The Blacklist Recap 04/02/23: Season 10 Episode 6 “Dr. Laken Perillos, Pt2”

Tonight on NBC their hit drama The Blacklist starring James Spader airs with an all-new time-slow Sunday, April 2, 2023, episode and we have your The Blacklist recap below. On tonight’s The Blacklist Season 10, Episode 6 called, “Dr. Laken Perillos, Pt2” as per the NBC synopsis, “When Dr. Laken Perillos resurfaces to join Wujing’s crusade against Red, a member of The Task Force is put in danger.”

If you are excited to find out what happens tonight make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Blacklist recap between 10 PM – 11 PM ET!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Blacklist recaps, news, and spoilers, right here.

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Tonight’s The Blacklist episode begins in prison when one of the inmates, a former doctor, she is told by the warden the she is not allowed to look at charts. She is given a new assignment and when she walks into the room bullets start flying everywhere, she is being taken, she is a torture specialist who specializes in unorthodox methods to interrogate victims.

Dembe is back on the task force after having a stomach virus. Cooper says he just got off the phone with the prison, inmate Kayla Lynne Banks just escaped, two correctional officers and the warden was killed. Dembe thinks Wujiinig is involved, if that is so, he just released the most dangerous torturer on the black list. Dembe thinks he is planning on using her services.

Soren calls Dembe, he tells him he is not supposed to be calling him. Soren says he lost the manifest and has twenty two containers that have to be moved. He can’t call Red, he had a few slip ups lately and can’t tell him. He just wants him to go to the port and look at the manifest. Soren reminds him of the night that he saved his life, he begs him to go to the port, he will never hear from him again.

Wujng is with Dr. Laken. Perillos, she thanks him for getting her out. She wants to know why she is there. He mentions Marvin Gerard who told him that Reddington has spent the last ten years working with the FBI. He is offering her the opportunity to get revenge on Red. She shows her a photo of Dembe, he believes he is a member of the special task force and wants her to help him prove it. He needs her to get Dembe to tell him everything he needs to know about Red and the task force.

Dembe goes to the port to help Soren. Wujings men show up, Soren was bullied into luring Dembe to the dock so Wujing could nap him. Denbe sees the men but makes a run for it while Soren is shot in the head for his efforts.

Dembe is outside and tries to make a call on his cell phone but there is no service. He keeps running and uses his jacket to go over a barbed wire fence. Two gun men follow and shoot at him, Dembe can’t grab the jacket and his cell phone is inside.

Dembe makes his way into a home where there is a woman and a young boy, he tells them to go in the bathroom and stay quiet until the police arrive. Dembe goes upstairs and calls 911, but can’t talk because the men who are after him are in the house. One of the men gets shot and the other runs out of bullets, it fives Dembe a chance to make a run for it but two of the other men grab the boy and his mother. Dembe threatens to kill himself unless they free the boy and his mother.

Dembe is now in a room with Wei, he is hooked up to some wires and Wei asks him how he because Red’s right hand to being on the task force. Dr. Perillios walks in the room and says it is good to see him.

Cooper gets a text from Dembe saying that he is running late, little does he know that Dembe’s phone was taken.

Wujing tells Wei to dump Dembe’s phone before they pick up their friend, he doesn’t want it traced.

Dr. Perillos is injecting fluids into Dembe’s IV, she says she doesn’t know how he can be so loyal. Wujing thinks he joined the FBI because of Reddington’s request, but she thinks he joined the FBI because he was looking for more.

Vesco is with Wujing, Dr. Perillios walks in and she says Dembe is as stubborn as ever. Vesco want to help, he says the man who arrested him is going to help them take down Reddington for once and for all.

Wujing tells Vesco that he wants to raid the FBI headquaters. He talks about Mr. Chang, another blacklister he wants to join them. They have tracked him to a data centre in Manilla, they are leaving now. Vesco tells him he hopes he has an extra toothbrush and underwear. Outside the car, Vesco is coughing, aches into his pocket.

Dembe is being tortured, he is still not giving in, he is very strong. The doctor tuant him and says Reddington took more from him than he did to her.

Ressler and Malik are in the car, she says the police got a call from a woman saying an FBI agent was taken from her home, he was wounded. Cooper says Red called, he thinks he knows where Wujing is holding Dembe.

The FBI is near the location where Dembe is, they actually storm in with Ressler and Malik before Dembe goes into cardiac arrest. Ressler calls him for immediate medical support.

Wujing finds out that the FBI has located the safe house and recovered Dembe. Wujing says he will make the person responsible accountable. Wujing tells Vesco he can’t do this without him.

Ressler brings Dembe to one of Red’s medical facilities, he has them on standby 24 hours a day.

Wujing makes a stop, tells Vesco that he knows it was him who tipped Red off on where the warehouse was.

Dembe is alive and Red is with him, Dembe wants to know what happened. Red says Ressler and Malik rescued him, Vesco alerted him.

Back to Wujing, he tells Vesco he was being deceptive with him. Vesco says he has never been to any task force head quarters, he has noting to help them with, but he does know that Red will end up putting a bullet in him and the doctor.

Red finds Vesco, but it is too late, he is dead. Wujing gives the order to kill Dr. Perillos, he has no further use for her.


Dorothy Gale:
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