The Blacklist Recap 03/05/23: Season 10 Episode 2 “The Whaler”

Tonight on NBC their hit drama The Blacklist starring James Spader airs with an all-new time-slow Sunday, March 5, 2023, episode and we have your The Blacklist recap below. On tonight’s The Blacklist Season 10, Episode 2 called, “The Whaler” as per the NBC synopsis, “The Task Force works to infiltrate a high-stakes poker game tied to Wujing with the help of new team member, Siya Malik. Red and Cooper have opposing tactics when Agnes is bullied at school.”

If you are excited to find out what happens tonight make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Blacklist recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Blacklist recaps, news, and spoilers, right here.

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Tongiht’s episode begins the task force trying to infiltrate a high-stakes poker game that has ties to Wujing. Red is back working with them, and their new team member, Sya, Meera Malik’s daughter. Cooper asks Red if he will be ok with Sya, Red says the question is, will she be ok with him.

A bullying incident that Agnes is dealing with at school comes to light.

Siya tells Red that they don’t have to be friends like he and her mother were. Like her mother, she is extremely capable, she can liaise with him, work beside him, smile at his joke. But, this relationship is going to be professional and nothing more.

Red is explaining about poker payers, expert in bluffing and deception, reading people, it has to be Siya who is put in there, she is less likely to be seen coming. Ressler doesn’t think she is ready for this but Red disagrees, he says that any daughter of Meera Malik is quick on her feet and Ressler will be more believable as her back. Siya says she doesn’t know how to play poker. Red says he get her a crash course. Red says she will be Mrs. Lyons and Ressler will be her trusty bankroll. Ressler is upset, he tells Say that there is no line that Red won’t cross and she doesn’t understand.

Red is parking outside Agnes’ school and watches her being bullied while playing soccer.

Its is go time, Sya walks in with Ressler and sits at a table. Say is losing, a guy bedside her is making fun of her game while Ressler is watching. She calls it and wins against the guy. Say leaves the table, she has a call from Anika who says it was impressive play. She invites her to another game the next day to shakes things up, all expenses paid, they are going to Australia.

Ressler and Say barely talk on the plane, when they land he says he doesn’t want this job to tear her down but she assures him that she can take care of herself.

They arrive at the game and stake the place out before sitting down.

Red calls Cooper and tells him that he witnessed Amanda bullying Agnes and looked into her family. Cooper tells him to back down.

Ressler notices a guy staking the room, Yao Liang, sends a photo to Dembe who says he is a mercenary that is wanted. He could be staking the place for Wujing. Ressler is busted, the lady who organized the game figures out that h his not who he says he is. Ressler is brought up to meet with Nigel, the game boss. Next, Sya is called from the table and is ushered upstairs as well to where Ressler is being held. As she gets in the elevator, Wujing walks out and passes her, he is admitted to the gaming room.

Sya is with Ressler and tells him about her seeing Wujing.

Nigel start to beat up Ressler to get some answers, Sya comes to his defence and he tells her that he underestimated her.

Cooper gets a call, Ressler and Sya are ok but they don’t want to leave because Wujing is on site. They then go to a room where their is a video surveillance of the game, two billionaires are throwing the game with good cards. Wujing works up a relatonship with a casino specialist and gives her a cut and she goes to work to set up lives of credit for him under aliases. Clean money for dirty little war. There is so much security in the room, they don’t know how they are going to get back int he room.

Cooper calls Red and tells him what is going on. Red says the best cons are always in plain sight. Red has a backup, Raymond arrives and wants to play the game. Red tells Anika, who is running the game, thatch knows about her cut, he gives her a bigger one in a pouch of diamonds. He tells her not to make a wrong decision. She says something can be arranged, and Red asks to pull up a chair near the man himself.

Red gets his seat at the table near Wujing who asks how he knew he would be there. Red says he has his ways. Wujing tells Red that he is going to be the end of him.

Dembe gets the casino locked down by making a call and saying their are two agents being held.

Red wins the game, takes all Wujing’s money and he says it doesn’t end there. The alarms go off, Wujing gets up and tells Red that he will be seeing him.

Nigel is arrested and a computer is apprehended with evidence of gambling fraud. Ressler thanks Say for having his back and welcomes her to the team.

Red goes to speak to Amanda’s father, Phillip Rutherman’s boss. Red tells him that he knows about his gambling debts, he gives him a pay off and tells him that he wants Rutherman transferred, a little further away from there.

Anika tries to get out of town, but Wujing catches up to her and tells her that she told him that he was safe. Wujing wants to know what Red paid her. He pulls out his gun and she shoots her, takes her bag full of money and the diamonds that Red gave her.
Red is outside the school and gets a call from Cooper who can’t find Anika. Red says he won’t and her. Then Cooper tells Red that the problem resolved itself, Amanda and her family are moving to Florida and it has his fingerprints all over it. Red says he just wants Agnes to be happy. Cooper knows he has the best intentions, but tells him that he has to let her skin her knees sometimes.


Dorothy Gale:
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