers for him. This time she began asking him questions. He revealed he was a jewelry store. He gave Lucy a description. She and Kate found out where it was. And they sent the guys back out there.

This time it wasn’t an empty lot. It really was a jewelry store. The store clerk had been found shot dead in the back and it didn’t look like a robbery. The jewelry safe was open with jewels still inside. There was eighty thousand dollars in there that went untouched. NCIS couldn’t tell what the motive was. Joe ended up hanging up on Lucy again and so she stayed close to the phone in case he calls back again. The guys also called Tennant. Tennant had been on a disastrous blind date. Her date was a dentist that couldn’t stop talking about himself.

He showed no real interest in getting to know Tennant. She was looking for a means for escape when she was informed about the murder. Tennant rushed out of the date. Ernie rushed back from his singing job. Ernie traced the phone calls back to Marine Corporal Joseph Pitt. He was Joe. He suffered a severe brain injury on the job. It could explain why he’s so confused. He also has the skillset to kill Nelson Carr. Carr didn’t own the store. The owner was Nelson Lang. Lang disabled the cameras that night because he was selling illegal uncut diamonds out the back.

The uncut diamonds were the only thing that was stolen. Lang tried not to report it at first. They had to find diamond dust in the safe and then they confronted him about it. Lang unraveled like tissue. He said he already sold the diamonds. He now has to find a way to pay back eighty grand. He didn’t know who robbed him or killed Carr. Only they had Joe. They began searching for him. Lucy later found him and he pulled a gun on her. She had to talk him down. She reminded him that they talked on the phone.

Joe soon gave the gun to her. He also tried to tell her in his broken way what really happened. He was traveling with his friend Markus. Markus took a detour. He claimed he was just making a stop and really he was stealing the illegal diamonds. It was Markus that killed Carr. It was Joe that killed Markus. Not that Joe remembered all the details. It took him a while just to say he killed Markus. He was covered in Markus’s blood. He led Lucy to Markus’s body. She had to remind him several times that they were going to find Markus.

Joe gets confused easily. He mistakenly thought Lucy was his girlfriend, Marissa. He couldn’t do two things at once. His TBI really messed him up. He hit Lucy after he showed her Markus’s body. He ran away and she went back to looking for him. Kate understandably was upset by what Lucy did. Taking a prisoner to a secluded location was dangerous. Kate had written Joe off as aggressive and violent. She didn’t want Lucy to find him again only they found a connection between Markus and Lang’s girlfriend. Those two worked at the same call center.

The girlfriend was apparently threatened into going along with the plan. She was still being threatened by time the cops talked to her and so it wasn’t just Markus behind everything. It was also Ethan. Ethan was another one of Joe’s friends. His friends from the vet support group. Lucy went to go ask him questions about Joe when suddenly Ethan mentioned the robbery. The robbery wasn’t public knowledge. Lucy was about to pull her gun and that’s when Joe showed up. Joe started to piece things together.

Joe realized that Ethan was behind everything. Ethan pretended to be a vet to get into a support group and to find people who would help him rob that jewelry store. He claimed that he sold his grandmother’s ring to help for doctor’s bills. He said he wanted the ring back, but the store refused to sell it. He had Joe break into the safe and that’s when Markus enacted the real plan. He stole the diamonds. He killed Carr. Ethan then told him to kill Joe and so he took him to a secluded place and Joe fought back. Joe ended up killing Markus.

Joe also realized that Ethan tried to kill him. He pulled a gun on Ethan. Lucy was talking him down when Ethan went for his own gun and he tried to kill the both of them. And so Kate saved the day when she shot Ethan. Ethan survived and he was arrested. They also told Joe that Ethan wasn’t a real vet. But Joe was just glad he was alive. He was also honest about opening the safe. He might still be in legal trouble from that only his medical condition will work in his favor. And Tennant realized that her date was just nervous, not self-absorbed.

Tennant had a second date with the dentist and he wasn’t so bad now that he was relaxed.

And Kai returned to the vet support group to have someone to talk to about his days in the military.