Tonight on AMC our favorite show The Walking Dead: Dead City air and we have the all-new Sunday, July 2, 2023, episode of The Walking Dead: Dead City recap below. On tonight’s The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1, Episode 3 called, “People Are a Resource,” as per the AMC synopsis, “Dark instincts reveal themselves as Maggie and Negan form a strategy; Armstrong is tested; Ginny embarks on a daring journey.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our The Walking Dead: Dead City recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Walking Dead recaps, spoilers, news, and more, right here!
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Tonight’s episode begins with Ginny, she is walking in a forested area when Megan kills a walker that startles her and he tells her that she has to talk. All he has been doing for months is find a safe place for her and the moment he turns his back, she runs off. She lost Dino, it was in her backpack, so he aays they will retrace their footsteps. Then, Ginny appear near the water, Manhattan is on the other side, she gets into some kind of home made boat and starts to paddle her way over.
Elsewhere, there is a deer in the city, Maggie, Negan and the new crew that makes up Tommaso, Amaia, and Luther, kill it and gut it for food. Amaia starts talking about the early days when they thought the army was going to help them, they didn’t. Croat showed up, his deal is kill or be killed. He now tries to steal from them and kill them. Maggie has a hard time listening to her and goes out for air.
Ginny arrives in Manhattan.
Tommaso shows them that to get to Croat they have to get thew a whole swarm of walkers. Tommaso is the only to have gotten and returned and Maggie wants to know how he did it.
Gritz was found by Croat’s men are brought to him, they handcuff him to a wall.
Tommaso tells his story, he draws a map, he found tunnels where the prison cells are. Maggie reveals that Megan and Croat go back, way back, so he knows how he things. Croat hates him now because Megan shot his ear off, he can goad him out. Luther is sceptical and tells Maggie that her son is probably already dead and she should know that.
Gritz is sitting on the floor where he is handcuffed, Croat walks in, dinner is sitting on the table, including a bottle of wine and music is on. Croat looks at Gritz’ badge and says he must be hungry. Croat tells Gritz that he used to work alternative energy, and now he has built a sanctuary, and all are welcome. He slides a key over the table and asks Gritz why he is there and who he brought with him. Gritz won’t answer, so Croat says he cannot offer him refuge until he no longer poses a threat. Croat is served rotten meat and he is furious. The man who served it is in the room, he puts the key in his mouth, makes him swallow it, then bashes his head on a ledge and throws him over.
Maggie reaches into her jacket and pulls out family photos. Negan interrupts, he found something in a tourist shop, he trapped it for Herschel and he says Luther is wrong, he doesn’t believe that her son is dead. She says when the Croat showed up at their gates she told Herschel to hide, but he wouldn’t and that is the last time she saw him. He tells her a story of his life a long time ago, Annie was robbed and beat up. He found the five men who did it.
Ginny is running through the streets of Manhattan, she almost gets attacked by a walker. She stumbles and drops her dino. Ginny sees a person, covered from head to toe, walk up and kill the walker that almost attacked her, and grabs the dino and puts it in their backpack.
Megan, Maggie and all the new crew sit down for dinner. They start humming and doing dome kind of meditation, ten they begin eating.
Elsewhere Croat is rallying up his people and tells them that the dead are converted to fuel and are there resource. Gritz is brought in in handcuffs, he still won’t talk. Croat puts some sort of gas mask over his face and then threes him into a ring. Gritz is still hancuffed, this time to a pole, a walker, the guy who Croat threw over the ledge because of the rotten food he served him, is released into the caged ring with him. It doesn’t take long for Gritz to decaptiate the walker, the crowd appears to be disappointed. Gritz then takes a knife the walker had, cuts a whole in his chest and goes to get the key he swallowed.
Inwood returns, she was out scavenging. Maggie notes the dino and asks where she got it, she knows a little girl who likes things like that. Inwood gives the dino to Maggie.
Gritz is given his freedom, not to have the handcuffs on anymore because of his win in the ring. Croat has him searched and finds a letter in his boot. Gritz says he came with two men but they are dad, they came to bring a wanted man home, his name is Negan.
Negan is in a kitchen looking for weapons, Luther walks in and tells him the he and Maggie are leaving. Luther found the wanted the wanted poster. Negan says he hopes this is not going to turn into something it shouldn’t, but Luther does not back down and Megan tries to hit him with a frying pan. Luther stumbles backward and falls onto something that pierces his head, he is dead.
Megan is outside, she puts the dino inside a garbage can, lights a match and is about to set it on fire as Ginny is watching from a distance.