Survivor Recap 04/26/23: Season 44 Episode 9 “Under the Wing of a Dragon”

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, April 26, 2022, season 44 episode 9 and we have your Survivor recap below. In tonight’s Survivor season, 44 episode 9 called “Under the Wing of a Dragon” as per the CBS synopsis, “Castaways must negotiate to earn a big pot of rice for the entire tribe.

Then, the castaways will need to put their best foot forward to earn immunity at the next tribal council.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonights episode begins with Brandon having left at the last Tribal Council, everything went according to plan. Now, the previous three tribes each have three members, it is an even playing field. Lauren didn’t see that move coming, she is worried. Lucky though, she still feels like she is in the majority and still has the numbers.

Yam Yam is thrilled that tribal went the way it did, big target goes out and he has no blood on his hands. Josh, Brandon and Matt wrote his name down and they are all gone.

Va Va on day 16, Kane is not heartbroken that Brandon is gone, but has woken up. He is going to work to find himself an immunity idol. The common enemy in this game is the big threats and that is Danny. Meanwhile, Danny is really uncomfortable, he no longer has an idol so he is out there looking as well. He gathers wood and looks for an idol, being subtle, back and forth.

Jaime laughs that she still has her idol, but she wouldn’t mind finding another one.

In the end, Heidi finds the idol, the last time it can be used is when there are five players left and she plans on not telling anyway, she is extremely happy.

Carolyn is thrilled that everyone is chilling and sitting down and bonding with each other. She shares that she is thirteen years sober, she is an open book. She messed up and made a lot of mistakes, but now, she loves her life and she is engaged. She has everything that she needs and she is happy that her son has never seen her addicted. Fannie loves Carolyn, she is so herself.

The next morning, there is tree mail, “this challenge is relatively painless unless you are craving rice because you will feel the sting when you negotiate the price.”

Time for the Immunity Challenge, today they are going to stand on a small block while balancing a ball on an overhanging piece of wood. If the ball drops or they fall, they are out. They have the opportunity to sit out of the challenge to get rice for the tribe. Carson and Lauren volunteer, they need four.

Danny says he won’t vote for the sit outs, neither will Carolyn. Kane volunteers and so does Heidi. The tribe gets rice. Its raining and this challenge isn’t easy. It all comes down to Frannie and Danny, everyone else has dropped. Fannie wins.

Game talk starts right when they get back to camp’ and Kane’s name gets thrown around, but they want to flush out Jaime’s idol. Lauren is happy that Danny didn’t win immunity, she wants to get rid of him but lesson learned from last Tribal Council, they have to split the votes. Jaime is fearful that her name has been thrown out there, she might use her immunity idol.

At this point, the three Tika members are floating around. Fannie wants to get rid of Yam Yam and Carolyn but Danny doesn’t agree. He thinks going after them right now is illogical. Yam Yam wants to get Kane out because he wrote his name down. Carolyn doesn’t see Kane as a big threat, she wants Danny out.

At Tribal Council Jeff talks about the rice, Heidi, Lauren, Carson and Kane agreed to sit out of the immunity challenge. Heidi doesn’t regret It but hopes she doesn’t go home. Kane doesn’t believe he is safe, everyone has different levels of trust in the history of the game. Jaime says there are different opinions but based on the rice, it shows how some of them are playing the game. Carolyn says the rice changed everything, they felt human again. Yam Yam says when the rice was done they were back to who they are, it makes you a little paranoid. Lauren says there are still some bonds within the old tribes. Frannie says there are so many plans nobody knows which plan is going to go ahead. Fannie and Kane start whispering, Yam Yam says he is nervous and wants subtitles to see what is going on. The whispering intensifies between many more people and Jeff says he has the best seat. Time to vote, Danny is first.

No advantages are played. The first vote is for Kane, then Heidi, Jamie, Kane, Heidi, Danny, Kane, Heidi, Kane, Kane. That is enough votes, Kane is voted out.


Dorothy Gale:
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