The Rookie Finale Recap 05/02/23: Season 5 Episode 22 “Under Siege”

Tonight on ABC their new series The Rookie airs with an all-new Tuesday, May 2, 2023, season 5 episode 22 called, “Under Siege,” and we have your The Rookie recap below. In tonight’s The Rookie season 5 episode 22 as per the ABC synopsis,“After one of their own is shot, the team suffers a series of close calls and realizes their division may be a target for a group of masked assailants.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our The Rookie recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s The Rookie episode begins with Aaron and Celina who are walking down the street when they hear a strange noise. They head inside a building to check it out and split up to investigate. All of a sudden, Aaron is hit by a masked assailant. There are three assailants and Celina gets knocked out and Aaron gets shot.

Elsewhere, Bailey is on the phone with John when she hears the call that a cop has been shot. Then, Grey gets a call, and he is told as well, he bolts out of bed.

Bailey arrives on scene, Celina keeps saying that Aaron has been shot, she is fine, just a little dizzy. Grey is there, he setts up a commend post. Celina tells Grey they were ambushed by three men.

At the hospital, Lopez’ water just broke, she is there with Wesley when Aaron is brought in.

Nolan is at the hospital, Celina sees him and wants to give a statement of what the assailant said to her, “covered face, shroud of shame, no escape when you’re to blame, cry me a river, back to the start, dog deliver a live part.” She doesn’t know what it means.

Nolan is in the waiting room, Lopez, Wesley and Harper are there, he tells them about the riddle, Lopez asks him to send it to her. Bailey arrives, she hugs Nolan.

Aaron is rushed to the OR, Celina looks on and she is terrified for him.

Roll call, Bradford says Thorsen is in surgery and if they can give blood, do it. Harper shows them sketches of the masks, they did a sketch from what Juarez remembered. Chen says it looks obvious that they were targeted.

Lopez is in labour, in her room she is writing things on her while board and working on the case, the riddle is written out. Wesley thins maybe it is someone that Aaron or Celina arrested and they are looking for revenge.

In surgery, things are not going well for Aaron, it is one problem after the other.

Nolan and Bailey visit Celina, she asks for updates, but there are none. Celina then tells Nolan she should have called it in the moment she heard something. He tells her not to blame herself, she was ambushed. Because of her, Aaron has a chance. Bailey says Aaron is out of surgery. They ran into a few hiccups, the next 12 hours will be critical.

Chen and Bradford checked with their CI’s, there is nothing about anyone targeting cops. Grey tells them all to go home, clear heads in the morning will solve more.

Celina gets out of bed and goes to check on Aaron who is still out from surgery.

Bailey and Nolan are home, he sees someone out back with a mask on, he tells her to call it in and when she does, he goes outside sees one man but shouts for Bailey when he sees more inside the house with her. They try their best to fight them off. Bailey ends up stabbing one in the back, Nolan has his gun out and he is shooting. He tells the masked assailants it is over, the calvary is coming as sirens are blaring in the background. Nolan shoots the one that was stabbed, backup arrives. Nolan tells her that he needs to warn everyone.

Harper is at home, Nolan calls her and she bolts upstairs with James following, her daughter Leah is gone. She runs outside and the masked assailant takes off in a car but left the baby in bushes, Harper finds her.

The guy that was shot in Nolan’s house is alive, but he is not talking, he says he wants a hospital and a lawyer.

Lopez solves the riddle, it is written backwards and it is a play, the masks were work during a play in 1996. Three weeks before closing, the company sold all the costumes and props to Second Live Theatre Supply and they say there until they were purchased from Roy Gracco, a two time felon with a history of violence.

The team heads out to the last known address of Gracco, heavily armed. They bust down the door and find a man, sitting at a table, he is dead, has a knife stuck in his hand. Chen takes off his mask and it’s Gracco. They realize it is a trap and abort, everyone races out of the house. The riddle let them to Gracco’s house so they could be blown to kingdom come, there was a huge bomb inside.

Angela had the baby, it is a girl, Wesley video calls the team. Aaron is still in a coma, Celina is by his side.

The team has a list, seven people who have a troubled history with Gracco and one of the team, most violent felons. Grey tells everyone to stay Sharpe.

Chen and Bradford are in an apartment building of one of the seven, they knock on the door and nobody answers. A man on the other side of the door sends a text, “come and get them.” All of a sudden, there is crowd coming towards them, multiple armed suspects with masks. Chen manages to call it in. They try to shoot them off but the crowd has protective shields.

Chen and Bradford take out their sticks and start washing them one by one. Nolan and more of the team arrive, there is more hitting and shooting. Grey shows up, he sees one of the attackers getting away and runs after him. Grey is in the basement, Nolan, Grey and Chen join him to find the guy.

It’s dark, shots are fired, the guy starts to panic, he pops a pill in his mouth and waits. Grey calls the guy Luke, he was one of the seven and did 90 days for elder abuse, Grey says he doesn’t get it, how did he end up here. Luke says the 90 days destroyed him, he had to humiliate himself while he was there, he lost his mom, his job, his home, everything. He was just a case to them, but they were an apocolypse. Luke says he is not going back. He turns and shots are fired.

At the hospital, there is a code red with Aaron.

Nolan doesn’t get it, how does a guy like Luke afford to hire a dozen guys who are mercenaries. Then we see a man in a car who says that weaponizing Luke was the smartest thing they did, it drove the LAPD away from their target, by the time they realize the damage they’ve done, they will be long gone.


Dorothy Gale:
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