Station 19 Recap 05/04/23: Season 6 Episode 16 “Dirty Laundry”

Tonight on ABC Station 19 returns with an all-new Thursday, May 4, 2023, season 6 episode 16 called, “Dirty Laundry,” and we have your Station 19 recap below. On tonight’s Station 19 Season 6 Episode 16 recap as per the ABC synopsis, “The team responds to a tragic freeway pileup. Andy helps Natasha face the fallout of a recent decision just as Ben deals with the fallout of his own.”

Tonight’s Station 19 season 6 episode 15 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our TV recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Station 19 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Station 19 episode, Ben was still out on leave. Kate Powell was filling in for him. She was known for saying whatever comes to mind. Some of it was funny. Some of it was just downright insulting.

She tried to make a joke of Sullivan’s relationship with Fire Chief Ross. She told him that he wasn’t the first to sleep his way to the top. He won’t be the last and she said work relationships were hot for a reason, but Sullivan didn’t want to hear that just then. He was fending calls from newspapers. His relationship with Ross had become a scandal in their city.

There were so many that wanted to come down on the Fire Chief. They wanted to turn her into a joke. Dixon was one of the few leading the charge in insisting that she step down.

He never quite forgave her for making a fool of him in front of the press. This was his payback for that and it also got him in front of the cameras. Dixon didn’t have enough pull on his own to get invited on tv. He needed this in order to turn it into his own self-promotion. And with everything going on, there was Powell making jokes.

Andy told her to back off. She wasn’t exactly happy with Sullivan lying to her for months. They may be divorced, but she thought they were friends as well as coworkers. She wanted to support him.

She wanted to help the first female Fire Chief in Seattle’s history to keep her job. It was Sullivan who didn’t seem like he was willing to help his girlfriend. Sullivan was angry at her for telling the union about them and so he wanted to let her fend for herself. Even as he saw the very misogynistic take that the media was taking.

Andy had to tell him to snap out of it. She said he was making it all about him when he should have been supporting Ross. Andy had some time off. She used it to go to the Fire Chief’s office. She saw Ross packing up her stuff. Ross has been asked to step down by the Mayor. Andy reminded her that the Mayor was on his way out.

She suggested that they should force Ross out of the position or else it would look like she didn’t fight for her job. Andy didn’t want the scandal to be Ross’s legacy. She was set on talking Ross out of the decision to quit and Ross didn’t want to be seen as deseperate.

The rest of Station 19 was dealing with Captain Beckett’s return. Beckett has gotten treatment for his alcoholism. He was currently in recovery and he’s been put on probation thanks to that. Him going to rehab saved his career because he might have gotten fired for being drunk at work. Beckett has to finish the probation before he could get his old job as captain back. He was currently working under Theo until that probation was served. Theo was still interim captain. He was taking charge in a massive pileup that happened on the highway.

A few kids were driving to go dress shopping for prom when they got rear-ended by another car. The other car was an elderly man with his wife. The firefighters approached the scene hoping to save everyone. They unfortunately couldn’t save one. His name was Dylan. Dylan went with Margot and Paige because he wanted to help Margot choose the dress she was going to wear. He finally asked her out after four years of having a crush on her and he dies before they ever got that date. It was just heartbreaking.

It was another brutal day for 19. They just lost someone in a fire. Ben was actually out that day because he wanted to stay by Milo’s side. Milo was the kid he saved. He couldn’t get Milo’s friend out. It was eating him up and the only thing that made it better was Milo surviving because at least that way it made his friend’s sacrifice worth it. Ben ran into Milo’s mom. She kicked out her son after his addiction took over. She told him not to call her until he’s been clean for a year and he was working on that when a fire occurred at his sober house.

Milo woke up. He began breathing on his own. He saw Ben in his hospital room and he kicked him out. He told him he hated him. Milo was never going to forgive Ben for saying he would go back into the burning house for his friend and then failing to do so. It didn’t matter that the house was unsafe or that Ben did try to go back. All Milo remembers was that Ben lied to him. Ben was struggling to live with what he did. His wife tried to comfort him only she didn’t know what it was like. It was just something that another firefighter would know.

Its why Beckett showed up drunk at work. His friend died. He blamed himself and his friend was both the last thing he thought about when he went to asleep as well as the first thing he thought about when he woke up. Beckett has decided he will not return to being captain. He couldn’t do with being the final call at work. He couldn’t risk his sobriety that way. He also later made steaks and baked potatoes at the firehouse. He wanted to apologize to everyone there for his unprofessional behavior. They were choosing to forgive him and the station felt like a family again.

But Vic was still worried about him. She saw that he was giving away his personal possessions. She thought he needed a psych eval and she tried to warn Theo about it. Not that he cared because he was so happy about possibly becoming captain full-time that he was flirting with Powell.

Andy managed to convince Fire Chief Ross to turn down the Mayor’s suggestion. She was going to fight for her job and she owes that to Andy. Andy’s advice sadly got through to Sullivan. He wasn’t ready to talk to Ross.


Kristine Francis:
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