Outdaughtered Recap 08/01/23: Season 9 Episode 4 “Blayke and the Babysitting”

Tonight on TLC Outdaughtered the reality show starring the Busby family returns with an all-new Tuesday, August 1, 2023, episode, and we have your Outdaughtered recap below. On tonight’s Outdaughtered Season 9 episode 4 “In a pinch on a big night out, Adam and Danielle debate about whether Blayke is ready to babysit the Quints.

The Graeson Bee storefront impacts Danielle’s health. Adam and Riley have an unexpected adventure while brushing up on her soccer skills.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! for our Outdaughtered recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Outdaughtered Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Outdaughtered episode, Danielle’s business was up and running. She had a dream. She wanted to have a kids’ clothing line. It took her a few years and now she has a store. She was selling her clothes. The business was doing well. The only thing she needed now was a sign. Her place didn’t have one, but those things are crucial.

The sign can tell everyone that her children’s clothes were there and to help increase traffic to the store. Danielle was working on that sign. Only some things had to come first. Her family had to come first. Celebrating her twin sisters’ fortieth birthday also had come to first.

Forty was a big birthday! Danielle wanted to be there to celebrate with her family. She just couldn’t find a babysitter for her six daughters. She and her husband waited a little too late to find one so last minute. She usually asks her sisters and she couldn’t do that for their birthday.

Neither she nor Adam could turn to family at this time. They instead had to consider hiring an outsider. The adults talked about it amongst themselves and they weren’t entirely sure if hiring a stranger would be best right now.

It’s just that everything is so much harder after the pandemic. There was a shortage in literally every field. It got so bad that they even considered Blayke as a babysitter. Blayke was a preteen. She was a great big sister. She was fun and the quintuplets do listen to her.

The one issue was that they weren’t sure Blayke was ready to be left on her own. Danielle and Adam have been in other places in the house when Blayke was watching her sisters. And one of the quints had almost burnt down the house by microwaving noodles with no water in it.

They did that because Blayke said it would be okay. Luckily, the noodles only created a lot of smoke. Danielle and Adam were there and they quickly put it out. They just didn’t want to leave Blayke in charge in case she lets her younger sisters experiment again.

Which was why they tried to hire a stranger. They called around and they couldn’t find a single person to help them out. It was on the day of that they realized they had to go to their last resort. They had to let Blayke babysit. And they tried to make things easier for their eldest by heading off the Riley problem.

Riley was the one with the most energy out of all their kids. She’d be off doing her own thing while everyone else was going to bed. The parents didn’t want to leave Blayke to face Riley in all her glory. Adam later played a few games with Riley. He kept her active in the hope of it tiring her out and then he left it up to Blayke.

Blayke wouldn’t be by herself. She will have her cousins with her. Her aunts’ kids were around the same age as Blayke. And they were all put in charge of the quints while the adults went out to dinner.

Not to say that the adults were truly comfortable with leaving kids by themselves. Danielle texted Blayke several times throughout the night to check in. She and her family also discussed raising kids nowadays. They had a lot more responsibility as kids themselves.

They just didn’t trust their kids to be as careful as they were. The oldest kid at the house was Lilli. She was fourteen and her mom had actually met her dad at sixteen. And so she wasn’t ready for her daughter to meet her future husband in the next two years.

Then Danielle tried calling Blayke. Blayke was having so much fun with her siblings and cousins that she ignored two calls from her mom. This made Danielle feel worried. She told the others about not getting through and they were all ready to go home early to collect their kids.

They returned to the house to find it eerily quiet. It turns out their kids were waiting for them to put on a skit for the adults. It was part skit/part roast. The kids all had fun and they made their parents laugh. The most important thing was that the kids worked together.

They ate. They cleaned up after themselves. They took showers. They also had time to put together a skit. Everything came together for the older kids. It wasn’t until Danielle was putting the quints to bed that Riley tried jumping off of a dresser, but don’t worry her mother stopped her.

And after everything that happened, Danielle finally got a shiny new sign for her store.


Kristine Francis:
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