Station 19 Recap 04/20/23: Season 6 Episode 15 “What Are You Willing To Lose”

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, April 20, 2023, season 6 episode 20 called, “What Are You Willing To Lose,” and we have your Station 19 recap below. On tonight’s Station 19 Season 6 Episode 15 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “A shoddily assembled structure poses a dangerous challenge for our heroes leaving Ben with a difficult choice to make. Maya and Carina work to get their relationship back on track, while Natasha must decide what – or whom – she wants to prioritize.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 6 episode 15 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Andy was angry at Sullivan. Only she still tried to protect him. Andy didn’t want his relationship with the Fire Chief to come back on him or on their boss. Andy respects Fire Chief Ross. Its why she warned her. She talked Maya into going to Fire Chief Ross with the compromising photos on her with Sullivan.

She went with Maya and together they assured their boss that they weren’t going to use the photos to sink her career. Maya didn’t even want to blackmail her to get her old job back. They only went to the Fire Chief because they wanted to warn her about the incoming attack from Dixon and they also thought they could help her get ahead of the incoming scandal.

Andy was thinking that maybe they could claim the photos were old. They could have happened before Ross became Fire Chief. There was no time stamp on them and so Andy was coming up with various scenarios that could save everyone’s career, but the Fire Chief didn’t want her help.

Ross said she could handle it on her own. She also asked that she be the one to tell Sullivan and not them and the women agreed to that. The Fire Chief wanted to handle the situation in a way she saw fit. The other women just didn’t know she was going to confront Dixon.

Ross went to Dixon with the photos. His reaction was disappointment. He thought Maya more ruthless than that only he was a snake for a reason and he quickly saw a way to turn the new situation to his liking.

He tried to blackmail the Fire Chief into endorsing him. He said she would lose her job if not the respect of everyone under her command once they learned she promoted a probie back up to lieutenant because she was sleeping with him. Nevermind that the promotion happened before the relationship occurred.

The truth didn’t matter to Dixon. Dixon will always look out for himself. He will still paint the situation in his favor if it means he wins SFD’s backing in the Mayoral race. He would have used the situation to get her to lean on Montgomery dropping out, but Montgomery already conceded the race.

Dixon wanted her to officially back him in the race and the Fire Chief was never going to do that. Ross went to the union. She admitted to the relationship with Sullivan. She let them be the ones to decide her fate and she also told them that Dixon was trying to blackmail her over the relationship.

Ross showed them the photos. She told them that she had a relationship with Sullivan overseas when they were both in Iraq and that they resumed the relationship after she promoted him. There was one firefighter who thought she was only coming to them because she got caught. He said as much. Ross had to remind him that she’s the one that dragged the SFD dragging and screaming into the future because they had a bunch of incompetents working there before. The same incompetency that they were ignoring because they figured the guys should still be allowed to retire with their full pensions.

All Ross was asking for now was support. She wanted the brass to fall in behind her and they resisted doing so. Then the Fire Chief got called to a scene. She had to leave the meeting early because a firefighter had gone through the roof of the house. That firefighter was Ben. Ben and the others were called to a house fire. It was a sober living house and they converted the five bedroom to fit nineteen people. It was a complete fire hazard. The fire only started because the woman running the place had wanted to fry fish to celebrate someone’s six month sobriety.

Her name is June. She was counselor, support group, and even surrogate mother to the boys staying at the house. She had wanted to run in there after being dragged out because she wanted to save them all. The firefighters got out seventeen. There was just two more kids in there along with Ben. Fire Chief Ross later arrived on the scene. She saw Theo having everything in hand. Theo ordered a tactful retreat once the second floor was giving way. He would have left Ben. Only Ben managed to get out with one of the kids.

Ben had to leave one behind. He promised that he would come back and he wasn’t allowed to do so. They left the kids to die on his own. Ben began to blame himself for the kid’s death and he didn’t want to hear that there was nothing he could have done to save the kid or that he would have died if he went back inside. It was going to take Ben a while before he realized the young man would have died anyway. No matter what he did. Ben couldn’t see that right now because he was hurting. Theo was hurting too.

They all had a tough call. It was never easy losing someone and this one was going to stick with them for a while. Sullivan later got a call from a union rep. They were asking him if he was coerced into a relationship with Ross or if he was promised a promotion if he slept with her. Sullivan couldn’t figure out how they learned about the relationship. Ross ended up telling him that she’s the one that told him. She told him the whole story about Dixon following them and trying to blackmail her. And he chose to get mad at her for risking his job instead of seeing she also risked her own job.

And Ben came back after getting checked out at the hospital. He chose to try and put everything behind him. Carina and Maya later joined them. Maya had a day off. She was using that to date Carina again and talk her back into the marriage. And they weren’t the only ones that came by to cheer up Ben.

Kate also stopped by.


Kristine Francis:
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