The Equalizer Recap 02/19/22: Season 3 Episode 8 “He Ain’t Heavy”

The Equalizer Recap 02/19/22: Season 3 Episode 8 "He Ain't Heavy"

The Equalizer airs tonight on CBS with an all-new Sunday, February 19, 2022, season 3 episode 8 called “He Ain’t Heavy,” and we have your The Equalizer recap below. In tonight’s The Equalizer episode as per the CW synopsis, “Mel engages in a tense family reunion when she and her disapproving sister (Camilla Mana) race against the clock to save their brother Edison (Travis Salter) after he’s abducted.

Also, as the team unravels the motivation behind Edison’s kidnapping, Mel grapples with the fallout of her argument with McCall about training Delilah.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our The Equalizer recap between 8 PM – 9 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Equalizer recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

On tonight’s The Equalizer episode, Mel started out this episode looking for her brother. His name was Edison. He seems to have gotten himself in trouble. Not that Mel knew that at first. All she knew was that Ed had been kidnapped. He was meeting up with one of their other siblings for coffee. Ruby saw him park his car.

She waiting for him to get out when someone ran up on him and she witnessed what she thought was an attempted carjacking. Ruby even thought her brother had been stupid for fighting back. He was trying to scare off the guy by fighting for his car. The only thing he ended up doing was forcing the guy to hop into the backseat of the car with his gun. He took Ed hostage. He forced Ed to drive away. And Ruby saw it all.

Ruby called everyone in the family to tell them what happened. She also contacted the police. Ruby didn’t know about Mel’s secret life. Or she didn’t until Mel introduced her to Robyn. Mel hadn’t wanted to wait around for the police to solve the crime. She wanted to be proactive and so she enlisted her best friend. She knew Robyn was still upset with her for teaching Robyn’s daughter some self-defense, but Mel’s husband Harry told her that Robyn would overlook it to help them find Ed.

It was family after all. None of them were going to let anyone mess with their family. Harry turned out to be right about Robyn because she showed up the second she heard that Mel’s brother was in trouble and working together yielded results. Robyn found all the details about the kidnapping from Ruby. Ruby would never have told Mel everything. Ruby was the sister that believed she had it all and she looked down on Mel for running a bar. She thought Mel should be doing more with her life. She also was very condescending whenever she talked to Mel.

By talking to Robyn, Ruby was able to be objective. They found out the whole story of Ed’s kidnapping. Harry was later able to find a security footage of what happened thanks to Ruby’s description. They got a photo of the kidnapper. Harry also hacked the kidnapper’s phone. They found out that Ed wasn’t just taken for his car.

He was taken because someone wanted him out of the picture. Mel couldn’t understand at first why anyone would do that to her brother because Ed never told her he was in trouble or even suspected he was being followed. And then Mel found out more about his life.

Ed was an investment broker. He left work early on the day he was taken. He hadn’t told anyone why he had to leave. He just left. But Robyn was able to access his computer for Harry. They found out that Ed’s account had siphoned off some money that was supposed to be paid to someone else. For no apparent reason, it had looked like Ed sent money to the Cayman Islands. It had looked like Ed had stolen the money. The account he stole from was a front for the Colombian mob. And so Mel was wondering about what else she doesn’t know when her brother popped back up on the radar.

Ed had escaped his kidnappers. He was trying to get out of town. Mel caught up to him and she promised that she could keep him safe. It turns out Ed never stole the money. He was being framed for stealing the money. Ed hadn’t even known about until Mel questioned him. But hearing that he was not involved was such a relief for her. Mel felt reassured that she did know her brother this whole time. Mel later took Ed to a safehouse. They were supposed to lie low there when Ed unfortunately told Ruby where they were.

Ed kinda missed the part that no one was supposed to know about the safehouse. Not even family. The reason they aren’t supposed to know was because they come rushing over to the safehouse to check on their loved ones and they inadvertently lead the dangerous people right back to their target. Like it did when he told Ruby about where he was. Ruby rushed right over because she figured everything was okay now and she led the mob right back to him. Mel had tried fighting off the mob on her own. And she got overwhelmed.

They still got to her brother. They freaked out her sister. It also didn’t help that Mel knew that the mob would kill her brother the moment they got their money back and so she called in Robyn. They went rushing over to the investment firm because they knew Ed needed his computer. Ed meanwhile was doing his best to stall. Some of it unintentionally. Ed’s password had been changed on him and so he had to fix that and Harry was also stalling on his end. And so the mob was tied up long enough for Mel and Robyn to come rushing to the rescue.

They killed and/or subdued everyone the mob sent. They rescued Ed. Harry also found out it was Ed’s boss who had stolen the money and so that guy gotten arrested as well.

The truth was out that Ed wasn’t a thief and that Mel was a real life superhero, but a conversation with the delectable Detective Dante had helped Robyn. She realized that she couldn’t keep holding back her daughter. Robyn decided to continue Delilah’s self-defense classes. Delilah should know how to protect herself.

And Aunt Vi had some great news too. She was invited to teach at the Kano Art Institute. She showed them that she could help with nurturing young artists and they wanted her to help mold the future.