The Blacklist Recap 06/29/23: Season 10 Episode 19 “Room 417”

The Blacklist Recap 06/29/23: Season 10 Episode 19 "Room 417"

Tonight on NBC their hit drama The Blacklist starring James Spader airs with an all-new time-slow Thursday, June 29, 2023, episode and we have your The Blacklist recap below. On tonight’s The Blacklist Season 10, episode 19 called, “Room 417”as per the NBC synopsis,

“A cryptic tip from Red leads the Task Force to uncover a security breach within the US government. Congressman Hudson takes major steps to uncover the inner workings of the Task Force.”

If you are excited to find out what happens tonight make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Blacklist recap between 10 PM – 11 PM ET!  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Blacklist recaps, news, and spoilers, right here.

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Tonight’s The Blacklist episode begins with Red, he calls all the task force at 4am, he has something that can’t wait. He asks how fast they can get there. They arrive at the post office and Red is there. Red says he just left a meeting with a friend who prefers his cocktails before dawn. His drinking companions had loose tongues, and his friend heard many things, some rumours, some not. This morning he put Red on to something truly sensational.

He asks if anyone has heard of the Friedman report, nobody has. Red says says it is a top secret Air Force intelligence report of great sensitivity. His friend was told that the Friedman report was going to be stolen. The subject of the report is the country’s nuclear arsenal, which has seen better days. The Friedman report outlines the security faults and weaknesses of each decrepit silo in detail. If that information falls into the wrong hands, America’s nukes can be turned against them. Red hopes they can figure out who wants to steal that report. Ressler asks Red whats in it for him and he says it is a win for the task force and nothing more. Red wishes them luck and leaves.

Siya says is so strange. Cooper tells Dembe and Ressler to get to the office of the director of national intelligence and let them know the report is at risk. Then Cooper tells everyone for safety’s sake, expect the unexpected.

Arthur Hudson is in his office when Jonathan stops by and tells him that by helping him he is betraying a friend. Hudson reminds him that Ressler is working with Reddington. Hudson says that the federal judge agreed with him and granted a warrant for Ressler’s phone. Jonathan wonders why he would need him then. Hudson says he hopes he is wrong, but Ressler could be working with the FBI’s most wanted. Hudson shows him a device, he wants him to plug it into Ressler’s phone and download all the data – he tells him that he will be doing Ressler a favour.

Elsewhere, we see people who work for M&B Telecom, they had a van and guns.

Dembe and Ressler are at the director’s office and she, Margo Rutherford, won’t discuss the report because they don’t have clearance. Ressler says they don’t have time to waste. Margo checks on the report, it has been checked out by general Friedman last night, the report is due tomorrow and he wanted to put some last minute notes in it. Dembe suggests she call the general quickly, he might be at risk. She calls, the line is dead. Outside the general’s house is the van from M&B Telecom.

M&B Telecom workers are on their way to breaking into the general’s house. Dembe gets a hold of Friedman and tells him they have intel that his house is about to be broken into and his report stolen. Friedman tries to make a run for it with the computer, he has a safe room in the house, he gets inside and locks it. M&B Telecom came prepared with a blow torch to open that door. Elsewhere, Cooper updates Red.

M&B Telecom don’t get in, they abort. Dembe and Ressler arrive at the house, the laptop with the report is safe and secure. Security cameras from a neighbours house captures photos of the perpetrators.

Jonathan calls Ressler, he says he messed up, Ressler agrees to meet him at noon for coffee. When they met, Jonathan says he is having problems with his marriage, Ressler tells him to to let this turn him to the bad side. Jonathan asks to use his phone because Jill won’t pick up if she sees his number, Ressler says ok, then Jonathan got outside for privacy. Ressler pays the bill and goes outside to join Jonathan.

Herbie finds one of the guys who broke into the general’s house, Seymore Jacobson, he works at the capital building, he is a janitor. Siya sent a team to his home, it has been emptied.

Ressler and Siya head to the capital building, they do background checks and the manager, Mr. Rose highly doubts his employee could be a thief. They scout the area where Seymore works and finds a room that looks like a circuit breaker room, but when Ressler demands the door to be opened, they find surveillance footage live on half the pelicans in Washington.

Back to the post office, Herbie says if this makes headlines it will be the biggest things. Siya says there isa. Fax machine in the room, maybe they can find out who owns the line, might tell them who is responsible. Ressler hits the memory button. The last fax that was sent was about the Friedman report, telling someone where it was going to be. Whoever is on the end of that fax, Jacobson and his people are reporting to. Margo Rutherford walks in the room and sends Ressler and Siya packing, says her team will handle this room.

Rutherford meets with Cooper, Friedman and other power that be to update them on the room that was spying on them and they are not sure for how long. Seymour Jacobson is currently a fugitive. The question is, how do they react. Cooper is questioned about where he got the intel, but he won’t give up his asset.

The task force is still trying to work behind the scenes to get answers, Dembe tries to reach Red, but no answer. The company that owns the fax line is Evenlyn Strategies Inc, Herbie got an address but it is from two decades ago, it’s the only lead they have so Dembe and Ressler head out. They arrive at the building, there is a room full of fax machines, this is where the capital spies were sending their machines. It wasn’t only room 417 in the capital building that was sending intel to this room, other intelligence networks around the world was sending it in as well. Dembe says this is Raymond Reddington’s intelligence empire, or it was.

Jonathan goes back to see Hudson and tosses the device on his desk, says Ressler is a good man.

Dembe calls Cooper, he says he didn’t want to believe it, but Raymond was bugging the capital, this building was a huge for intel feed across the globe. Dembe says before Elizabeth died, Raymond flew them to a command centre in Latvia, it was where intellegence from 17 outposts was gathered, sorted and analyzed. Leaked documents, intercepted comunicas, secrets from powerful people. One of the sources of the Blacklist, Reddington relies on his contacts as well. Reddington was jumpy about computerization and was emphatic that it should be kept analog, like a fax machine. Dembe says his only guess is that Raymond wanted them to discover his intelligence network after he shut it down. Siya says Evelyn Strategies sounded familiar, she looked through the file on the raid from Morgana Logistics company, the one that creates fake companies to create criminal activities, Evelyn was one of theirs too. Reddington created both Morgan and Evelyn, then used the task force to shut them down. Cooper doesn’t understand why Reddington would do this.

Hudson has a tech guy go over Ressler’s phone, he is able to hear Cooper speaking to Ressler in the post office and gets what he wanted. Hudson says this is not a case of Reddington corrupting the Taskforce, he is a CI, that is approved from the top down. The government is protecting the most wanted.

Red is at Harold’s house. Harold says he tricked them Morgana, room 417 and Evelyn. Red says he wanted his people to retire a happy life, but to leave they had to be convinced that the FBI was on their tails. Harold says if he is no longer a CI, he won’t be able to protect him.

Hudson leaves Jonathan and message and tells him that thanks to him, they know Ressler is a threat to national security and is endangering lives, Jonathan will be a hero. Jonathan starts popping pills.

The FBI is collecting evidence from room 417. Ressler walks up to Jonathan and asks him to join him at a meeting nearby. Hudson keeps playing the recording over and over again.