When Calls The Heart Recap & Spoilers 08/20/23: Season 10 Episode 4 “Great Expectations”

Tonight on the Hallmark Chanel When Calls The Heart airs with an all-new Sunday, August 20, 2023, season 10 episode 4 and we have your When Calls The Heart recap below. On tonight’s  WCTH season 10 episode 4 called, “Great Expectation” as per the Hallmark Channel synopsis,

“The Coulter baby is late, but Faith assures them it’s fine. By the time Rosemary goes into labor, the entire town is there to support her; Madeline tries to stay in Hope Valley.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our When Calls The Heart recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our WCTH news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s When Calls The Heart recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode begins with Rosemary, she is having contractions while she is out walking with Lee. Rosemary is shouting for Faith who was in the jail cell, she comes running out to assist Rosemary. Minnie starts to cook, she thinks Rosemary and Lee are going to need food. Elizabeth is with Rosemary at home, Lucas outside the house with Lee.

Elsewhere, Mrs. Madelaine St. John is with Jamie when children ask him to go play, she encourages him to go – they play basketball and he is a really good player. Madelaine goes for a ride with Mike, she stops by some land and says she wants to buy it. She asks about Bill and he gives her a little bit of information.

Since Henry got free he has been very quiet, Joseph thinks it is because he didn’t get his penance and he tells Bill there might be a way to give Henry what he wants.

Madelaine goes to see Bill and tells him that she found some town land that she wants to buy. He tells her that town land is not for sale.

Lucas is at home with Jack and Lee who is really nervous. Lee goes out for a walk and Jack put on his Mountie had that Elizabeth gave him, it belonged to his father. Jack asks Lucas if he knew his dad, he says no but he was a great guy. Lucas tells Jack they are going to skip lunch and have ice cream.

Elizabeth is outside emptying a bowl of water when Nathan walks up. She tells him that she is worried, she knows how hard this is. Elizabeth asks him when Allie starting asking questions about her mother, he says it was young. She admits that Jack is asking questions and she just wonders how much she should tell him and when. Nathan tells her to tell Rosemary the whole town is routing for her.

Nathan has a prisoner, a young boy who stole a couple of cans of lard from the general store. The boy is becoming very friendly with Scout, who loves to share meatloaf with him.

Rosemary is still having contractions, Faith and Elizabeth are helping her breath through them.

Lucas is playing marbles with Jack, Lee comes back and says he has never before felt this helpless with Rosemary.

Bill tells Henry that he has bad news, he has been given community service and Joseph gets to decide what he is going to do. Henry tells Bill and Joseph that they are terrible liars.

Nathan makes a deal with the boy, he has to work off in the store the amount he stole and the charges will be dropped.

Bill goes to see Mike about the land that Madelaine wants to buy and he says no way, and he doesn’t trust her, he thinks there is something up with her.

Rosemary is in a lot of pain, Faith is getting worried because he blood pressure is very high. Elizabeth goes to get Lee, she knows that he can calm Rosemary down. After 11 hours in labour, Rosemary needed Lee.

Elizabeth is outside, it is dark and the whole town shows up with candles lit in support of Rosemary and Lee. Faith comes out and says it is girl. Elizabeth is called back inside, Lee tells her to come meet her god daughter, he middle name is Elizabeth, they haven’t chosen a first name yet. Lee says she is their little miracle.

The next day, Elizabeth is with her students when she sees Jamie and Madelaine and says hello to them. The children want Jamie to join them in class, Cooper will show him the ropes. Madelaine says ok.

Lucas is outside on a swing with Elizabeth, he tells her that he had a hard time getting Jack to sleep, he didn’t want to take off his Mountie hat from his dad. She tells him that she gave him the hat, he is glad that she did.


Dorothy Gale:
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