The Young and the Restless Spoilers: 5 Exciting Returns for 50th Anniversary Celebration – See Which Y&R Stars Are Back

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: 5 Exciting Returns for 50th Anniversary Celebration – See Which Y&R Stars Are BackThe Young and the Restless Spoilers: 5 Exciting Returns for 50th Anniversary Celebration – See Which Y&R Stars Are Back

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers reveal that some familiar faces are headed back to the CBS soap.  Mid-March will kick off return stints for some fan favorites as we build to the show’s 50th anniversary.

Of course, Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) mentioned being part of the planning committee for the bicentennial celebration.

This is going to bring a swanky gala, so that’ll coincide with the anniversary fun and give Genoa City residents a reason to party.

As for those returns we mentioned, Michael Damian will once again be reprising his role as Danny Romalotti.

Danny didn’t get to stay long back at Christmas, so it’s fantastic news that he’ll be back for the anniversary excitement this March.

Patty Weaver will also make a comeback as Gina Roma, who’s a restaurateur and part of the Romalotti family.

Weaver had a run that was three decades long on the CBS soap, so she’s certainly worthy of a spot at the anniversary table.

Other Young and the Restless spoilers say Tricia Cast will return as Nina Webster.

Nina should enjoy the chance to catch up with her son, Chance Chancellor (Conner Floyd), and see some other loved ones while she’s back in town.

Longtime viewers may remember Leanna Love (Barbara Crampton), who made her first Y&R appearance back in 1987.

Leanna is a celebrity journalist with a wild personality, so it sounds like she’ll be on hand to report on the anniversary soiree and all the VIPs.

Finally, look for Veronica Redd to pop up as Mamie Johnson, who served as a fill-in mom for the Abbotts in the 1990s and early 2000s.

It’ll be great to see Mamie reconnecting with the Abbott crew and others in Genoa City.

Nikki will do her part to make the bicentennial celebration a huge success – and Y&R is doing their part to make the anniversary celebration a success with these returns, too.

This is an opportunity to honor the show’s history, so what better way to do that than by bringing back some characters of the past?

The Young and the Restless spoilers say some surprises are in store once the anniversary action heats up, so stick with us for updates on what’s ahead.

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Heather Hughes:
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