S.W.A.T. Recap 04/07/23: Season 6 Episode 18 “Genesis”

S.W.A.T. Recap 04/07/23: Season 6 Episode 18 "Genesis"

Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Friday, April 7, 2023, episode, and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below. On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 6 episode 18 called “Genesis” as per the CBS synopsis, “When an armored truck heist ends in bloodshed, the team races to track down priceless jewels before more lives are lost. Also, Hondo’s mother, Charice (guest star Debbie Allen), visits.

So make sure to stop by tonight between 8 PM and 9 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!

Tonight’s SWAT recap starts now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s S.W.A.T. episode, Hondo and Nichelle were new parents. They were given a day for them to enjoy as a family, but Hondo didn’t get to enjoy paternity leave. He had to return to work much sooner than he felt comfortable with and so he was back at it with SWAT before long.

He was the leading the team when they were were called in after a group of men robbed an armored truck. The truck was delivering jewelry. The guards with the truck were supposed to stick to the protocols in place in case of an accident or attempted robbery and unfortunately one of them went rouge. And it resulted in several deaths.

The gunmen first staged an accident in the street to get the truck to stop. They created this diversion so that no one would see them putting an explosive under the truck to kill the engine.

Which was where things went against protocol. The explosive forced the truck to stay idle only one of the security guards was a veteran on this job. She knew they were safer inside of the truck than outside. She wanted to wait the gunmen out and she was ignored by the younger security guard because he had a panic attack.

The guy opened the door. He was safer inside of the truck and he still opened the door because he thought they would burn up in the truck. His panic attack made him forget all reasoning.

He went off script. The gunmen were able to quickly grab him up and they killed his partner. They forced their now hostage to open the back door to the truck for them. They could have stolen every piece of jewelry in the truck. Only they chose to look for specific item. It was a necklace and they went on the run right after they found it.

LAPD was fast on the scene. They corned the gunman in a homeless encampment area. They cordoned the area off and they waited for SWAT to arrive. SWAT later went into the encampment.

They found out that somehow their gunmen managed to escape in spite of everything. They pretended to slip out by pretending to be victims in spite of being surrounded by LAPD. They also killed several of the homeless people inside. Street recognized one of the victims. They both grew up in Long Beach and the guy that died had sadly been an idol of Street’s when he was a kid.

Back then, Cooper Murphy seemed like he had it all. Street couldn’t believe he was homeless much less that he had no one to claim his remains. This death hit him more than it usually does and so Street went looking for people he was hoping would miss the guy. He was doing this on the side while they looked for the gunmen.

But he found out no one was going to miss Cooper. Cooper didn’t have a family. His fellow skaters were supposed to be his family. He even got a lucrative contract and it all went away after he busted up his knee.

Cooper lost his contract after that. He fell into debt. He started borrowing from friends and they eventually stopped taking his calls when they realized they weren’t going to be paid back. They hadn’t cared that he was dead. They still wanted their money. Cooper would go on to live on the street.

He was barely getting by when he gets killed for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The gunmen that did it would go on to steal a diamond ring. SWAT looked into the connection between the ring and the necklace and they found out that both items were made by a certain jeweler in the city.

They went to the jeweler’s office to warn him about a possible threat. They were sadly too late in doing so because he was dead by time they got to his office. The man’s apprentice was also hiding out in the vault. Her name was Juliet. She was hiding from the men that tortured her boss and she’s been working with the jeweler long enough to recognize the items that were stolen.

They were from the Senses Collection. They were supposed to represent each of the senses. She didn’t know why the gunmen wanted them from her boss. She just knew they were willing to kill to get the information.

SWAT noticed that one of the gunmen was watching the jeweler’s office. They managed to arrest him and they learned that he was a Syrian national. He came to the US with a group of other guys. They believe they were taking back what was stolen from them. Their country once held the oldest Koran in history. This Koran disappeared four years ago. The jewels that were on it was then sold to make jewelry in the States. And so the Syrians believed that an American soldier had stolen one of their most beloved artifacts.

All evidence did seem to point to that as well. SWAT couldn’t find this soldier that stole the Koran. They also asked Juliet if she knew anything about this Koran and she lied to their faces by claiming she was in dark. Juliet as it turns out had stolen the Koran from an Ex. He was a soldier that served in Syria . He stole the Koran.

She would steal it from him out of spite. She picked off all the jewels and she sold them to her mentor and rather than tell the cops that – she sat on the information because she was still trying to get paid. She wanted to sell the Koran.

She went to a well-known bookstore to sell it when the gunmen showed up. They tried to kill him. SWAT came in to save the day and they made their arrest as well as got the Koran back. They also arrested Juliet because she sat back as her boss, ex-boyfriend, and several other bystanders got killed without once mentioning she had the Koran the whole time.

Tan meanwhile found someone that was going to miss Cooper. He saw how much it was tearing up Street and so he looked into Cooper’s background. He found an ex-girlfriend and a lawyer who were willing to put a funeral for Cooper.

Hondo and Nichelle had a scare after his mother disappeared with their baby. His mom came back with her. Only they couldn’t forgive her for scaring them. They told her to leave and not come back. And they only forgave her later on because she was willing to apologize.

And Hicks got himself a date after taking Deacon’s advice to make a move on an attractive widow.