The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Friday, December 1 – Eric Collapses After Tearful Confession – Carter Crushed Over Truth

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Friday, December 1 – Eric Collapses After Tearful Confession – Carter Crushed Over TruthThe Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Friday, December 1 – Eric Collapses After Tearful Confession – Carter Crushed Over Truth

The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B) spoilers recap for Friday, December 1, reveals that Eric Forrester (John McCook) refused to let Katie Logan (Heather Tom) and Donna Logan (Jennifer Gareis) talk him out of the party he was planning, so he told them to gather everyone for the announcement.

In the design office, Carter Walton (Lawrence Saint-Victor) confronted Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) now that Eric was making Ridge the executor of his will and giving him medical power of attorney.

Carter could tell something was wrong, so Ridge finally offered updates on Eric’s terminal illness and left Carter reeling.

Although heartbroken Carter hoped to speak with Eric, Ridge was adamant that they had to pretend since Eric didn’t want anyone to know.

Carter realized why Ridge lied about the fashion challenge winner before agreeing to keep the news of Eric’s condition to himself.

RJ Forrester (Joshua Hoffman), Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang), Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) all walked in, so Ridge let them know that he told Carter the truth.

There was talk about the gala Eric was planning since RJ was there when his granddad came up with the idea.

Ridge didn’t like all this pretending, but everyone agreed to keep the secret as Brooke got a text about the meeting they were all needed for.

Once the gang gathered in the CEO office, Eric pitched his party idea and played up how wonderful it would be, so everyone got on board.

After Eric went home with Donna on Friday’s B&B episode, Steffy and the others discussed making this an unforgettable night for Eric’s sake.

At the Forrester mansion, Eric struggled to control his latest tremor and asked Donna if she thought anybody saw his hand shaking. Donna didn’t think so, so Eric suggested that was good since no one else could know about his condition.

After Eric talked about finding his way back to Donna, he expressed how thankful and lucky he felt. Eric didn’t take Donna for granted and eventually teared up as he admitted he was scared.

When Eric became unsteady on his feet, Donna helped him sit down and offered to get him some water.

Eric once again expressed that he was scared before Donna heard him knock over a tray as he collapsed.

Donna ran over to find Eric unconscious on the floor, so she gasped in horror at the sight of him.

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers say Eric will pull through this medical emergency, but Donna will definitely face some alarming moments as a result! CDL’s the place to be for sizzling Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, updates and news, so drop by regularly for more B&B info.

Heather Hughes:
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