The Rookie: Feds Recap 01/17/23: Season 1 Episode 12 “Out for Blood”

The Rookie: Feds Recap 01/17/23: Season 1 Episode 12 "Out for Blood"

Tonight on ABC their new series The Rookie: Feds airs with an all-new Tuesday, January 17, 2023, season 1 episode 12 called, “Out for Blood,” and we have your The Rookie: Feds recap below. In tonight’s The Rookie: Feds season 1 episode 12 as per the ABC synopsis, “As the unit investigates a murder victim whose body has been drained of blood,

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Rookie: Feds recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Rookie: Feds episode, Simone and the gang sit for interviews involving the missing person Dante Smith. Smitty gets into how he is shooting a pilot of his own. He found the body and caught it on camera. He swears it was a vampire because the body was drained of blood. Matthew clarifies this. The body was drained. This all leads to Brendon having to explain that he was a vampire detector in a TV series.

Matt shares how he chose Dante’s case. He was found on federal land. Carter and Laura also join the interview. They thought Dante was a drug user but nothing came back on his toe screen which is strange because he had track marks on his arms.

The interviewer then asks Brendon about a picture he appeared in and Dante is also in the photo. The interview pans to a local podcaster who says Brendon is not human. Brendon’s dad appears at the interview and says Brendon is in fact a vampire. Off camera, he tells an angry Brendon that the fans will love this. The subway of supernatural things sends Carter off on a story about Big Foot. Laura reigns him in.

They then detail how they caught a lead, a man who only goes out at night. The suspect told them he had a disease, as he couldn’t go out during daylight. They discovered he was a children’s author who had an alibi. Matt confirms that they then realized that they had a serial killer on their hands, the canyon killer.

Laura takes credit for her profile of the canyon killer. Matt confirms how genius she is. Another agent Mark joins Laura and tells the interviewer he too can be credited for catching the killer. They are both happy to have put him behind bars. The interviewer then heads to prison to talk to the prisoner who says he is innocent and has proof. He returns to Laura and the agent. They seem startled to learn he plans to give them proof he isn’t the killer.

The killer then says that Laura and Mark are having an affair and that Laura is crazy. She didn’t even know her fiancé was stepping out on her. Matt is angry that this interviewer is trying to stir up trouble while Laura and Mark admit they are sleeping together after they are heard talking on their microphones.

Matt shares that Dante’s body was golden from the morgue but they got their body snatched. A man named Jake. He was a model who was washed up and mad at Dante after Dante started dating his ex, a skincare mogul. What got Jake caught was that he mixed Dante’s blood into a face lotion creating bis ex. Simone thinks this is all gross and weird. Brendon then goes into blood types and more. He learned it on his show. Simone doesn’t remember this storyline which proves she didn’t watch his show.

Carter reveals how the skin care mogul and Jake actually worked together to kidnap Dante for his rare blood that she used to make her skin cream. But then they learned that the mogul’s son was actually the killer. He wanted Dante’s golden blood but then he accidentally killed him. He then got caught trying to get others with golden blood. Matt is proud of his team while Simone never wants to use that face cream again.