The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Thursday, June 22 – Liam’s Horror Show – Watches Hope & Thomas Kiss Passionately

The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers recap for Thursday, June 22, reveals that Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) took a question at the press conference and confirmed that teamwork was the key to his success with Hope Spencer (Annika Noelle). After Hope praised Thomas’ talent, he said he was just so grateful that Hope shared her vision with him.

Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) spoke about how proud she was of her daughter and mentioned that Hope’s family was cheering her on at home.

The reporters seemed interested in the fact that Brooke and Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) were at this event together, but Ridge changed the subject by complimenting Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor) on all they had accomplished.

After the press conference wrapped up, Ridge told Brooke that he loved Rome and loved her, too.

Brooke didn’t like hearing that Ridge’s passion and drive might be going away, but Ridge said they had to stop hurting each other.

Although Brooke agreed with that, she also warned that they had to have faith and couldn’t let the fire go out.

Once Hope changed clothes, Steffy congratulated her on the successful fashion preview.

After Steffy said they couldn’t have done this without Hope’s vision, Hope acknowledged that their mothers weren’t getting along and thought maybe they could do a better job at being friends.

Steffy said she would like that and vowed not to keep questioning Hope. Now that Hope had proved she had everything under control, Steffy was going to back off.

Next on Thursday’s B&B episode, Thomas met up with Hope after a wardrobe change. Hope admitted she still hadn’t heard from Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton), but Thomas suggested they should focus on celebrating.

With that in mind, Hope wanted to go for a walk and do some sight-seeing. After Hope said they couldn’t leave Rome without visiting the Colosseum, Thomas happily agreed to go there with her.

On the Spencer jet, Liam told Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) that this trip was about Hope, not Thomas. Liam wanted to be there to celebrate his wife and stop doing things to push Hope away.

Once the plane landed and Liam finally had cell service, Bill warned him not to call Hope and ruin the surprise. When they saw each other today, Liam felt it would be a moment they’d never forget.

Meanwhile, a woman from the event told Carter, Ridge and Brooke about the Aventine Keyhole. If you looked in the door’s keyhole together, you supposedly got a glimpse of your future and your destiny.

Ridge was skeptical, but he agreed to go there with Brooke and Carter. Since Brooke still had to change, she vowed to get directions from the hotel and meet up with them there.

Ridge worried Brooke would get lost, but she promised she wouldn’t. Unfortunately, Brooke indeed got lost as she searched for the location later – and her phone battery also went down.

When Liam found Steffy in the backstage area, she was stunned and asked what he was doing there. Liam said it was a long story and asked where Hope was since he wanted to surprise her.

Steffy confirmed that the press conference was over and that Hope just left. After Steffy admitted she was sorry, she said she was wrong to question Hope and felt that Hope knew Liam was an extraordinary man.

Although Steffy thought Hope might’ve gone sight-seeing, she wasn’t sure where. Liam decided it didn’t matter and declared that he would find Hope as he dashed off.

Italian music played as Thomas and Hope soaked up the scenery in Rome. Thomas made pics of Hope with his phone on their little adventure, but Liam was always a few steps behind them as his search continued.

Near the Aventine Keyhole, Ridge called Brooke and said it went straight to voicemail, so he didn’t think she was coming.

Carter pushed Ridge to humor him and look through the keyhole while they were there, so Ridge was amazed when he saw Brooke against a spectacular backdrop.

The show played up Brooke as Ridge’s destiny, so he said this was unbelievable.

In front of the Colosseum, Thomas talked about the beautiful landscape and architecture.

Once Thomas called Hope beautiful as well, he said this place was so full of history.

Thomas felt like they made some history today too, so Hope gazed at him before grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss.

Liam witnessed the whole thing in the distance and looked horrified over Hope initiating a make-out session with Thomas.

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers say Liam’s world will shatter over this news, so stick with us for updates on his heartbreak.

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Heather Hughes:
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