Quantum Leap Recap 01/09/23: Season 1 Episode 10 “Paging Dr. Song”

Tonight on NBC Quantum Leap premieres with an all-new Monday, January 2, 2023, season 1 episode 10 called, “Paging Dr. Song,” and we have your weekly Quantum Leap recap below. In tonight’s Quantum Leap season 1 episode 10, “Paging Dr. Song,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Ben leaps into Alexandra Tomkinson, a medical resident in a Seattle hospital. As victims from a train crash pour into the ER.

Addison reveals a very complicated mission facing Ben during this leap. Ben must go up against hospital bosses to save lives and Alexandra’s career.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10:00 PM – 11:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Quantum Leap episode, Ben suddenly finds himself in a parking lot delivering a baby. He is Dr. Alexandra Thompkins. The bra is uncomfortable, he comments later to Addison who tells him his new mission is to save three people.

In the ED, the manager announces there has been a train crash. Ben needs to find the three and save them. Addison stays by his side, feeding him data on medications and procedures. Ben finds one woman’s he needs to save. He changes a prescription from one med to another because the drug prescribed is later discovered to be dangerous.

Meanwhile, Magic deals with one of their enemies who wants to talk to Ben. Ben is forced to tell a patient he has a brain tumor. The man named Eli doesn’t want chemo. He just wants to give up, he has been lonely since his Sarah died. Another doctor names Sandra comes in. She is Eli’s daughter.

Addison tells Ben he needs to change Eli’s mind. He has now found two of the three he needs to save. He heads back to the ER and finds his third person who has an object in his forehead. Sandra asks Ben to keep him talking while she tries to extract it. He helps save the man’s life. Now he really needs to work on changing Eli’s mind.

Back at headquarters, Jenn speaks with the woman who wants to talk to Ben. She has information but she wont share it with them. Meanwhile, Ben researches brain tumors. Sandra sees him researching. He doesn’t tell her it is for her dad. He asks her about her dad. She describes their tough relationship. Just then, Ben is reprimanded for changing the prescription by his head doctor. Sandra doesn’t stand beside him. He needs to do something and fast.

Ben finds Eli to talk him into getting medical help. This might be his chance to make a difference.

Ben tells Eli the truth. Eli tells Ben he plans to fight the hospital too for their use of a dangerous drug that goes on to kill many.

Ben is called to a code. Kim, the woman Ben needs to keep alive ends up surviving but needs a heart transplant. After, he is forced to tell Sandra about her dad.

Jenn tells Magic about Janice and how she wants to talk to Ben. Magic thinks they need to let he talk to Ben somehow. They can use her. Meanwhile, Ben works with Addison to save Kim. He gets frustrated but comes up with an idea. One of the men he needed to save – his wife is now on life support. She could be the heart donor. Ben speaks with him. He agrees to donate his wife’s heart. Now they just need to make sure the dangerous drug wont be used.

Sandra and Ben race to the OR to stop the use of the drug. They are successful. He talks to Sandra who agrees to talk to her dad. All is right. She plans to help save her father.

Ben and Addison sit and talk. Ben had a long day trying to save the three. It was a lot, he tells Addison. Addison counts all of the ways he did great today. Just as they kiss, she vanishes.

Janice meets with Addison. Addison wants to know why she is in danger and why Ben left. Janice tells her Ben cannot trust anyone even her.

Ben comes to as a soldier….he is brought to see a nuclear reactor.


Sarah Luoma:
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