7 Little Johnstons Finale Recap 07/02/24: Season 14 Episode 17 “Big Baby, Little World”

7 Little Johnstons Finale Recap 07/02/24: Season 14 Episode 17 "Big Baby, Little World"7 Little Johnstons Finale Recap 07/02/24: Season 14 Episode 17 "Big Baby, Little World"

Tonight on TLC America’s largest known little family, 7 Little Johnstons returns with an all-new Tuesday, July 2, 2024, episode and we have your 7 Little Johnstons recap below. On tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons Season 14 Episode 17 finale “Big Baby, Little World,” as per the TLC synopsis,

“The Johnstons finish their final preparations to welcome a new addition to the family. Anna celebrates Halloween at her new home, and the siblings make freezer meals for Liz and Brice. Then, nerves mount as they all head to Atlanta for Liz’s c-section.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our 7 Little Johnstons recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s 7 Little Johnstons episode, the family celebrated Halloween tonight. Anna dressed up as Liz with a fake bump. It wasn’t her real costume, but she did surprise Liz with it. Liz knows that her real bump was working as an excellent birth control for her siblings. She was also there when Anna showed off her real costume.

She was a redneck cowgirl. Emma dressed up as Cowboy Barbie from the movie. Their outfits looked similar. Emma thought her costume was better. Anna thought her costume was a little more creative.

Only Anna’s costume had her butt cheeks out. Liz had to help her pull down her cowgirl skirt. The girls then got to celebrate the holiday by handing out candy and they even watched a scary movie.

They tried watching a video of a c-section to see what Liz will have. It was just too scary for them and so they were happy to watch a scary movie that was completely fake. Liz’s c-section was scheduled within days. She wanted advice on raising an average size child and she ended up asking her Aunt Heidi about it later on.

Heidi has raised both an average size child as well as a little person. She knew all the issues that will come up. She also warned Liz to buy in bulk the quality baby wipes or she’ll be stuck using the crappy ones that take ten different wipes to do the job.

Liz was lucky enough to have Amber. Heidi lived a few states away from her own mother when she had her kids. Everyone was glad that Liz’s time will be easier. She was living with her parents for now. She and Brice might get overwhelmed when the baby comes. And they were lucky in the sense that they knew that Amber will step in when needed.

Amber last had a baby in the house eighteen years ago. The older three were still young. They didn’t really understand all the work that went into having a baby around the house and now they were older.

They might find living with a baby to be a lot harder. Jonah actually swapped rooms with Liz. Liz and Brice needed a bigger room. They were going to be spending a lot of time at home. They needed space to put the baby cot. They also had to get the baby seat into the car. Trent helped Brice put in the baby seat.

They managed to find a stroller that was little person friendly. Trent also mentioned to Brice that he would be happy if Brice and Liz got married. They would be like Amber. Amber was the flower girl at her parents’ wedding because they got married when she was three. Amber’s situation will probably be Leighton’s future.

Its why the family was so accepting. Its just the couple wasn’t ready for marriage right now. Brice and Liz were still working things out. They had broken up nine months ago. They got together by a happy accident and they got pregnant right after. They still needed to work on communication.

They were happy. They just have to focus on the baby right now. Raising a baby together has broken up strong relationships and who knows what it will do to their relationship. Liz and Brice were amazed that the day of the c-section was fast approaching. The months flew right on by. Her siblings cooked her lasagna for the day of the c-section.

They arranged a snack basket in Leighton’s nursery. They were all going to support their sister no matter what and they even decided to put aside some of the petty snuff to be the best aunts and uncles possible.

Then the date of the c-section came. The family had already packed their bags. They drove Liz and Brice to the hospital. The baby was delivered with no fuss. Leighton was beautiful.

They were all glad that Emma’s prediction was wrong. She thought the baby would be eight pounds because she thought the baby would be a big baby like Brice was. She was wrong. Everyone was relieved about that. Leighton was a petite baby with a head full of hair. She was five pounds. She was beautiful. She also reminded Trent and Amber that they were officially grandparents now.

And now comes the hard part – raising the baby.


Dorathy Gass:
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