Survivor Recap 12/13/23: Season 45 Episode 12 “The Ex-Girlfriend at the Wedding”

Tonight on CBS Survivor airs with an all-new Wednesday, December 13, 2023, season 45 episode 12 and we have your Survivor recap below. It looks like Survivor season 45 is going to be awesome, so visit us each week for all the details!

In tonight’s Survivor season, 45 episode 12 called, “The Ex-Girlfriend at the Wedding,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Castaways must roll their way through the reward challenge to win a picnic in the middle of the ocean. Then, castaways will either stay balanced or drop the ball in the immunity challenge trying to earn their spot in the final five.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9:30 PM ET for our Survivor recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Survivor news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s #Survivor episode, Dee played a masterful game with Julie. She knew that everyone was going to vote Julie out. She warned Julie and that allowed Julie to play the idol. The same idol that Austin once gave her. Julie was able to stay safe. They also worked together to vote out Emily thanks to the blindside.

However, they can’t keep going now that everyone’s eyes are on Julie. Julie’s alliance tried to turn against her. She couldn’t trust the former Belos because she’s been actively working against them the entire time. She could only trust Dee. The same Dee that couldn’t be seen supporting her.

Dee made sure to vote for Julie so that no one knows she’s working with her. She also convincingly lied after tribal council. Both Drew and Austin asked her if she told Julie about the blindside. She pretended that she didn’t see it coming. She even tried to turn it around and said that Julie might target her after this.

Because they were friends until Dee supposedly betrayed her. Dee had the guys comfort her. She acted all scared that she would be targeted next. They told her that she was a part of their final three.

All the while Dee plotted with Julie. Dee told Julie everything about the plan that night. She said Drew was the mastermind in the plot to oust her and that they need to get rid of him next.

Drew was too good of a player. He was social. He was good at games. He also refuses to work with Julie again. He admitted in his confessional that she was an uninvited guest that wouldn’t go away. He didn’t want her to be included in their alliance. He didn’t want to be final four with her. He probably also go after Dee if he could.

They were all looking to win. There can only be one winner. Drew trusted Austin because they’ve been together the whole time this season and still Austin betrayed that trust by telling Dee about the plan to blindside Julie.

Austin kind of has a thing for her. It’s his weak point. He still sees himself in the end with the woman he likes as well as his best bud. There was no place for Julie in that. This goes against Dee’s game. Dee knows she can rely on Julie. She wants to be in the final three with Julie.

Julie worked with Dee to oust Drew. Drew worked with Austin to oust Julie. It all came down to what they might win or find. The idols are placed back on the island once they’ve been used.

Katurah knew this. She went looking for the idol the very next morning after tribal council. Austin and Dee realized what she was doing. They went looking for her. She ended up telling them that she wanted to find the idol before Julie could do so. She didn’t want Julie to play it again. Katurah didn’t find the idol. Neither did Austin or Dee. They then had to play in a challenge.

They had to play a game of swimming and balance. Austin dominated like he usually does. He won the challenge and on top of that he received a picnic. He got to choose two people to go with him.

He chose Dee. Of course! He then surprised everyone by choosing Katurah. Austin wanted to play the long game. He wanted to win Katurah on their side to try and oust Julie again. Only he couldn’t say that in front of everyone. He just said that he wanted to explore his options. It’s not his fault that Drew took it badly.

Drew hates not being picked. It stems from being that kid in childhood that no one picked for their team. He’s still dealing with the trauma of it and so he was hurt at first by Austin’s decision. Until he thought about it. He realized he was left back to act as a babysitter. He was supposed to keep an eye on Julie and Jake.

Make sure that neither of them found the idol. Which he tried to do. He failed because Jake refuses to watch Julie. Jake said Julie was a grown woman. He wasn’t going to stop her. He also wanted to look for the idol for himself.

They pretended to go look for peppers as they secretly searched for the idol. Drew went looking for them once he noticed it was taking too long. They rushed back and had to eat their disgusting rice while Austin was enjoying date night with Dee. Katurah realized quite early into their trip that she was a third wheel. Austin and Dee were being all lovey dovey.

They were cuddling. They were touching. They were being super sweet to each other. Katurah was just left on the sidelines forced to watch the display.

Katurah was ticked off knowing that she couldn’t look for an idol. She had been happy at the start because she wanted to eat some good food and then she realized she was stuck with a couple. Austin meanwhile was living it up. He hadn’t always been an athletic cutie. He used to be a pudgy kid with braces and bad acne. None of that went away until well into adulthood. Austin therefore sees Dee as a woman he never would have had the courage to talk to much less flirt with before Survivor. And so he was really smitten.

Not smitten enough to give up a million dollars if there’s a chance he could win it but smitten all the same. Then came the Immunity Challenge. It was another test of endurance. It all came down to Dee and Austin. Dee won. She won Immunity. She now doesn’t have to worry about being blindsided herself. It also helps with ousting Drew. Dee wanted him out. Julie wanted him out. Even Jake wanted him out. Jake found the idol when no one was looking. He has it hidden in his underwear. And he wanted to make a move before he had to use it.

Jake eventually talked to Julie about ousting Drew. She agreed with him. She told him what he wanted to hear and then she told Dee about it. Katurah also told Dee about it. Jake told Katurah the plan. He made her promise not to tell Dee about it beforehand because he thought Dee was too close to Drew. Dee managed to fool him too. Katurah still spilled. Dee was still happy. She just wasn’t sure about the plan. She knew she would have to betray Austin and she really likes him. She didn’t want to turn him against her.

The plan will only work if Austin doesn’t uses his idol to protect Drew. Later, at tribal council, Austin did his use his idol to play on himself. He figured why not. He didn’t know Drew was in trouble and so Drew was eliminated tonight without him or Austin ever suspecting a thing.


Kristine Francis:
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