1000-lb Sisters Recap 01/23/24: Season 5 Episode 7 “Dill With It”

Tonight on TLC their fan-favorite series 1000-lb Sisters airs with an all-new Tuesday, January 23, 2024, Season 5 Episode 7 and we have your 1000-lb Sisters recap below. On tonight’s 1000-lb Sisters season, 5 episode 7 called “Dill With It” as per the TLC synopsis,

“The family preps for their very first beach vacation, and Tammy hits some major milestones. While everyone flies, Amy opts for a nine-hour car ride which leaves her and the boys cranky. Then, Chris gives Amy some tough love.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our 1000-lb Sisters recap. While you wait for the recap, make sure to check out all our Television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 1000-lb Sisters episode, Amy’s attitude has drastically changed since she left Michael. Some felt she expected Michael to fight for her. He instead beat her to the punch for filing for divorce and she’s been dealing with that ever since. She was not ready to be a single parent. Amy’s attitude reflects that.

It really was the worst. She’s crying all the time. She’s not taking care of her physical or even mental health. She was feeling sick all the time and she didn’t want help. Her siblings tried to help her. She chose to get angry at them. She lost her temper at them and no one recognizes this new Amy.

Chris tried talking to her about it after their failed family workout session. He wanted to get to the crux of her newfound attitude with everyone and all she did was complain. She said she genuinely felt sick. She said that no one supported her. She said they were yelling at her all the while there’s literal footage of her yelling first.

Amy refused to see that she wasn’t acting like her old self. She was acting like old Tammy. Not even new Tammy. Tammy who pushes herself to workout. The Tammy that eats the right. The Tammy that finally climbed up those stairs to get a pedicure.

Tammy did that tonight. She refused to do it last time because she said the stairs were too much. Tonight she didn’t let that deter her and she climbed those stairs.

It took her a lot of years to be at peace. She is now and she can see for herself that Amy is living in denial. Amy hasn’t come to terms with her divorce. Until she does, she’s going to keep pushing people away. She doesn’t believe she deserves love. She doesn’t think she should be healthy. She’s turned down several opportunities to weigh herself. And she’s had two kids back to back.

Amy was hung up on being a single parent. She never wanted to be one. She wanted to give her kids a family and they do have one. Not all families need to be cookie cutter.

They have a loving mother. They have aunts and an uncle that loves them. Why isn’t that enough? Amy calmed down after the failed workout session. She went with Tammy to get her pedicure. She also went with them to get a spray-tan. It was hard to get it with the excess skin on many of them. Chris’s tan came out with strips of his regular white skin and so he made a joke about himself looking like a zebra.

The sisters also went shopping for bathing suits. It was on Tammy’s bucket list to see the beach. She’s never seen one and so that was their family vacation. The only downside was that she couldn’t find a bathing suit. She wanted a one piece. She didn’t want to wear a bikini because she didn’t want her skin rolls to show. Besides bathing suit shopping, Tammy got to cross another item off her bucket list. She got to fly for the first time. Tammy couldn’t fly before because of her weight. They got two seats for her tonight and she didn’t need them. She fit in one.

Even the seatbelt fit. Tammy enjoyed flying with most of her siblings. Amy chose to drive Pensacola. She chose a long car ride with two toddlers and it didn’t help with her attitude. She was driving down while everyone else was checking out the house. The house had a few steps at the front. Tammy asked for a block to help her get pass the second step and then she was fine. She didn’t throw a temper tantrum. It was a marked improvement over their last family vacation. And it was Amy who got in late.

Amy got a ride from Amanda’s son. They got in late. They couldn’t go to sleep at first and so the family let them sleep in. The boys woke up before Amy did. Her siblings all took turns helping them. They kept up with Gage as he ran around. Tammy fed Glenn his bottle. When Amy woke up, they were all ready to go to the beach. Amy was putting the kids back into the car and they began to fuss. Amy then lost her cool. She started crying. Her siblings did their best to tell her that kids are going to be fussy. They are going to cry. It’s not the end of the world and so Amy saying she couldn’t wait to be done with this vacation was just her overreacting once again.

Tammy had a hard time walking. They got a special wheelchair for the beach. Tammy couldn’t get into it by herself and so they needed to assist her. Then she was fine. The old Tammy would have refused to go to the beach if the wheelchair didn’t fit her instantly. She would have kicked up a fuss. She would have started crying and none of that happened this time. She got wheeled to the beach. She loved every minute of it. Chris made everyone laugh when he revealed his custom booty shorts with a picture of his wife on them.

The only thing Tammy didn’t do was go into the water. She wasn’t quite there yet and so she told herself she’s going to lose more weight until one day she could walk out into the water. Things didn’t kick off until they went to a restaurant. Gage was throwing a fit and that caused Amy to break out into tears again. Amy wasn’t even helping Gage or trying to calm him down. She just gave up. Amanda took Gage in hand. She was going back to the house with Gage and Amy went with her with Glenn.

And that’s when this family vacation started to come off at the rails.


Kristine Francis:
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