The Young and the Restless Recap: Tuesday, December 26 – Claire Rescues Nikki – Jordan Arrested After Deadly Faceoff


The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers recap for Tuesday, December 26, reveals that Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) and Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) will worry about Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) since Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will admit she hasn’t been seen since last night at the GCAC.

Nick and Victoria will assume Jordan (Colleen Zenk) abducted Nikki, but Victor will seem less certain and mention that Nikki might be drinking again.

After Victor updates Victoria and Nick on Nate Hastings’ (Sean Dominic) claims, he’ll point out that Nikki saw them talking and ran out looking guilty. Victor will also sniff the vodka bottle at the ranch and realize it’s mostly water.

Cole Howard (J. Eddie Peck) will eventually arrive and learn that Nikki’s missing like Claire Grace (Hayley Erin), but he’ll reassure Victoria about finding them both.

Once Victoria sees that Nikki left her purse behind, she’ll find her mom’s flask and an address that’s been written down.

Cole will recognize that address as a cabin that his mother took him to as a kid.

There’ll be concerns about Nikki being lured into a trap, so Nick will call the cops before driving to the cabin with Victor.

In the meantime, Victoria will stay with Cole at the ranch in case the lead doesn’t pan out.

Cole will consider the possibility that Claire is in on Jordan’s plan, but Victoria will trust that Claire’s on their side now.

At the run-down cabin, Nikki will stagger in and call out to Jordan, who’ll appear with a gun pointed at her enemy. Jordan will mock Nikki’s drunkenness and confirm that Nikki came there alone.

Nikki will assure Jordan that she ditched her vehicle and got in the car Jordan hired to get there – just like Jordan asked.

Jordan will be surprised that Nikki would do anything for Claire, but Nikki will allude to what Claire means to Victoria and argue that she’d do anything for her children.

“Even die for them? Are you willing to do that?” Jordan will ask.

After Nikki admits she could use a drink, Jordan will insist she came prepared and will hand over a vodka bottle.

Jordan will promise there’s no poison and hint about having a far worse demise in mind for Nikki.

Once Nikki guzzles some booze, she’ll push Jordan to reveal where Claire is.

Jordan will start rambling about loyalty and how she expects Claire to rise the challenge once again.

Next on Tuesday’s Y&R episode, Jordan will wheel unconscious Claire out of the backroom. Claire will ask what Jordan did to her, but Jordan will insist Claire’s just sedated.

When Claire starts to stir, Nikki will bash distracted Jordan over the head with the vodka bottle.

While Jordan’s down on the floor, Nikki will try to get Claire alert and on her feet.

Claire will still be too unsteady at that point, so Jordan will have a chance to get up and fight back.

There’ll be a physical confrontation between Jordan and Nikki, who’ll end up on the floor in a chokehold until she whacks Jordan in the head with something again.

Jordan will wrestle Nikki over to the wall and grab her by the neck once more, but Claire will pick up Jordan’s gun and push her to let Nikki go.

Once Jordan releases Nikki, she’ll trash the Newmans and act like they’d leave Claire in a padded room indefinitely if they had their way.

Claire will argue that she would’ve been loved if Jordan hadn’t taken her, but Jordan will keep trying to twist things around and make the Newman family seem terrible.

As the police sirens approach, Jordan will act like it’s proof that Nikki tricked and trapped them. Nikki will make it clear that she came to help Claire, who’ll continue pointing the gun at Jordan.

Nikki will insist Jordan belongs in prison, but Claire will insist prison is too good for her.

Besides, Claire will assume Jordan would just plead insanity and get sent to a psychiatric facility that she could escape from.

With angry tears in her eyes, Claire will tell Nikki that they can’t let Jordan hurt anyone else.

Jordan will push Claire to put the gun down so they can run away together, but she’ll shift her strategy when Claire stands her ground.

After Jordan invites Claire to pull the trigger, she’ll taunt Claire for not having the courage. Jordan will suggest Claire’s weak – just like she was when she helped the Newmans escape the lake house.

Suddenly, Nikki will barrel into Jordan and fling her toward the nearby wall.

Once Jordan is knocked out, Nikki will get Claire to hand her the gun. Claire will break down sobbing in Nikki’s arms since she’ll be so overwhelmed.

Soon after, the police will arrest Jordan, who’ll tell Claire that she broke her heart.

Claire will fire back that Jordan broke her whole life and will watch her great-aunt get led away in handcuffs.

After Nikki gives Claire some water to flush the sedative out of her system, Victor and Nick will show up.

Nikki will hug Victor and promise to explain everything, but she’ll just be ready to go home for now.

When Nick asks if Claire’s coming with them, Nikki will insist she most certainly is since Claire saved her life.

Victor will decide they owe Claire a debt of gratitude for that.

Once Claire asks what’s going to happen to Jordan, Nikki will promise that they’ll never let her hurt Claire ever again.

As Claire cries, she’ll tell Nikki, Victor and Nick that she’s so sorry for everything. Nikki will take Claire’s hand and stroke her hair to comfort her.

The Young and the Restless spoilers say Claire will need more support as she continues her recovery, so stay tuned for more news on what’s in store.

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Heather Hughes:
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